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Author Topic: Some opinions about "How to Escape the Inceldom" by Geser Kurultaev  (Read 2010 times)

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Some opinions about "How to Escape the Inceldom" by Geser Kurultaev

"How to Escape the Inceldom: A QUICK GUIDE TO Deincelization" (an e-book by the incelologist philosopher Geser Kurultaev) is one of the best e-books about the dealing with the inceldom. There are some opinions about it in other websites which I see and will share here because we need to discuss everything about the inceldom here.

1. Vortex (a well-known rude and not very educated incel) comment it with "Sh*t" (which came to reaffirm his rudeness and his ignorance) and "Landwhale with kids." (about the philosophy of atleastism). I bet he didn't read the e-book at all.

2. Some other guys recommended it to people they know: blumen4alles wrote that shigeridoo should read this. And Anus_Expander called Dangus to check it out.

3. AntiPostmodernist didn't read it too, I suppose, but the man has a point that worth to see and comment: I'll skip the suicide part (because we're against it, even when it's a joke) and represent the essential part:
until you are born as a human male with chad genetics.

Step three: use those chad genes to get your dream job and ideal waifu, buy a house with that job and have that family you wanted you whole life with that waifu.

Step four: delude yourself into thinking your success in life was all about the things you did rather than about how your being capable of accomplishing those things out of your very nature.

Step five: mock the unsuccessful incels for not doing the things their biology rendered them incapable of doing, satisfy your ego with the egalitarian myth that successes in life all come down to having the right philosophy, with inherent nature and it's unequal gifts having nothing to do with any of it.

That's all so far.


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Re: Some opinions about "How to Escape the Inceldom" by Geser Kurultaev
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2022, 04:05:52 AM »
 About these systematic negative and low effort comments of Vortex, well, I am not convinced he is anything more than a person who is too young (less experience in life than most of the adults), not educated enough (to be able to understand the inceldom problems) and a guy who doesn't know the basic ethics (no idea how to behave and interact normally). Many such cases.
 The only try I can suggest it, to tell him to read the The Pretty Stacy and the Ugly Becky article. If that can't help him understand, he really has no chance to do it now. Maybe after years... maybe not. Some people do learn, some people never learn.
 The atleastism (when we talk about its implying in solving the inceldom problems) doesn't mean to accept every woman; it stipulates that every incel is able to become a better version of himself; the efforts aren't senseless; if you can't become a 10/10 Chad (GigaChad, Prettyboy), at least you may become an acceptable Norman, Bradlite or something like this (let's say, 4/10 to 7/10 person) if you do enough maxx-ing (gymmaxx, edumaxx, moneymaxx, personalitymaxx, artmaxx and so on).
(See the Maxx law.)

 About the recommendations -- many thanks to those men!
 And now let me comment a bit more the AntiPostmodernist's sentences:

 1. The Chads are overvalued (see The Chad-overexaggeration). Not only Chads do have girlfriends and goo jobs, and so on. There are many Brads and Normans who are also havers.
 2. Yes, it is easier (Halo effect) when you're very attractive but it doesn't mean that they don't work (sometimes really hard). It's a myth that if you're just handsome and everything is ready. It's even easier if you're very rich rather then if you're just very handsome. Without learning and working, most of the Chads will fail (and even will decrease their looks -- imagine a Chad who stops the sports, starts eating and drinking everything, smoking... in 5-10 years he's already just a Norman or worse.) But I do agree that the successful people often do not count the Halo effect and think that everything is due to their hard work.
 3. The opposite is also following the same logic -- yes, there are Chads (and Stacies, and so on) who do think that incels are just lazy; they do not understand the Horn effect and they're making that error called "Just world fallacy". But, come on, look around -- there are so many incels who're really low IQ and lazy, even crazy people: a big percentage are just teencels who even didn't go to college, others are so lazy that only play games and eat, and drink... and there are all those psychopaths who're liking "ER" (to kill innocent people like Elliot Roger), talking about suicides, wishing to harm females and/or Chads and so on... Realize that most of these self-proclaimed incels aren't truecels and they just do minn themselves (via sedentary lifestyle, alcohol, tobacco and, sometimes even drugs!) instead of to do maxx themselves!

