Well first of all, my memory is very well and extraordinary because I just got it tested around one month ago
I hope so. Well, extraordinary may be when it comes to
STM (in Chinese: 短期记忆 (English:
Short-term memory)), but you saw what happened when it's about the
LTM (in Chinese: 长期记忆 (English:
Long-term memory)). It's nearly unbelievable --being here one of the eldest, writing so many incelology-related articles, publishing an e-book about inceldom + clearly chatting with you on QQ (even sharing photographs) and in one beautiful moment you're thinking of me as an ordinary incel-student who has no idea what the Buddhism is... Not a good reference for a normal LTM (about the "extraordinary" even not necessary to speak.)
Secondly, sorry for my misprojection of your amount of learning of Buddhism, because(what I can throw is better than this but...) I couldn't even imagine any person who was a former Buddhist claiming that Buddhism was suppressive and pessimistic...
I do value your politeness. Glad to see a "sorry", really.
But/and about the Buddhism it's exactly the other way around: BECAUSE OF being a Buddhist, I can tell/know/feel/experience its bad sides. Isn't it the same when it comes to China? Exactly, because of being a very big China fan for long, I can now objectively criticize the neo-emperorisation (neo-emperarization) because I knew the real CCP China (when there were no dictators after Mao Zedong) and the recent China, i. e. Xi-na (Xina; Xi's China)...Were you practicing Paramitas?
If you're talking about the 波罗密 (पारमिता), of course I did and I still do (most of it) but based totally on the scientific base. For example, 忍 (kṣānti) is something that you can practice (and/or know, use, etc.) based entirely on the present science knowledge; you don't need to start it only when you read/hear about it from some Buddhist.
This is even more important than reading literatures
It may be important for the Buddhists but what is important for the knowledge/understanding of the Buddhism (i. e. to have a Meta-Buddhist view; a real objective knowledge about the Buddhism) is the literature, the theory. This is valid for everything -- from the birds to the neo-emperor, first and foremost you need the theory, the knowledge.
Were you having a Guru? a Buddhist must have a Guru for learning Buddhism well otherwise he or she may mislead himself or herself like yeah thinking Buddhism is inactive, pessimistic, anti-humanity etc....
My "guru" were the specialists of Buddhism like professor Иван Камбуров (Ivan Kamburov):
http://phls.uni-sofia.bg/article/3032. There were more too, but let me show you (via Google Translate) his background and you think is he a guru or not:
BA/MA,年份,学科:MA,哲学系,SU“St. Cl. Ohrid”; 1979-1984年,圣彼得堡国立大学哲学系,哲学专业(哲学史专业)
博士学位,年份,主题:1992 哲学博士,(05.00.01)哲学史(东方哲学); “多克索拉菲纪念碑中桑卡拉的阿德瓦塔-吠檀多哲学”
资格(学科):2011年哲学教授(古典佛教)(2.3); 2002年 哲学史副教授(东方哲学)
1994年至2004年,以及2012年《哲学》杂志编辑。 周一
