'dating' does not equate 'marriage'.
True. But if you're poor (don't pay her bills and can't support her travels or something, depends on how greedy is she. There was one who said he was happy to find a girl who charge him only to pay for her books, but there are girls who'll say you should pay 100%, including her feet massage or her new expensive dress) you're not seen as a dating material at all.
I know you're relatively rich, from the high class districts in the high class city (Shanghai) and you never experienced things like being so poor that you have to eat only 1 egg a day and the best gift you can make to a girl is a pencil drawn picture on a small notebook paper.
Do you know that there are girls that after the first date they're leaving because you pay only for bus transportation, not for taxi? I bet you (or the males around you) can't imagine it because they have own cars and even don't need to think about taxis. But if one day you get poorer you'll realize what is the biggest problem (and why the world has Marx and Engels -- because the poverty, the exploitation is/are the biggest issue).
So, if she is leaving you because you have no car, of course, she is not going to marry you too. Ohhhhhhhhhh, especially if she is from those places where you should pay her family too (something like "monthly tax" that you're having their daughter).

No good face or good height can save you if you're not fulfilling her expectations of being a donor (spending money non-stop, because "You are a man and you have to.") I saw people from the West also said that in some places there are poor Chads who're becoming poorcels because they're carless, jobless, etc. and the females prefer to date a rich Norman than a poor Chad.
In a word, you think "uglycel < poorcel" but I think "poorcel < uglycel" and "poorcel < almost all of the rest".
For all those who never dated, I want to make a simple math here:
Imagine that you're meeting only 10 times a month. Every date costs around RMB 200 at least (like a simple dinner for RMB 90 + a movie ticket for RMB 100 and something like RMB 10 for the transportation.) It's RMB 2000 per month in the better cases! What if your salary is just RMB 3000? How you'll pay your food, your bills, your rent?... What if she insist you to be more "大方" (generous) and to pay her some money for clothes, nails, more expensive restaurants? I will tell you, it's already RMB 6000 per month (many Chinese people have no this income).
So, if you're poor, don't think at all about starting dating because you'll be insulted for being not a "true man" or just politely left and ghosted for being incapable to pay according her expectations (and previous experience).