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Author Topic: Yours (and my) experience with incels  (Read 4339 times)

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Yours (and my) experience with incels
« on: June 26, 2024, 03:20:54 AM »

Incelology (practical)

  Here is a new topic about my (and yours) experience with the incels in the real life.
 I will start to share, step by step, anonymously, my experience with the incels online and offline.
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Re: Yours (and my) experience with incels
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2024, 03:25:16 AM »
 One of the most irritating situations is when you spent a lot of precious time to give them advices, opinions, ideas and so on, but they criticize you for not being something like enough polite (or, the opposite -- enough honest), too pessimistic or too optimistic...
 Later, I will try to be more specific.
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Re: Yours (and my) experience with incels
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2024, 05:34:17 AM »
If he or she is an incel, it means that he/she got problems. If the problems are only body wise, it's okay, but if it's a mentalcel level, like the one we got here, oh, that's challenging indeed...
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Re: Yours (and my) experience with incels
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2024, 09:24:23 AM »
Not just incels are like that. This is one of human's natures.
People tend to be reluctant to achieve education if the other side is not their teacher or smth like that, and people have different opinions. It is always a rigmarole to successfully make the other side accept your opinions that are different, particularly there are confounding factors including your face(yeah... there is no need to cope... face indeed factors in how easy it is for your interlocutors to accept your opinions), how you talk, how you construct your words, etc.
For ex, I, as an 'autist' in many fields including Economy, have argued with some economic ignorants who believe 10, 000, 000 rmbs net assets are just average in China while they are even very rich in Japan and America ntm in China, a country where there are 600, 000, 000 people whose monthly incomes are under 1000 rmbs, whose rate of poverty is exceedingly high, etc. because of their severe lack of economic common knowledge(they don't even know what 'Middle Class' is... yeah) and my latent anxiety about my richness because of my 'traumatic attitude' towards my height, caused by years of being ingrained with blackpillism, one of the reasons why I don't like blackpillism, only to get poked fun of because they think I lack of knowledge, I have yet to see rich people, I am very ignorant, etc. lol.

Many of my experiences with incels are very pale. I only got blackpilled and I could not get anything positive and meaningful from them. I only see them complaining how they should've not been born, how they hate their parents, how girls nowadays are different from them in the past who even would rather choose a 185cm lanky stupid abusive awfully-educated drunkard whose net assets are negative millions of rmbs than a 160cm handsome muscular rich Harvard graduate, etc.


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Re: Yours (and my) experience with incels
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2024, 10:18:34 PM »
Everyone who is consuming your time and energy without paying you good money and even worse, doesn't show gratitude should be limited or ignored.

This kind of people are making us less free, more poor and less successful. They just consume but never will to pay.
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Re: Yours (and my) experience with incels
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2024, 10:27:51 PM »
For ex, I, as an 'autist' in many fields including Economy, have argued with some economic ignorants who believe 10, 000, 000 rmbs net assets are just average
Broooooooooool, I will say that I feel tired reading your email example for the Nth time :-\. Don't you see that you are stuck in this for months if not years?

What the hell do you expect? Everyone to kneel down and to appreciate your big money? Yes, there are people who think it's nothing and the Stacies want much more. Can't you get over it?

If your moneymaxx is not enough for them just geomaxx in a poorer area and just gymmaxx to make them like you for your body too not only for your money.
An ethnicel...


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Re: Yours (and my) experience with incels
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2024, 10:35:41 PM »
What are we talking about? I like to read it. But my favorite is when there is that combination "They like that Korean more than me!" + "They don't think of me as a rich man!" I mean, without the Korean guy example, it's not that "touching". But still, I like it.

It's everytime very interesting to read one and the same things but in different context.  :D

A suggestion for the next post: "Did I told you that I am short?" + "They like gayish guys!" and "They'll think of you as a poor even when you are so rich as I am because they are ignorant!" and at the end our favorite Korean dude.  8) This is the perfect post, I am waiting for. ;)


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Re: Yours (and my) experience with incels
« Reply #7 on: June 26, 2024, 11:16:09 PM »
Usually time wasters. They are not easy to improve themselves and even when you give them valued suggestions, ideas, help they will become hostile or depressed. This is why many females and some males are hating them.


