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Author Topic: The reason why you should learn Buddhism philsophy  (Read 7110 times)

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Re: The reason why you should learn Buddhism philsophy
« Reply #30 on: January 19, 2024, 06:49:02 AM »
What if when you are back in Shanghai the war between China and Taiwan start? Are you that brave to go back to the Big jail of the dictator once you're a free man?


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Re: The reason why you should learn Buddhism philsophy
« Reply #31 on: January 19, 2024, 08:30:39 AM »
I don't believe that a monk can become needless. They still like to eat, to earn money and some of them lie women to sleep with them with religious tricks and others are becoming homosexual... You have got too idealistic idea and image about the human nature. The reality isn't that ideal. Step by step in a gradual way you will learn it. Maybe 🤔???
Neither do I. Well of course entire needlessness is just idealistic, but Buddhism directs you how to 'liberate' yourself.
No I don't think I will be engaged in the war between the mainland and Taiwan. I will be in America next yr.


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Re: The reason why you should learn Buddhism philsophy
« Reply #32 on: January 19, 2024, 08:31:58 AM »
What if when you are back in Shanghai the war between China and Taiwan start? Are you that brave to go back to the Big jail of the dictator once you're a free man?
Didn't you say to me that this web might be being censorred by CCP huh? :P
I think you'd better stop conversating with me over CCP-related stuffs.


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Re: The reason why you should learn Buddhism philsophy
« Reply #33 on: January 20, 2024, 12:49:24 AM »
Then you are projecting very badly tbh.

OK, let then simplify it. You said you are an incel and you want to solve this problem: you planned even radical looksmaxx techniques like all those surgery-maxxes (nasal, facial, bones even...) and then, in one moment, you decided to promote a religion that teaches us to accept the things the way they are and you are now a volcel because "better the imaginary nirvana and stuff, than a real female". If there something I miss? Try again to simplify it. How becoming a Buddhist helps the incels to become noncels (which is the goal of the incels. They are incels, not volcels.)?


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Re: The reason why you should learn Buddhism philsophy
« Reply #34 on: January 20, 2024, 12:58:15 AM »
I don't believe that a monk can become needless. They still like to eat, to earn money and some of them lie women to sleep with them with religious tricks and others are becoming homosexual... You have got too idealistic idea and image about the human nature. The reality isn't that ideal. Step by step in a gradual way you will learn it. Maybe 🤔???
Neither do I. Well of course entire needlessness is just idealistic, but Buddhism directs you how to 'liberate' yourself.
No I don't think I will be engaged in the war between the mainland and Taiwan. I will be in America next yr.
Keep in mind that there are many cases in China recently, when a Chinese citizen is back and then the authorities don't want to let him/her to go abroad again. The risk of becoming a real slave (a part of the new "serfdom" in China "农奴制") is not low. We heard these cases even about Chinese with foreign green cards. Just be aware of the risk if you still love the freedom.

How I am "liberated" if I want something and the Buddhism is telling me not to want it and to be happy? How is it different than Xi's ideas "to 吃苦 (to bear hardships) + being limited online and offline + to study his thoughts" and being "happy"? Just sour grapes, defeatism... the easy way. 

Good incel

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Re: The reason why you should learn Buddhism philsophy
« Reply #35 on: January 20, 2024, 01:07:23 AM »
Hello, dear brocel! Glad to see you escaped the Jinping's big jail-like empire! How are you doing?

Brocel, this is what many people didn't get here. You are willing to embrace your inceldom! This is the white pill!!!

Listen all, the brocel decided to take the whitepill. It is worldview based on the maximization of happiness of an individual, by acceptance of their situation. It is a stoic and ascetic extension of the blackpill. He sees he can't ascend and he's not even trying the most of the maxxing (the best ones like geomaxx, gymmaxx and others) so he's taking the whitepill (Buddhist or not, doesn't matter. It could be also a Christian one similar to those christiancels who think ''Jesus loves me, this is the real love and freedom, I don't need anything else incl. girls.')

It's sort of cool to see a whitepiller around! The whitepillers are like unicorns. :P
Inceldom sucks...


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Re: The reason why you should learn Buddhism philsophy
« Reply #36 on: January 20, 2024, 01:40:23 AM »
What if when you are back in Shanghai the war between China and Taiwan start? Are you that brave to go back to the Big jail of the dictator once you're a free man?
Didn't you say to me that this web might be being censorred by CCP huh? :P
I think you'd better stop conversating with me over CCP-related stuffs.

