How you can be a professional in aesthetics when there is a huge cultural gap? For example, for many Chinese a pig is something "cute" but for many Westerners it's something "dirty". Or "the white is pretty" VS "the tan (darker) is pretty"? And "the big nose is pretty" VS "the small nose is pretty"?... It's not very easy to be a pro in aesthetics. 
Also, think about it: most of the people aren't pros. So? You should get "likes" from the ordinary people, from the mass. The experts are like 0.0001% or less of the mass... and even they think you're perfect how it will help you the girl you want to likes you? (She is highly likely not going to be a pro).

Of course, but tbh you misunderstood what I meant by 'accurate'. Here is the analogy I have for the demonstration:
Let's compare 'non-experts' to 'those who give estimations of your height just by the observations, say, "observers', ', and compare 'experts' to 'qualified anthropometers' when you are trying to know your height.
Experts are only like 0.0001% or less of the general population, but do you think you should believe the measures of anthropometers, or the estimations of observers, analogous to 'non-experts'?
Non-experts rate you with 'errors of feelings', viz, the rates given by non-experts are very influnced by their feelings, which causes errors, while the rates given by experts are way less influnced by their feelings.
Rating is subjective per se of course, but that does not mean you should validate errors of feelings, which deflate or inflate the true level of your face(for example, a girl favors pretty boy a lot, and when she rates a pretty boy who is actually only slightly above average, she will give a rate of like 8-9/10, in extreme cases the rate can be 10/10. Is that because the boy is really that handsome? No, he has a bulky nose, he has acnes, he does not have a defind jaw, etc., but because he is a pretty boy, the girl rates him with errors of feelings, while actually he is just slightly above average, not that outstanding compared to all of men)