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Author Topic: Chad's body  (Read 896 times)

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Chad's body
« on: September 01, 2022, 02:09:23 AM »

Some truisms about the Chads' bodies

The incels know that Chads have got not only attractive and masculine faces; they know that being a Chad = having a strong, muscular, huge body too.

I see a problem here. There are those "Everything is genetic lottery, bro!" incels who do believe that the Chads just have muscles "genetically". They can't understand that even the best genetically gifted Chads will become fatties if they just eat, drink and do not do any sport activity! These incels are so uninformed about the biology of the human body that they believe that a real Chad body isn't attainable without putting in some serious effort!

Even their image (concept) of "untrained Chad" is a Chad with body that is impossible without diets and fitness:

The Classic Untrained Chad VS. Gym-maxxed incel


 Isn't it pretty obvious that if there is a Chad with this kind of body he may be not gymmaxxed but for sure he is fitness or cross-fitness maxxed and on low-calorie diet?

At least some of the incels know that if a Chad is inactive, lazy, hence obese he's not a Chad (there is that term "Chad in disguise").
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Re: Chad's body
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2022, 04:00:13 AM »
 Some people in China (even a professional bodybuilding instructor who I met in the last gym I visited) think that there is something genetic (genetic advantage) when it comes to the white (Caucasian) people building muscles. Of course it's not true -- white, yellow, black, mixed -- all of us need hard work out + right food + right drinks when we want to build better bodies.
 The incels in question who think that there are Chads who're with perfect bodies only because they have got good genes are wrong. They absolutize the genetics. The genetics is the base. When the base is better your bodybuilding will be also better but when there is only a base without bodybuilding or at least some serious sports activity then the result is fat or chubby body (at best -- an average body, when the diet consists of both healthy food and healthy drinks.)
 Think about it -- did you ever met a Chad (Chang, Tyrone) who isn't playing American football, rugby... practicing wrestling, MMA, judo, karate, kick boxing... or at least, hitting the gym, doing yoga, running, biking...
 The Chad from the meme above may have this kind of body only if he's not eating too much + if he's a regular swimmer (and adding some simple gym exercises at least 3 times a week). There are no people "just born like this".
 The gymmaxed incel can't look like that if he's not a professional bodybuilder.
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Re: Chad's body
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2022, 05:58:08 PM »
If you have good looks, money and a right personality, you only need little muscle to get girlfriend. But if you're poor, shy and ugly, you have to work more to gain more muscles, to try to improve your status, psychological problems and earn more money. Otherwise it's over. Where is the woman who wants poor, ugly, shy and loser body man?
Inceldom sucks...


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Re: Chad's body
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2022, 02:54:41 AM »
Ahaha, some females think the same about the pretty ones. They think they're born with lean bodies and don't have to suffer all those diets, calorie count and fitness to keep their bodies fit.


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