LOL. Good point. Bro, most of us (the team here) already left China so we are now really liberated (not like your religious "liberation") to use free Internet, to criticize openly the bad president and so on. And because the traffic from China is anyway weak I think it worth to risk it for the truth, free speech and the liberty. We like Chinese and pre-Xi China, we hate the crazy man. This is it. And most of the people with sane thoughts think the same. The recent Taiwanese elections show so too... nobody wants to be under a bad dictator.
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Re: The reason why you should learn Buddhism philsophy
« Reply #37 on: January 20, 2024, 01:45:43 AM »
I still didn't say anything about CCP. We were talking about the only one (the "president") who controls the PRC now. No more CCP. And I was just trying to warn you to be careful because there are people like you in the West (and not only) who once back in China later can't go abroad again. But... it is your life and your decisions. Once you're "liberated" via Buddha philosophy maybe you'll feel okay even going to fight for the insane one-and-only "Leader", who knows... good luck anyway. I think you're too young to spare your life in dead-end acts like believing in reincarnations or going to fight for the "ideals" of one crazy as hell dictator who killed our favorite CCP...


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Re: The reason why you should learn Buddhism philsophy
« Reply #38 on: January 20, 2024, 01:49:31 AM »
About the traffic, it would be sort of pity. But how long we should keep silence? Especially once we were really liberated outside of the Jail? We miss China but we don't miss the freedomless and insane situation there. See, today I read again about falling businesses (factories), immigrating people, etc. The declining of the empire is obvious... and to keep silent still? At least before the end we should say something, right?


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Re: The reason why you should learn Buddhism philsophy
« Reply #39 on: January 20, 2024, 01:58:37 AM »
 There are still many Chinese and non-Chinese who still don't realize that Xi Jinping is a 100% neo-emperor type dictator who controls all of the CCP which is already not like a Communist/Socialist party but like a tool or like a "mafia structure" (as one clever Chinese communist woman said) of this criminal who ruined the lives of millions in China and abroad. If he say something, CCP (all of the members) is just going to follow. In case someone disagrees, well, you know what happens, right? The person is not anymore a member of the CCP and even, worse, he/she may totally disappear (to die, to be jailed, to have to run away, etc.)
 Really, can't understand how there are still people who can't see that CCP is just a past, a history and now China is a "Xina" ("Xi-na") and the CCP is nothing more than a "XiP" ("Xi-P"), a "Xi's Party".
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Re: The reason why you should learn Buddhism philsophy
« Reply #40 on: January 21, 2024, 01:23:59 AM »
Facts... ??? ::) :-X


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Re: The reason why you should learn Buddhism philsophy
« Reply #41 on: January 21, 2024, 08:52:39 PM »
 The white pill is one of the best but the best is the meta pill 8). It's my discovery, as you all know.
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Re: The reason why you should learn Buddhism philsophy
« Reply #42 on: January 21, 2024, 09:41:04 PM »
 As a philosopher I'd like to take the liberty to discuss some of the important (for the incels and also for the noncels) points:

Natural needs are like itches on your skin.

 This analogy isn't correct enough but let's use it practically.

You feel itchy so that you have to tickle them, but Buddhism can enable you not to feel itchy.

 Let's suppose it's possible. Then it leads to dangers. Yes, seriously: think about it:

1/ feeling itchy shows (alarms) that there is something wrong (an animal, dirt, allergy, etc.) and you can take the necessary measures. For example, to stop eating the dangerous for your body (allergic reactions) food or to deal with the mosquito around that cause your itchiness. But if you don't have the itchy feeling (sense) then you're unaware what's wrong.

2/ feeling hungry, thirsty, etc. are (to a certain degree) useful for you, because they remind you that you're out of energy, vitamins, etc.;  you're dehydrated. What if you (somehow, due to Buddhism, for instance) in one moment forget (stop feeling) any hunger and thirst. You are dead in less than a month. The same comes about feeling cold, for example. If you don't know that it's too cold and take measures to warm yourself you're dead too. Maybe, in school, you had some language exercises like "They died from cold and hunger. -- 他们死于寒冷和饥饿。", I mean that it's a primary school knowledge level, where the pupils learn that you should avoid the cold, the hunger and so on (thus, you better don't "liberate" yourself from these useful, natural senses, feelings, needs.)

Of course it makes you feel good to tickle them, but won't you feel better not to feel itchy anymore?

