Of course. Even one of the most intelligent here, as we saw these days, doesn't believe that the sports makes a face better (lean, slim, better muscles, healthier skin, i. e. good looking one)... How all those less intelligent will realize that the sports are useful? It's easier to believe that the surgeries are "the only solution" and even the surgery is successful, later (because they're lazy to do sports) they will face more health problems like obesity (getting fat, which minns the effect of the surgery; most of the people dislike fatness), heart problems, weaker bones, bad looking body, etc.
It's ridiculous, think about it:
Those incels' logic:
1. I will do nose/mouth/eye job (surgery).
2. I will never do sports.
3. What can get wrong?

Hey, even your face is a 10/10 (via surgeries), if you just eat, sleep, drink and walk somewhere, you'll (year by year) become an uglier (fatter and more ill and/or more old looking) person! The lack of sports is minning (-) you, the maxxing (+) of the surgery is not an "endless help". Even the surgery makes you a Chad-tier, when this "Chad" becomes more old and ill looking, more fat and more weak, where his attractiveness goes? He will be minned from 9/10 to a Norman (or worse) level (4/10, 3/10)... It's hard, sometimes, to make people understand even a simple thing like that.