 It's really simple: you may be born 3/10 and the Chad may be born 9/10. But if he do the same as those losers (alcohol, no sports, tobacco and so on) he'll become a 4/10 after several years. And you, if you live a healthy life (sports, healthy diets, learning, etc.) you may become a 7/10 or, at least, a 5/10 man. So?
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Re: Some opinions about "How to Escape the Inceldom" by Geser Kurultaev
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2023, 03:18:34 AM »
Hey, hey! There are new ones!!! As a person who likes to learn more about the incels I found a thread where they discuss about the book.

mistersinister ("New Creation") is telling them (the other incels) to "BUY THIS BOOK IF YOU ARE NOT A TRUECEL".  Maybe he means if you're not a very serious incelizated like some disability or some horrific 0.1/10 looks.

Shrek ("Always productive day, never reproductive day") asks if he bought it and can he give some spoilers. It shows he's interested to have a look.

Here mistersinister is answering him that it (the e-book) is applicable to non-truecels basically telling you how to socialmaxx and that thr book is blackpilled. Here I could disagree because I know the content and it's not about only the socialmaxx. May the socialmaxx isn't even a 1% of the book. ;D

And here Animecel2D ("Hee ho!") is quoting them the
This book is written by a professional philosopher-anthropologist majored in the problems of love. The book is useful for most of the involuntary celibates (a.k.a. "incels") (and all those who have some interests in these problems). It's a short, direct and positive guide based on the new philosophical theory of the atleastism (atleastism = "at least; better than nothing"). It's useful for those who really want to start a positive action and to get better via the right work.
quote. It's from the intro or the description of the book made by the author (Geser Kurultaev).

mistersinister is telling him that the quote shows that he admitted it. Animecel2D is asking "Admitted what?" and the answer clarifies that it wokrs for non-truecels.

Good, but here comes a rude answer from Animecel@2D who is typing that "Nope," and "it sounds like a load of garbage to me."
Also he is showing ignorance by "What the fuck is a “philosopher-anthropologist majored in the problems of love” supposed to be?" and for him the quantity is a problem + questioning the quality/the content by "There is only 29 pages and this reeks of pua bullshit “just buy my book and you can stop being incel teehee” you probably haven’t even read this trash either". Rude and ignorant answer, isn't it? That's why he's an incel. ;D And here I totally do agree with someone who's telling him that he's an mentalcel, I suppose there is at least one who can give him this honesty.

Sexless incel ("Buddy boyo")'s comment it just a "KEK"... :-X

And some SoloAlex ("It's Friday, I'm not in love…") is commenting with a blackpilled boring sentence "No book for your face".

As we see there are different incels. Some are more positive and more optimistic, others are more negative, even some are very rude and pessimistic. So different~


