OK, here comes the metapill offtopic: "
Is it really unequivocal that "Success is only for successful-born people."?"
A person nicknamed
depression_redditv3 who already attacked rudely the metapill theory and me with "garbage", "braindead" and so on, wrote something called "Success is only for successful-born people. This is unequivocal."
Let me see is it something useful or not?
Short? Upturned nose? Introverted? Bad memory? "Low IQ"? Unlucky?
No success for you.
As you notice this is not completely true because there are many short-but-successful people!
Vladimir Lenin was only 5' 5" (1.65 m). Dani DeVito is even shorter -- 4' 10" (1.47 m), Luka Modrić is
5' 8" (1.72 m), ... There are many examples. The average IQed people will get it at once.
As you may know many successful people are introverts -- a short list: Larry Page, Mark Zuckerberg, Steven Spielberg, Bill Gates.
Just an upturned nose and then no success?! Even no need to spend time to comment such a blatant non-sense.
Bad memory and low IQ -- the only two that are mentioned right. These two may be a very big obstacle in most of the cases.
Unlucky. This is a sort of tautology (saying of the same thing twice in different words): When you're unlucky there is no success for you. And when you're lucky there is success for you. Yes, obviously being lucky means you're already having success and it's a base for more successes eventually. 2.
You aren't even unsuccessful, you are simply completely locked out of the success game.
Just because you have some small problems like "I am short." or "I don't have the best nose." doesn't make "out of the game" at all. Only a total pessimist may think so overexaggerating the small problems (which in some cases may turn to be even advantages -- for example, it's useful if you want to be a jockey, if you're short. Another example -- long nose in the West is usually "ugly" but in the far East it's "beautiful").
It doesn't matter if you name someone who had every disadvantage but still succeeded, that person was still pre-determined to succeed (and therefore merely privileged) while the people who don't were pre-determined to not succeed.
Ha-ha-ha! "Pre-determined"! Who determines it? The God, the gods, the Karma, the Fate, the Aliens? What is it? A sort of
fatalism. There are no scientific proofs that there is something or someone who pre-determines the lives/successes. Only religious people and many low-IQed ones may think that there is something like pre-determination.
If there is such a thing, we just can sit and wait... and the pre-determinated life is coming to us. Why to bother trying, working?

There is no part of the brain that is a general blob: it's all just perfectly following the causes made by the previous atom or set of atoms. A rock can't choose to fall different, but you are exactly the same.
Obviously the guy never heard of "Free will"... If the brain is like a falling stone, then why I can choose to do or not to do something? For example, he can say "Don't answer me!" and I will answer him or he can say "Tell me this." and I will choose not telling him.
The atomic level maybe the same but there is difference between the rabbit and the fox (even when atomically they're the same). We and the brains are already another level. There are different levels of reality -- the jellyfish and the lion are made of atoms the same as the water or the Sun... but it doesn't mean that a jellyfish is a sun or a lion is a liquid. Maybe too complicated for him to get it? But I hope there are more educated people around to understand this simple truth.
What you can do is hope that you are pre-determined to work AGAINST the system, not WITH the system...
Another fatalism. Useless to comment.
But you could also be pre-determined to be a touchless F student with zero future. Your grades are determined by amygdala size and mental health, not IQ and hard work.
Let's ignore the stupid fatalism and to think about this only: the relationship between the gifted people (good amygdala and mental health) and the success in studying. I spent nearly 20 years in teaching. And I know that learning is easier for some people. I also know that the hard work and especially the IQ are important too! For example, you may be gifted in learning math but if your teacher sucks and/or if you're lazy and prefer to play games instead of thinking about the math problems, you're not going to succeed in math at all! At the same time, some not very gifted but hardworking student with a good math teacher will learn the math better than you.
There is also an example -- the Polgár sisters who were taught by their father since the early childhood to play chess (and even there were no other chess masters in their family) they became chess grandmasters. He just proved that hard work may bring success.
Here is a very, very, very simple experiment for all of you who don't believe that the efforts are meaningful:
only some of you may remember this number instantly -- 1029384756. But try to memorize it every day at least 3 times and after a month most of you will be able to remember it for a long time. 7.
And being touchless? No need to even comment on why that's pre-determined AKA out of your control AKA not your fault.
No need to even comment why fatalism is useless and harmful! To claim that there are "touchless" people because of pre-determination shows lack of understanding and/or willing to be lazy and not to try to improve yourself.
If you are someone with an upturned nose, acne scars, 5'4, NW1-2 early on, bad facial structure etc. then what are you going to do?
1. Not to care about the nose because this is not a big problem (if it's at all).
2. To shave it all because there are even skinheads (neonazis) who are considered sexy and they do have girl-friends.
3. Compensate the bad facial structure and acne scars with better body and skin via diet-maxx and gym-maxx.
In a sentence: if you're a 3/10 nearcel like that, after maxxing (diet-maxx, gym-maxx, edu-maxx, fashion-maxx, art-maxx, money-maxx) you will be at least a 5/10 normie-tier to 6/10 Bradlite depends on your efforts, luck and genetics.
Your life will never be like successful people's never like chad's, never like a privileged failed normie's.
Most of the people aren't Chads or privileged Normans. But still, if you're trying hard (instead to speak "It's over! It's all pre-determined!") then you 100% will see improvements that are coming necessarily! Examples? Doing 100 push-ups a day in several months changes your body (adding up muscles) -- check it out:
link to Bing SE. Another example -- even you're not intelligent enough to remember that "27 × 27 = 729", if you review it day by day, a few weeks later you'll remember the correct answer ("729").
Learning, improving are possible when you really put efforts and believe. If you are a blackpilled pessimist-fatalist, it's really over and better not to be born because you're useless and harmful for yourself and for those who have chances to ascend (if there are no people like you who make them desperate and stop them, killing their reasonable hopes and discouraging them)!
Even if you were to hypothetically turn your life around, and be a one in a billion case of someone with a horrific situation turning into one of these people... the first 25 years of your life were pure trash. You will always be someone who hasn't hugged before age 25 and this will permanently affect your physiology and psychology.
Not always. There are people who (after got rich, successful and love-havers) heal their psychology very well and successfully! Of course, if you're too sensitive or psychopathic then, well, you can afford a good psychotherapist and you'll get better anyway.
Hope for a better tomorrow all you want but all that will happen tomorrow is you will cope and rot. Nothing will change.
It's valid only for those like you, who're even not going to try to maxx! This kind of thinking only minn!
brb people who have abused you genuinely believe they deserve to live and move on, and even without changing.
Wrong for many of them because some of them are dying in incidents, others are going to the jails... don't assume that all the bullies are very successful!
brb you will never find the home addresses of your childhood bullies no matter how hard you try.
Is it a problem?! Don't you have a better and more meaningful to do with your life than to face your childhood bullies (which, well at least some of them, maybe already dead)? I know one who was killed in the jail. And another one who die in a war. So?... But, yeah, maybe it's too hard for your brain to get it now. Take your time.
brb trying for years and still out-competed by chad in any sport or esport, in studying etc.

