I suppose we are talking about the looks and the whole appearance (face, body, voice, gestures...)
Sometimes it's hard to say who mogs who.
Yesterday I saw a group of Western tourists and their local tuk-tuk driver. The Western males were taller than him but with bigger bellies and smaller muscles. He was shorter but looked stronger and more muscular, shredded. Who mogs who?

About me, let us say it rougly that around 3 of 10 males probably mog me. But it depends of the values and tastes of the females. For example, if a female cares most about the capital, oh, then even low T chubbycels with mental and law issues like Zhang totally mog me! I have maybe only around 0.5% or less than their capitas. But if she cares more about the height, then I mog maybe 55% of the males around. If she cares about the age, I mog only 20%-30% of the males around. If she cares about the body, I mog 70% of all those dadbods, chubby, fatty, slimmy guys and some of the sporty ones. And if she cares about the religion most, as an atheist-ignostic I mog 0% of all those believers, monks, etc.