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Re: Some opinions about "How to Escape the Inceldom" by Geser Kurultaev
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2023, 03:21:09 AM »
 Good to know. I'll comment the comments later. :)
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Re: Some opinions about "How to Escape the Inceldom" by Geser Kurultaev
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2023, 04:10:15 AM »
 I am glad that someone who is not a friend (and we even never met offline or online) is offering my e-book! I'm also glad that there are comments -- bad or good, it's okay when people are giving some feedback.
 And now, concretely:
 1. The e-book is useful for some of the truecels too. Depends on the degree of the truecelism. Usually, a real incel who isn't a fakecel is a truecel. Incel and truecel are sort of tautological.
 Well, if he means some extreme level of low-tier incels (all those between 0.01/10 to 2/10) then it makes some sense but as far as everyone may maxx (adding some more value to his previous self and becoming a better self or even the best version of himself) then there is a chance for the so-called truecels as well.
 2. The socialmaxx is really not the point of the book (and if it is, it's just one of many). The metapill and the atleastism (the bases of the book) stipulate that there are many maxxing ways and it can't be so one-sided (nearly bluepilled) saying that incels can escape the inceldom just via socialmaxxing.
 3. The book isn't blackpilled at all (I know that for some incels "blackpill" and "blackpilled" equals to "the best" and  it's a sort of compliment but as I said it's metapilled). Once again, it's based on the metapill + atleastism. If you want to use the "classical" pill jargon, it's the most close to the so-called "redpill", just because the "redpill theory" is the closest to the reality (something between the fatalism, biologism and pessimism, etc. of the "blackpill theory" and the naivety (too optimistic, overvalues the personality and neglecting the biological side of the things and so on) of the "bluepill theory").
 4. If you have no idea what is philosopher who is dealing with the Philosophical anthropology, i. e. a philosopher-anthropologist, well, of course you'll be prone to describe everything that is science-based as " load of garbage". ;D About the "problems of love" -- my Master's degree graduation thesis was about the human love.
 5. It's only 29 pages because as I said I'm "straight to the point" and don't like to waste the time of the people; also most of the incels aren't highly educated so it'll be not likely the majority of them to start reading something that is 500 pages, so I tried to keep it short, understandable, not time consuming and easy to read even for people who're still in the middle school or in the high school, i. e. to be okay for reading-and-understanding even for those who're youngcels. Also, I know that a big part of the incels aren't native English speakers and when your English isn't very good more than 29 pages may be a sort of "torture" to read, so tried to keep it as short as I could.
 6. Nothing to do with the PUA (pick-up artist/pick-up artists)... if it was "only socialmaxxing", okay, take it as a PUA but it's something far away from this. The PUA (some of them) are working only if you're at least a Norman-tier and you're in the right place, with the right girl. The majority of the incels aren't normies, hence for them "just socialmaxx" and/or "just PUA" isn't enough.
 It's really strange how a person who even didn't read 1 page of a certain e-book already thinks that knows how it "reeks". ;D ;D ;D
 7. About the face -- if the person could realize that there are ways to:
  • improve your face even without hard-maxx (like surgeries)
  • compensate with other maxxes the face ugliness
then he can't say something like this boring platitude. :)
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Re: Some opinions about "How to Escape the Inceldom" by Geser Kurultaev
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2023, 04:32:22 AM »
 ;D LOL  ;D

He's asking mistersinister brocel if he read "this trash" but he, himself, didn't read it at all and already knows that it's a "trash"? "Clever".
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Re: Some opinions about "How to Escape the Inceldom" by Geser Kurultaev
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2023, 04:58:16 AM »
I think they're youngcels and blackpilled incels...
I want to improve my English.


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Re: Some opinions about "How to Escape the Inceldom" by Geser Kurultaev
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2023, 04:03:27 PM »
 Usually when you meet incels online they're from these types. Offline, there are many others. Some of them even have no idea that they're incels. There is a very big bluepilled majority, some redpilled people... the blackpillers aren't the majority but online they are.
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Re: Some opinions about "How to Escape the Inceldom" by Geser Kurultaev
« Reply #8 on: July 12, 2024, 12:18:06 PM »
Yeah brocel contributed some ---  insights here, but you also gotta --- learn that how our --- irritable(maybe because he is in --- menopause. Who --- knows ::)) old baby yelled when his bad feeling couldn't get consoled after his depressed complaints, bruh applied his 6-7 y.o native level Chinese proficiency for the --- 'revenge' on WeChat, and had got XI-phobia so that now he gotta be talking a river about how bad Xi was, how unagreeable China was, and how migration was optimal.
I want to --- telling you, all of you haters of China, who have a psychological issue unfound——China-phobia, that,
in China, our educational system can make a poor child feeding himself up on --- garbage soy products(or even inable to do that) a successful enterprenur, for ex Liu Qiangdong, our safety system can make there no gunshooters at night here, our military can thrill --- brothel lowly paid sexual worker Desi to be sexually impotent forever(see how our voluntary army kicked American soldiers' --- asses in the Korean War!) and our society cares about poor children, disabled people, and old people.
--- jealous? hahaha
« Last Edit: July 12, 2024, 07:12:46 PM by Non-SEO »


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Re: Some opinions about "How to Escape the Inceldom" by Geser Kurultaev
« Reply #9 on: July 12, 2024, 07:15:54 PM »
He just had to tell you in the face what a human trash, criminal and psycho you are.

