About Shuaisoserious -- he's with exactly the body that you should have. A perfect example for a person who looks like some of the pop idols (in fact with more than a million subscribers he's a sort of idol). If you keep the simple, right diets and you do the simple but useful exercises and (later) you start to use some gym tools, I have no doubt that you will be something like this person. And when you do, you'll be more than enough attractive. 
Yeah, he really taught me many things, and I gotta eat one ffffffffffffffffffff cream cake just now because my father told me to

(. I already intook like 711 calories already. I will eat some eggs and so on and call it a day. I also didn't do the rest two exercises I task myself to do, and didn't drink 11-12 cups of water because I was tired and slept, but the good thing is that, I 'turned down and day and night upside down' before that sleep and by that sleep I 'returned them'.
I can finally understand why so many people can't work out, even though they desire a good body, because you really gotta keep highly self-conscientious which people tend not to be glad to do.