Esports are full of Chads, huh? There are plenty of so-called nerdy boys, incels, nearcels there (and it's normal because they spend most of their time in front of the computers, instead of go running, training some sport, etc.)
About the sports, well, there are Chads who maybe better than you, but what if you're not numer one?! If there are 3 Chads in your class + 16 Normans and 3 nearcels like you, what if you are number 3 (you can overpass at least one of the Chads). There are plenty of successful sportsmen who're beating Chads (imagine some of those ugly MMA fighters for example -- not every MMA fighter is ugly but there are MMA guys who're just Norman-tiers or nearcel-tiers... and still they can beat up most of the Chads around).
About the studying? Are you serious?! There are clever Chads but what I see, well, most of the clever boys aren't Chads at all. As you noticed most of the Chads are suitable for sports and when they start to spend more and more time, energy and efforts on sports, well, then many of them just can't combine it with the studying... there are some unique Chads who're really good at everything but how many %?
It's a rare combination "Chad + very good at study". I guess not more than 20% of the Chads are capable to manage the sports + the intellectual development very well.
while you're a 5/10 and haven't hugged in your 20s
Elliot Roger number 2!

LOL! That psychopath was so young and even didn't wait until he's 30 (when he'll look more masculine) and, of course, was too lazy to gymmaxx (he was able to become a Changlite + his statusmaxx, which was a 100% sure thing, he could ascend in many places even in USA itself!) Do you think that 20s is the end? There are people who ascend when they're 40+! At least via geo-maxx and social-maxx they do. Want examples?
brb you're constantly under depression, anxiety, OCD etc. while every second of chad's life is a peaceful trance state since he has never been bullied once
Wrong. Most of the incels even don't know that they're incels (there are incels in denial, many bluepilled people and so on). There are also those redpilled (and recently, thanks to me, metapilled) incels who do not stop self-improving themselves instead of just being cry babies with fatalistic and pessimistic views.
And, yes, by the way, even the blackpillers do admit that the Chads are not more than 5%-10% of the population. Look around you, most of the people are average (Normans). The incels and the Chads are minorities. The Brads are a minority too. The GigaChads are the smallest minority. And all the Normans (normies), there are plenty of nearcels among them. It's not that easy for them too. The females are getting more and more pickier nowadays. Many normies are soon-to-be incels too.
brb infinities of suffering and abuse throughout history have amounted to nothing, it only serves chads and winners of the system because it is fundamentally absurd.
Absurd? Yes, if you believe in "Just word". The world isn't perfect and the live is a struggle. So, if you're struggling you have some chances, if you give up, you have nearly 0 chances.