We don't hate China (it's your hallucination), many of us are from China or lived there long. We are just anti-Xi.

And you showed already your fake anti-Xi, anti-communist face. How fast you showed that you are just a propaganda tool.
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Re: Some opinions about "How to Escape the Inceldom" by Geser Kurultaev
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2024, 02:27:25 AM »
The hallucinating degraded criminal with sick needs to drink females menstruation liquid mixed with cerebrospinal fluid, to praise Putin and his favorite Chinese CP, and to wishes death in horror ways to a woman that dreams to sleep with! The ultimate insanity level. This is Zhang.

He, who forgot that MSL isn't a student, later he thought that he is even from Russia (fading memory) and also, as a fat liar, he tried to convince us tha MSL wants to lock three of his threads (later beg me on PM lock other threads)... Exactly you, little crazy criminal shitty boy like face and body undeveloped mentalcel are talking about babies, 7 y.o. and so on?

You childish idiotcel for who the ability to curse well in Chinese is more important than the abilities to build good body, to write books and poems, to make discoveries... No wonder you are in love with Xi. But what? Even Xi looks more normal, more male as body and as behavior like you childish insane weak chubby pathetic human being joke.

Migration is optimal and only losers like you are insufficient to go abroad and stay there to praise Xi and his CCP. You loser couldn't even run in the neighboring Japan. lololololololol
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Some answers to Zhang
« Reply #11 on: July 14, 2024, 08:31:42 PM »
"Yeah brocel contributed some ---  insights here"

Brocel. Ha-ha! "Brocel" means "brother incel", "bro incel", i. e. someone who is another incel. And speaking of schizophrenical contradictions, here came the next Zhang's one: he says d that I have a wife and now he is viewing me as a brocel. :D

 "but you also gotta --- learn that how our --- irritable(maybe because he is in --- menopause. Who --- knows ::)) "

1. Zhang who admitted that he wasn't a good learner during his school time, obviously lacks of knowledge about the human biology. Bt the way he told me that he is like a "biology idiot" and now I see that it's really true.

Let's educate a bit our ridiculous lly uneducated Zhang. The menopause is something that occurs ONLY in the females' bodies. Link: https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/menopause/what-menopause

2. But what if he really knew that it's a 100% female phenomenon? Then, the mentalcel and criminalcel Zhang, who has a terrible bar memory, make be forgot that I am a male?
 It is quite possible because he already denobstrated his memory problems by calling me: a student, a Russian, an American... He just can't memorize simple facts like I am a graduated professional philosopher from Bulgaria, EU.

3. But what if it's just because his (many times proven) bad English?
 Maybe the ignorant unstable crazy-crimecel meant the "Late-onset hypogonadism" (a.k.a. "LOH") or "testosterone deficiency syndrome" (a.k.a. "TDS") the correct terms for a condition in older men characterized by measurably low testosterone levels and clinical symptoms mostly of a sexual nature.

IN SUCH A CASE, it's very "a self humiliation case" because the poor man SEVERAL times affirmed that you are the one with the low testosterone levels! A low Tcel! Your looks, behavior and so on, clearly give the impression of a boyish (far from real man) nature! And YOU to talk to others, especially to me, about low testosterone issues is the best joke recently!  :D

"old baby yelled when his bad feeling couldn't get consoled after his depressed complaints, bruh applied his 6-7 y.o native level Chinese proficiency for the --- 'revenge' on WeChat"

1. Zhang, you know well that you have "baby" like (juvenile, undeveloped) face, frame (body), voice and so on. So you speaking of babish thins is another ridiculous joke 🤣...