 At the beginning, yes, but (as I explained above) in a long term to become a senseless (which is doubtful but let's just suppose it's possible to achieve via Buddhist practices) is leading to dangers and death.

And this is the so-called 'real happiness' in the perspective of Buddhism. And when you are 'free' from 'natural needs', you become an 'Arhat'.

 The natural needs are really natural, so we can't use quotes (to doubt them) if we want to be realistic and right. The so-called arhats are not completely "free" from their natural (biological) needs. They may suppress some of them (like the sexual desire and others) but the basic ones: to eat, to drink, to go to toilet, to sleep... they can't. So this "liberation" you're talking about is just an illusion, a wrong definition even (giving up, suppressing all that is natural, avoiding most of the things, isolation, not even trying to achieve what most of the people achieved in the society... it's not a "liberation", it's nothing more than a "self-limitation".)

And no, I don't think I will give up Buddhism within 2 yrs... It is really helping me a lot.

 I met many people who said that the religion helping them a lot (for example an Arab girl said she is happy no matter what because she just believes in Allah. Other two, Europeans, a male and a female, said they're secured because they have their faith in Jesus...) so, yes, to a certain degree the religions may "really helping you a lot" but this doesn't make them full of truths or useful about everything. You may think about this in that way: reading manga stories (or some good novel) may also help you to feel better, to feel "it is really helping me a lot" and so on, but this doesn't make the stories real and this doesn't guarantee you will be better only with the (religion, manga, novel, etc.) in a longer term. You need more, for example: science, social support, self-improvement...
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Re: The reason why you should learn Buddhism philsophy
« Reply #43 on: January 22, 2024, 08:34:35 AM »
As a philosopher I'd like to take the liberty to discuss some of the important (for the incels and also for the noncels) points:

Natural needs are like itches on your skin.

 This analogy isn't correct enough but let's use it practically.

You feel itchy so that you have to tickle them, but Buddhism can enable you not to feel itchy.

 Let's suppose it's possible. Then it leads to dangers. Yes, seriously: think about it:

1/ feeling itchy shows (alarms) that there is something wrong (an animal, dirt, allergy, etc.) and you can take the necessary measures. For example, to stop eating the dangerous for your body (allergic reactions) food or to deal with the mosquito around that cause your itchiness. But if you don't have the itchy feeling (sense) then you're unaware what's wrong.

2/ feeling hungry, thirsty, etc. are (to a certain degree) useful for you, because they remind you that you're out of energy, vitamins, etc.;  you're dehydrated. What if you (somehow, due to Buddhism, for instance) in one moment forget (stop feeling) any hunger and thirst. You are dead in less than a month. The same comes about feeling cold, for example. If you don't know that it's too cold and take measures to warm yourself you're dead too. Maybe, in school, you had some language exercises like "They died from cold and hunger. -- 他们死于寒冷和饥饿。", I mean that it's a primary school knowledge level, where the pupils learn that you should avoid the cold, the hunger and so on (thus, you better don't "liberate" yourself from these useful, natural senses, feelings, needs.)

Of course it makes you feel good to tickle them, but won't you feel better not to feel itchy anymore?

 At the beginning, yes, but (as I explained above) in a long term to become a senseless (which is doubtful but let's just suppose it's possible to achieve via Buddhist practices) is leading to dangers and death.

And this is the so-called 'real happiness' in the perspective of Buddhism. And when you are 'free' from 'natural needs', you become an 'Arhat'.

 The natural needs are really natural, so we can't use quotes (to doubt them) if we want to be realistic and right. The so-called arhats are not completely "free" from their natural (biological) needs. They may suppress some of them (like the sexual desire and others) but the basic ones: to eat, to drink, to go to toilet, to sleep... they can't. So this "liberation" you're talking about is just an illusion, a wrong definition even (giving up, suppressing all that is natural, avoiding most of the things, isolation, not even trying to achieve what most of the people achieved in the society... it's not a "liberation", it's nothing more than a "self-limitation".)

And no, I don't think I will give up Buddhism within 2 yrs... It is really helping me a lot.

