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Author Topic: Studymaxxing does not work much in sex  (Read 326 times)

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Studymaxxing does not work much in sex
« on: July 12, 2024, 11:20:24 AM »
I came upon some threads about studymaxxing and I had some thoughts.
Yes, studymaxxing is a positive thing which deserves to be sought for, but it does not work much in sex, opposite of what bluepillers tell you——Just studymax and be a naturalist and girls will sleep with you!
But, we have to admit the biological side of sex——It is very dependent of your face, height, and body, so, even if you are a naturalist like Da Vinci, but you are 5', or a fatcel, or an uglycel, tbh you will still be very likely to be friendzoned by girls.
Luckily I know some naturalists graduating from Caltech, Harvard, or other schools like them, but tbh they really have appearance that can make 99% of girls' virginas as dry as desert when they see it. If they don't make good use of their certificates so that they betabux, how can certificates enlarge their dating pools? Is there anyone here expecting a girl to be like 'Oh darling I love your harvard certificate! I want to sleep with you!'?
The reason why girls seek for people with good degrees is not their degrees but their potiential of betabuxxing, so they just desire money, instead of what uni you graduate from, at least I never heard any case where a harvard student slayed all of the girls in a bar because he was a harvard student. Girls will really not 'get wet' because of your excellen graduation.
All in all, if you can't betabux with your good degrees, your degrees really do not work significantly in sex. This is realistic. Facing the reality is always wise.
But, studymaxxing can make you wiser, more knowledgable, and more intelligent, so that by studymaxxing your life quality can be improved, but again, do never overestimate the importance of studymaxxing in sex!


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Re: Studymaxxing does not work much in sex
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2024, 05:17:48 PM »
And it's obvious that it you are only educated but not handsome and rich or only handsome but with imbecile IQ it's not going to work.

If you were intelligent enough you will already know about the conditions. Some like being educated are good but taken alone, not enough. You need a combination of good conditions.
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