I am glad that someone who is not a friend (and we even never met offline or online) is offering my e-book! I'm also glad that there are comments -- bad or good, it's okay when people are giving some feedback.
And now, concretely:
1. The e-book is useful for some of the truecels too. Depends on the degree of the truecelism. Usually, a real incel who isn't a fakecel is a truecel.
Incel and
truecel are sort of tautological.
Well, if he means some extreme level of low-tier incels (all those between 0.01/10 to 2/10) then it makes some sense but as far as everyone may maxx (adding some more value to his previous self and becoming a better self or even the best version of himself) then there is a chance for the so-called truecels as well.
2. The socialmaxx is really not the point of the book (and if it is, it's just one of many). The metapill and the atleastism (the bases of the book) stipulate that there are many maxxing ways and it can't be so one-sided (nearly bluepilled) saying that incels can escape the inceldom just via socialmaxxing.
3. The book isn't blackpilled at all (I know that for some incels "blackpill" and "blackpilled" equals to "the best" and it's a sort of compliment but as I said it's metapilled). Once again, it's based on the
metapill + atleastism. If you want to use the "classical" pill jargon, it's the most close to the so-called "redpill", just because the "redpill theory" is the closest to the reality (something between the fatalism, biologism and pessimism, etc. of the "blackpill theory" and the naivety (too optimistic, overvalues the personality and neglecting the biological side of the things and so on) of the "bluepill theory").
4. If you have no idea what is philosopher who is dealing with the
Philosophical anthropology, i. e. a philosopher-anthropologist, well, of course you'll be prone to describe everything that is science-based as " load of garbage".

About the "problems of love" -- my Master's degree graduation thesis was about the human love.
5. It's only 29 pages because as I said I'm "straight to the point" and don't like to waste the time of the people; also most of the incels aren't highly educated so it'll be not likely the majority of them to start reading something that is 500 pages, so I tried to keep it short, understandable, not time consuming and easy to read even for people who're still in the middle school or in the high school, i. e. to be okay for reading-and-understanding even for those who're youngcels. Also, I know that a big part of the incels aren't native English speakers and when your English isn't very good more than 29 pages may be a sort of "torture" to read, so tried to keep it as short as I could.
6. Nothing to do with the PUA (pick-up artist/pick-up artists)... if it was "only socialmaxxing", okay, take it as a PUA but it's something far away from this. The PUA (some of them) are working only if you're at least a Norman-tier and you're in the right place, with the right girl. The majority of the incels aren't normies, hence for them "just socialmaxx" and/or "just PUA" isn't enough.
It's really strange how a person who even didn't read 1 page of a certain e-book already thinks that knows how it "reeks".

7. About the face -- if the person could realize that there are ways to:
- improve your face even without hard-maxx (like surgeries)
- compensate with other maxxes the face ugliness
then he can't say something like this boring platitude.