摘自 1999 年《Svetilnik》杂志,编辑。 印度之友俱乐部
古典佛教哲学,第一部分“道”,S.,2011 年,597 页。
智慧范式中的古印度哲学(伟大的游戏),S.2002,591 页。
宗教知识。 破坏性邪教中的精神暴力。 预防。 给老师的书。,S.,编辑。 《Interclass》,2001 年,466 页。 (合着)
世界宗教简明词典,“佛教”部分(86 位作者百科全书式文章和概念 S.1995,第 15 - 87 页。
救世论灵知作为不二论吠檀多哲学中的价值论范式(桑卡拉和 M.埃克哈特),第 14 页。 哲学与价值论,VTU.,1993 年,第 65-104 页。
Advaita-Vedanta:灵魂的观念。,哲学杂志,1993 年,第 2 期,第 52-57 页
《男性-女性:东方的本体论流淌》,哲学杂志,1994 年,第 6 期,第 15-24 页。
元意识作为大乘佛教的本体论原则,《哲学》杂志,1995 年,第 6 期,第 1-14 页。
作为形而上学的哲学史,《哲学》杂志,1996 年,第 4 期,第 3-12 页。
大乘佛教中的意识概念和“我”。 保加利亚科学中的印度,S. 1997,第 110 – 118 页。
佛陀 - 游戏的本体论。,《哲学》杂志,第 5/6 期,2000 年。 第 79 - 83 页。
尼采的东方,第 1 册。 尼采与东方(国际会议),编辑。 Dilock 2002 年,第 38 - 47 页。
关于早期基督教古迹中古印度(佛教)“根源”的假定影响:正典(新约)和非正典次经,《哲学》杂志,2001 年,第 5/6 页,第 84-98 页
古印度的知识技术(学院:教师-学生),《哲学》杂志,2002 年,第 5-6 期,第 79-88 页。
印度哲学中的人,Sp。 Svetilnik,第 4 期,第 137-145 页,S.,2002 年。
神话及其游戏神秘化。,《哲学》杂志,2003 年。第 1 期,第 43-49 页。
作为现代意识形态的宗教间对话,《哲学》杂志,2003 年,第 3 期,第 3-6 页。
形而上学的游戏。,周六。 康德与形而上学,YuZU,Bl.,2003,第91-115页,
东西方:宗教之间的对话 - 或关于所谓的影响。,科尔。 哲学与正统,Bl.,2004 年,第 11-25 页。
哲学史:世俗的哲学思考或形而上学。,in sb。 康德与传统的对话。,YuZU,Blag。 2004 年,第 254 - 272 页
东西方:新先知时代(第 1 部分),《哲学》杂志,2007 年,第 2 期,第 10-18 页
东西方:新先知时代(第二部分),哲学杂志,2007 年,第 4 期,第 7 - 14 页
卡尔·古斯塔夫·荣格和东方,科尔。 精神分析。 想法和追随者,BL。 “N. Rilski”YZU,2007 年,第 211 - 241 页
索非亚大学“圣彼得堡”印度学 克莱。 奥赫里德斯基”,2009,大学。 埃德。 “英石。 Kl. Ohridski”,第 366-379 页
古典佛教哲学:超验主义和心理技术,卷。 哲学与神秘主义,BL.,2008(大学出版社“N. Rilski”),第 115-137 页
东西方:跨文化时代的宗教传统。 跨文化对话和教育网络:土耳其-保加利亚,S. 2009。
(编者:格式视觉。ISBN 978-954-92309-2-5),第 66-81 页
“沉思的沉默”——一种“谈论”现有事物的超验形式。 形而上学的先验语言,BL.,2009(大学出版社,第115-137页)
古典佛教中“法”的范畴。 从印度到印度:看法和观点,大学。 埃德。 奥赫里德大教堂,2015 年,第 96-105 页
早期佛教沉思的超验主义,哲学另类杂志,2015 年第 6 期,第 59-74 页
“回到形而上学”寻找超越的“路径”,coll。 回到形而上学(国际会议),UI“N.Rilski”,Bl.,2016,第 23-44 页"
怎么样? Enough "guru" level or still not?
And I want to tell you about one Chinese "guru" who used a way to sleep with women there -- "teaching" them that to prove they are real female Buddhists they should't care about having or not sex with who and... to "become" true Buddhists they had to sleep with him! One of them told me that in one moment she realized that she is not a Buddhist but a cheap whore for doing this. And I'd like to add -- a "very stupid one". Yes, I am talking about Zhou Ning. This is what many of your "gurus" are. So, better trust the specialists and scientists than the "gurus".
my teacher told me we'd better not learn Philosophy otherwise it might be endangering us...
That teacher is 100% right about
some of the philosophies. A pro-philosopher should know all of the philosophy branches, kinds. For example, even I dislike the religious philosophies, as a pro I had and I did/still do learn them more or less. But if you're just a student and you start with some over-pessimistic philosophy like that one of Schopenhauer /阿图尔·叔本华 (Arthur Schopenhauer)/, well then, you may end up in a very bad condition. But if you learn something written by more optimistic philosophers like Socrates, Engels and so on, then it's not dangerous.