2. Yes, I was comparatively soft to you, because you told me that for you is easy to commit a suicide. And I don't want to provoke your depressions but I had to tell you strongly that I disapprove your calls for murder, violence and the rest of your madness + I am telling you that if you meet me somewhere and tell me in my face what you post here (murders, curses, lies, etc.) I will hit you for sure!

3. Yes, I can't curse in Chinese better than the 7 year old people. I learned science Chinese and cultere Chinese. Because I am in another level. I am not low-leveled person like you, to learn the curses. For example, look how pathetic and funny you are. You learned in English how to type useless and self-degrading words like "fucking", "muh" and so on, but you didn't know even how to use "menopause" correctly.

 And what revenge?! You are such a lame, weak, mentally damaged and morally degraded individual that it's pointless someone to think of revenges against you. The life (nature) already punished you enough. And you know it well, otherwise you can't be THAT depressed, desperated and suicidal pity Chinese man.[/url]

"and had got XI-phobia so that now he gotta be talking a river about how bad Xi was, how unagreeable China was, and how migration was optimal."

Said the man who nonstop is complaining against China, Xi, Xiism, etc.

I love China but it's already Xina. It's a neudlfeudal and neo-imperialistic state. Xi caused a lot of damage to the Chinese people and the foreigners in China, and even those outside of China. Because of Xi I lost my 20+ students, had to close my school little private school, lost a lot of savings because of his crazy 0 COVID policy, suffered a lot there, even couldn't use public transportation and hurt myself in a bike accident because refused to be part of the 0 COVID madness.

So, recently, many Chinese and foreigners ARE LEAVING China. They are wise and they know that they shouldn't wait to the end when they even can't use their money, property and even they may be forced to fight in some terrible war.
 But the lowIQcel like Zhang and the low IQnoncels around him just can't realize the danger and overestimate the problems in Xi-na...

"I want to --- telling you, all of you haters of China, who have a psychological issue unfound——China-phobia, that,
in China, our educational system can make a poor child feeding himself up on --- garbage soy products(or even inable to do that) a successful enterprenur, for ex Liu Qiangdong, our safety system can make there no gunshooters at night here, our military can thrill --- brothel lowly paid sexual worker Desi to be sexually impotent forever(see how our voluntary army kicked American soldiers' --- asses in the Korean War!) and our society cares about poor children, disabled people, and old people.
--- jealous? hahaha"

1. We haven't any China haters here. Being against the neo-emperor Xi or being against a crazy criminal like Zhang doesn't make anybody a Sinophobe. :D

2. The security in China is less and less. More people use knives or other tools to kill. You are not well informed about the current China situation caused by the Xi's mistakes: more jobless, more poor, more desperate, more suicidal, more criminals. But you are rich and still can't feel it, but the results are the same, because you are originally a depressed, psychotic, aggressive, suicidal, crimes commiting low level Chinese citizen.
 About the Korean war, obviously your knowledge is only from a propaganda movie. Read well who fought there (UN vs. China, USSR and satelite supporters like Bulgaria) and how the war finished without a winner!
 Not to mention how much more Chinese VS. Americans died there... Just educate yourself, but ... I don't think you can. You are lost and hopeless.
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Re: Some opinions about "How to Escape the Inceldom" by Geser Kurultaev
« Reply #12 on: July 14, 2024, 09:00:08 PM »
One of the best answers in the entire web! Respect!

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Re: Some opinions about "How to Escape the Inceldom" by Geser Kurultaev
« Reply #13 on: July 14, 2024, 09:59:56 PM »
哦 他是对的。


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Re: Some opinions about "How to Escape the Inceldom" by Geser Kurultaev
« Reply #14 on: July 14, 2024, 10:10:16 PM »
It's enough!


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