1. Your example, Zhang 先生 is basically wrong because you compare crimes with freedom. You know that our rules follow the USA and Google rules here. The American law forbids the crimes like terrorism, pedophilia and so on, so you are not free to be a criminal.
Comparing a crime like pedophilia with free expression of legal thoughts, doubts, questions isn't right analogy.
2. "You speak of freedom of speech, but do you think it's okay to say 'f.k you Alexa' to you and when you get angry I say 'Why you get angry? It's freedom of speech! You should lemme curse on you!'?"
Lame logic and poor understanding of what is freedom of speech again. And again to teach you a bit:
Cursing, insults, all this is cyberbullying. Nothing to do with the free speech. Are you (I think you are not, but let's suppose) that low IQed to think that "F. U., Alexa!" is a sort of speech

Of course, there are some opinions that Alexa is a whore, because of her freer sexual behaviour with hot men and her online sexual activities that earn her money legally but just to curse her because she doesn't see you as one of the hot guys here, isn't any sort of "speech".
Only a first grader will misinterpreted a two word curse with speech which requires at least some sentences with opinion or questions.
3. "but should you hurt my feeling with these behaviours?"
Nobody knows that you are so fragile and you couldn't stand some healthy criticism. Yes, I got some minimal ideas about it when you spoke about how the school ruined your life. People even got beaten in school l, robbed, experienced racket and whatever but didn't even call it culprit for there present problems. That time I saw you are too sensitive and fragile. But hey, you are here to ascend and part of it is to see the reality and how people see you.
For example, some said you are weak AND JUST now you confirm with "you hurt my feelings"... Too weak! Why? Because nobody said curse, insult or even minimal aggressive thing to you like "Bro, come to fight!" but you behave like a little girl in grade 1. Sorry but, it's not how a 23 y.o. Chinese MALE can react, especially when he wants to ascend. Ascending requires more psychological power.
4. EQ, as it was written in other thread is NOT debunked. Just reminding you. I know you have great memory. 
5. "Freedom of speech is not a valid excuse for being low-EQed. It just becomes a copium for being that."
Good. Then take some time and educate yourself exactly what is speech and how it differs from curses, crimes, etc. Don't be low IQed, improve your knowledge. I never saw an adult to compare freedom of speech and expression with curses and crimes. This was "mind blown"...
ALSO you mean we are low EQ-ed because we hurt your feelings with honest answers and honest doubts. And you? When you accused us of surveillance for being kind and atentive to your nicknames or for uselessness when we are spending hours to think about your problems? You don't know how this ingratitude hurts, right? So long for the high EQ. At least realize that if you never found this forum you will be in your 30s already a very fat, religious and ill person. We changed your future in a week waking you up from all those Blackpillism and at the end, sorry pals, but you're worthless... This was sad!
6. "did not make me feel warmed at all. "
At first people were warm to you a lot but later it came to the point to start working hard, because you have to man up! Now you need a nanny or real men like us and real strong girls like them to point you the strong will, the power, the soldier spirit? How long you will need being treated as a kid? Your father treats you so, he even chooses your food!!! Do you need we to be the same spoiling and making you fat, formless, will lacking soy type male? No, you don't. You gave to know best what is in your interest.
7. "When you 'pass the line', the other side will only get mad at you even though you do something out of good intention."
And then why you don't tell this to your father? Tell him he passes the line with your diets not telling us we pass with our normal frank and helpful true support here.
Be a bit more brave.
I really doubt I am just talking to a series of brick walls. Why not think carefully over what I write before even replying? Can't you get 'the same logic'? I need you to tell me freedom of speech =/= freedom of crime?

Ok, i don't know about freedom of speech while y'all are experts, who however still can't understand freedom of speech =/= freedom of hurting other's feeling, after I have explained for like millions of times. I am not here to play the game 'Who knows more things of the English dictionary' with anyone and yeah I am lexically a first grader while lexically you are.. a Ph.D student graduating from Harvard

'some healthy criticism'
Srsly dude? Maybe you should check the outside of SEO and ask some people if they will think these 'healthy critism' is really healthy and not irking or irritating. There must be someone who do this ngl, because it really surprises me that the criticism(I am not saying all of it is. I am referring to part of it) is healthy in the perspective of you and you blame me for being emotionally fragile myself. Who is really 'cruel' and 'soulless' may I ask? So I must accept the critism and say 'Oh thx for the criticism' and I gotta say that otherwise I will be doubted to be still continuing? What kind of cult am I in now? 'Being criticized to ascend' cult lmao?
Oh and as I remember(again. I just glampsed instantly at part of that reply of yours about EQ having been 'debunked'), you just refer to the wiki of EQ. Google 'Jordan·Peterson EQ is debunked'.
Oh and I am saying about your problems and you turn to talk about my father lmfao. Well strategy to 'give the bullet' lol, and no need to remind me to tell them to him since I have done so.