The educated incels already know the Geser Kurultaev's theory that usually the incels are not just single type incels (like a ln incel is just a fatcel or just a shortcel) but multiple type (like Zhang who is not only short but struggles with other disadvantages: geocel, chubbycel, not fully developed muscle and money potential, parental dependence, jobless and companyless, busycel and so on.)
Now I suggest him and other shortcels to make an online and offline experiment.Connect online with 10 girls. Tell them you are enough tall. For example 181 cm. And see how many of these 10 will date you just because you are that tall.

Are there many that will ignore your chubbycel, geocel, parentcel or other problems?
If and only if there is at least one who really want to date you, make an
easy softmaxx type heightmaxx: buy those shoes that makes you 15 or more centimeters taller. And put a cap. It will make you tall enough. Like honey, who is 164. In his case: 164 + 15 (shoes) + 2 (cap) = 181 cm.
Then after the girl see and talk to him and find out that he is without shredded body, with chubby face, without company, without job, living in a small place with the rest of his family, playing games like teenagers (he said it is a good trait, let it be), talking often the same topics again and again (a fresh example was how here he again "reminded" us how stupid are the Chinese who don't think several millions is big money

) and has no good clothes style... weather or not she will date him again?
Try and see! This will wake up many shortcels or self-proclaimed shortcels that they are being more than just short. They usually are also poorcels, fatcels or chubbycels, mentalcels, geocels, shycels, etc.