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Re: Yours (and my) experience with incels
« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2024, 08:34:31 AM »
Usually time wasters. They are not easy to improve themselves and even when you give them valued suggestions, ideas, help they will become hostile or depressed. This is why many females and some males are hating them.
Of course! Otherwise why some women do not like incels not only because of their high body fat or ugly face or else?


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Re: Yours (and my) experience with incels
« Reply #9 on: June 27, 2024, 04:25:18 PM »
The women want the best possible. A d when you are even not the average and on top of that you don't want to improve what you can improve, then you can't expect to be noncel.

For example, take your favorite heightpill topic. Once you are short you already can't get 50% of the women who will never have a short boyfriend. But the rest 50% may consider you as a boyfriend material only if you improve your others problems. Stop bring a fatcel, stop being a geocel, become a really rich man, build a strong man body, improve your style. After you improve yourself then 50% of the females could ignore your one (height) problem. But if you're possessing 5 or 10 other problems even 1% of the females won't consider you for anything more than a friend or an orbiter.


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Re: Yours (and my) experience with incels
« Reply #10 on: June 27, 2024, 04:51:54 PM »
Before you overreact or overthink my previous answer, take some time to read my benevolent heightpill experiment .


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Re: Yours (and my) experience with incels
« Reply #11 on: June 27, 2024, 09:39:49 PM »
Years of hard and almost useless experience...
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Re: Yours (and my) experience with incels
« Reply #12 on: June 28, 2024, 05:59:45 AM »
The women want the best possible. A d when you are even not the average and on top of that you don't want to improve what you can improve, then you can't expect to be noncel.

For example, take your favorite heightpill topic. Once you are short you already can't get 50% of the women who will never have a short boyfriend. But the rest 50% may consider you as a boyfriend material only if you improve your others problems. Stop bring a fatcel, stop being a geocel, become a really rich man, build a strong man body, improve your style. After you improve yourself then 50% of the females could ignore your one (height) problem. But if you're possessing 5 or 10 other problems even 1% of the females won't consider you for anything more than a friend or an orbiter.
I can understand the rest bu wdym by 'really rich'?


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Re: Yours (and my) experience with incels
« Reply #13 on: June 28, 2024, 06:19:52 AM »
I mean two aspects:

One is you as a person to control your wealth and not to post online stuff like "My father wouldn't agree me to spend $20000 for a forum." and "My father agrees to pay me 50% of my LL but the rest of it I should earn by myself."

You sound like a kid in the middle school that had some money but daddy or mommy only can decide what the student can or can't buy.

The second one is stuff like "I can't pay this month RMB 200 for gymmaxx because I paid already for languagemaxx."

A really rich man can't say that his daddy allows or disallows him spendings and a really rich person can't think about 200 yuan more or 200 yuan less (as a monthly spending). :D Do you know that some rich guys in Shenzhen only for a lunch do spend 700 yuan? For example a man who deals with construction tools. This is a really rich man. He spends 600-700-800 per lunch and will never say that he is wondering or hesitating how to spend 200 yuan. :D :D Needless to say he will never say what his father, mother, grandfather, grandmother or uncles think about his spending. :)

You just look poor in the eyes of the people like me who really met and dealt with rich men.


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Re: Yours (and my) experience with incels
« Reply #14 on: June 28, 2024, 07:17:31 AM »
I mean two aspects:

One is you as a person to control your wealth and not to post online stuff like "My father wouldn't agree me to spend $20000 for a forum." and "My father agrees to pay me 50% of my LL but the rest of it I should earn by myself."

You sound like a kid in the middle school that had some money but daddy or mommy only can decide what the student can or can't buy.

The second one is stuff like "I can't pay this month RMB 200 for gymmaxx because I paid already for languagemaxx."

A really rich man can't say that his daddy allows or disallows him spendings and a really rich person can't think about 200 yuan more or 200 yuan less (as a monthly spending). :D Do you know that some rich guys in Shenzhen only for a lunch do spend 700 yuan? For example a man who deals with construction tools. This is a really rich man. He spends 600-700-800 per lunch and will never say that he is wondering or hesitating how to spend 200 yuan. :D :D Needless to say he will never say what his father, mother, grandfather, grandmother or uncles think about his spending. :)

You just look poor in the eyes of the people like me who really met and dealt with rich men.
A construction worker pays 700 yuan for lunch? wow first time I heard of it. But to people who really knows about how to spend money he is just an idiot....


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