You yourself said that you had yet to read tons of literatures because of your life, which definitely misleads you to thinking of Buddhism this way...
It's because I know that knowledge is like a white circle on a big blackboard. The bigger is the circle, the more it touches the unknown. That's why learning is a nonstop process. For example, if you never heard of Cambodia you're not going to know about Pnom Penh but if you know even its capital (Pnom Penh), then you may start to know that there are big rivers, many Buddhist temples, etc. The more you learn, the more unknown (questions) you may have, so this is why we should read and learn "endlessly".
It seems to me you don't even know what are 'sunyata', 'anitya', 'dukkha', 'anatman' etc., which are basic concepts and ideologies of Buddhism.
Seems to you because you're: 1. judging people without prior knowledge who are they
+ 2. you want to show how greater you are compared with the commoners (but for a bad surprise, here you don't deal with teenage incels in the US or low-educated rich 富家子弟 and 富二代 in Shanghai. You're dealing with people with 20+ more years experience, hard work and knowledge than yourself.)
Just an example, to state the ridiculousness of what you think that Geser Kurultaev doesn't know about anatman ("非我"). In 1990 (when you even didn't exist in your parents' thoughts) I spent all my money, for a month food, to buy the last "Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary" in Russian, Soviet Edition! It's its Chinese name: "苏联百科词典
". Here you may see how it looks like:
and I started to read and learn everything about Asia, China, Daoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, etc. One of the first things that I learned in the period 1990-1993 (you still was not born that time) was about the anatman (soon after I learned about people in Buddhism like Ananda), which in Russian (I used this foreign language to educate myself + English) is "Ананда" https://www.rulit.me/books/enciklopedicheskij-slovar-read-140017-93.html (I even know the etymology of the word -- "an-" + "atman" and was thinking how similar is the negative particle with the Greek one! For example the word "anarchy" in Greek is from an- "without" + arkhos "ruler".)
If you're intelligent enough, you should get it: In
the period 1990-1993 I even learned the etymology of the words like "Ananda" and "anatman". But you think that it's some very "secret" or "high" knowledge that is "unoptainable" ?! 
Well whether one thing is excellent or not depends on individual right?
This is an agnostic and relativistic view. From the viewpoint of the relativism, of course it is but if you're not a relativist and you know that some things are more easy to be "measured", to be observed objectively, then you can't say that the theories excellence is just a subjective and relativistic choice. One of the ways to see if something is good or not is the practice (a good point of the Leninism).
...just because you think Buddhism is bad, without having ever been practicing and learning it systematically enough?
The difference between the humans and most of the rest of the animals is exactly this: we don't need to practice something in order to know it. For instance, you can see photos of Mars in NASA's website and to get the idea what's on Mars, without being there.
I see what is happening with many Buddhists: they're just becoming quitters because of the idea of "It's all Karma" and/or "In the next life, I will be better."
Also, the Buddhist diet isn't the best for many of us. And at the end, especially in your case: the combination is nearly dangerous for your ascending: 1. you're not tall, you have no big frame and this with malnutrition of a Buddhist vegetarian diet will make you less masculine in the eyes of the women, 2. you're not strong enough mentally and all those fake hopes for next life, karmism and so on, may make you even weaker, 3. you're rich but easy to believe which will make some fake gurus just to lie you to pay them a lot of money "for your happiness"... Why I am looking at least 20 years younger? 1. I do sports, 2. I am not a vegetarian and at the same time I avoid a lot of meat, 3. I don't smoke and don't drink hard alcohol, 4. I read useful literature to keep my brain younger, active and I do keep my "spirit" young with some youth content like manhwa (Korean manga). This is the "secret".
OK, I think I prove enough and with the all due respect who and what I am, I do accept your apologies. As I said, I am in SEA and I see great opportunities to cooperate with you in some fields (all legal, never believe the neo-Chinese propaganda that all the SEAs are criminal places and it's everywhere dangerous!), so peace, please!