 I met many people who said that the religion helping them a lot (for example an Arab girl said she is happy no matter what because she just believes in Allah. Other two, Europeans, a male and a female, said they're secured because they have their faith in Jesus...) so, yes, to a certain degree the religions may "really helping you a lot" but this doesn't make them full of truths or useful about everything. You may think about this in that way: reading manga stories (or some good novel) may also help you to feel better, to feel "it is really helping me a lot" and so on, but this doesn't make the stories real and this doesn't guarantee you will be better only with the (religion, manga, novel, etc.) in a longer term. You need more, for example: science, social support, self-improvement...
Well indeed I've yet to hear of any Arhat who is completely free from natural needs. I think I said Buddhism gave you a direction that could 'liberate' yourself. Treat Liberation like Communism. It's idealistic but it gives direction.


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Re: The reason why you should learn Buddhism philsophy
« Reply #44 on: January 22, 2024, 08:42:55 AM »
As a philosopher I'd like to take the liberty to discuss some of the important (for the incels and also for the noncels) points:

Natural needs are like itches on your skin.

 This analogy isn't correct enough but let's use it practically.

You feel itchy so that you have to tickle them, but Buddhism can enable you not to feel itchy.

 Let's suppose it's possible. Then it leads to dangers. Yes, seriously: think about it:

1/ feeling itchy shows (alarms) that there is something wrong (an animal, dirt, allergy, etc.) and you can take the necessary measures. For example, to stop eating the dangerous for your body (allergic reactions) food or to deal with the mosquito around that cause your itchiness. But if you don't have the itchy feeling (sense) then you're unaware what's wrong.

2/ feeling hungry, thirsty, etc. are (to a certain degree) useful for you, because they remind you that you're out of energy, vitamins, etc.;  you're dehydrated. What if you (somehow, due to Buddhism, for instance) in one moment forget (stop feeling) any hunger and thirst. You are dead in less than a month. The same comes about feeling cold, for example. If you don't know that it's too cold and take measures to warm yourself you're dead too. Maybe, in school, you had some language exercises like "They died from cold and hunger. -- 他们死于寒冷和饥饿。", I mean that it's a primary school knowledge level, where the pupils learn that you should avoid the cold, the hunger and so on (thus, you better don't "liberate" yourself from these useful, natural senses, feelings, needs.)

Of course it makes you feel good to tickle them, but won't you feel better not to feel itchy anymore?

 At the beginning, yes, but (as I explained above) in a long term to become a senseless (which is doubtful but let's just suppose it's possible to achieve via Buddhist practices) is leading to dangers and death.

And this is the so-called 'real happiness' in the perspective of Buddhism. And when you are 'free' from 'natural needs', you become an 'Arhat'.

 The natural needs are really natural, so we can't use quotes (to doubt them) if we want to be realistic and right. The so-called arhats are not completely "free" from their natural (biological) needs. They may suppress some of them (like the sexual desire and others) but the basic ones: to eat, to drink, to go to toilet, to sleep... they can't. So this "liberation" you're talking about is just an illusion, a wrong definition even (giving up, suppressing all that is natural, avoiding most of the things, isolation, not even trying to achieve what most of the people achieved in the society... it's not a "liberation", it's nothing more than a "self-limitation".)

And no, I don't think I will give up Buddhism within 2 yrs... It is really helping me a lot.

 I met many people who said that the religion helping them a lot (for example an Arab girl said she is happy no matter what because she just believes in Allah. Other two, Europeans, a male and a female, said they're secured because they have their faith in Jesus...) so, yes, to a certain degree the religions may "really helping you a lot" but this doesn't make them full of truths or useful about everything. You may think about this in that way: reading manga stories (or some good novel) may also help you to feel better, to feel "it is really helping me a lot" and so on, but this doesn't make the stories real and this doesn't guarantee you will be better only with the (religion, manga, novel, etc.) in a longer term. You need more, for example: science, social support, self-improvement...
I was not saying for anyone there was no better alternative than Buddhism, but in the perspective of Buddhism, if there are other better alternatives that lead you to other directions to make you feel better, this is an indication of 'having yet to completely eliminate Kleshas'
As I said above, yes it's impossible for anyone to become totally needless, and even Buddha himself couldn't, but Buddhism gives you direction and the less Kleshas you have, the more you feel Buddhism as the only right 'Dharma', though Buddhism itself advocates for 'upekkha' so that you shouldn't be like 'Nah It's not Buddhism so it's just bs!'. Buddhism seeks for 'madhyamā-mārga', so as long as a 'tirthika' makes sense, Buddhism adopts it, and any tirthika which lets you 'subject to Kleshas' is not correct.

I myself have not been well versed in Buddhism so I may be wrong. At least that's my understanding. I suggest asking some 'bhadantas' about it. 


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