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Author Topic: China  (Read 3022 times)

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« on: July 12, 2015, 04:45:29 AM »

About China

  I'm living in China since 2004 and I'd like to begin this China topic here, because I already started talking/typing about it in other websites recently and I'd like to contribute my writing and my points of view here in this website in the best way.
 This topic probably may be useful for the people who need to know about these:
  • life in China
  • life in China as an expat
  • life in China blog
  • life in China scenario
  • life in China for kids
  • life in China for women
  • life in China; facts
  • life in China for an American (life in China today for Americans)
  • life in China for a foreigner
  • life in China for foreigners
  • life in China in 2015
  • social life in China
  • life in China changing
  • life in China today (life China today)
  • life in China vs life in USA (life in China versus life in USA; life in China versus life in United States)
  • an European in China
  • a Chinese fan in China
  • a scientist in China
  • Chinese culture (and Chinese subculture)
 So, let me start it soon and if, later, you have some more questions, you can ask me here. Asking of hard questions is not considered rude or disrespectful, BUT avoiding the answering of hard questions is not considered rude or disrespectful, too. :P
 Well, I'll start it soon. I hope so. :)
A fan of science, philosophy and so on. :)


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China (2)
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2015, 04:34:00 AM »
 Let me continue this China topic.
 1. Which city am I living? Do I like the culture and do I like the people?
 你好!我住在一个南方的城市。文化--肯定喜欢,因为我是个中国迷。:)亚文化--不太喜欢。人民--有些人好,有些--不好。:-) 谢谢! (For those who don't understand Chinese language: I live in a Southern Chinese city. Well, about the Chinese culture -- of course I do like it, because I am a Chinese fan, but I don't like very much the sub-culture.) About the people -- some persons are good, some -- not good. No surprise. It depends of the concrete person, not of the nationality.
 2. Would I mind to detail the specific aspects of culture/subculture I like/dislike? (Also, what science am I doing?)
 About the science -- mostly philosophy (it's my major (and my Master's is at Philosophical anthropology); according to some points of view the philosophy is not a science, but a form of culture, but I think that nowadays it's also a part of the humanitarian science); Well, I have also strong interests in linguistics (Altaistics), psychology, biology and history, and so on.
 About the culture -- I like Chinese music, Chinese philosophy (some, not all), Chinese food, Chinese aesthetics and Chinese kung-fu. :)
 And now, about the sub-culture phenomenons (I'll mention just some, because it's hard to mention and to know all of them. Some of them vary from place to place!) -- So, I dislike things like this:
- you 'must' drink hard alcohol (the most popular in China is baijiu/bai-jiu, in Chinese: '白酒'), if you're with friends or they will think you disrespect them. I do not drink hard alcohol (if it's not just a part of some cocktail) and I think that drinking hard alcohol is something very not necessary for showing respect. There are so many other and healthy ways to show your respect, except drinking 50-60% alcohol!
- pointing to the foreigners and screaming 'LAO-WAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII' ('老外' in Chinese is 'foreigner') and similar behavior (for example pointing without screaming, discussing their appearance in front of them or next to them, and others).
- the thinking of some Chinese that 'foreigner = rich; Chinese = poor' OR/AND 'foreigner = open and limitless in their human sexual behavior; Chinese = very shy and very traditional up to pure virginity' OR/AND 'foreigner = stupid, amoral, jerk; Chinese = wise, smart, ideal' OR/AND 'West/Westerners = ideal, China/Chinese = very bad' OR/AND 'Foreigners = AIDS, Chinese = no AIDS at all!' ... A lot, really... Probably I'm missing something important.
 Oh yes, I remembered something funny -- there was an English corner some years ago in another Southern Chinese city. There were many Chinese people from all around China (not only Southern Chinese), and a Chinese young woman working in some hotel over there (I don't know what exactly) asked me about Tibet (Xi Zang in Chinese, i.e. 西藏, more about it, in Chinese: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=rpUw_qLrn0Uhn5pPtAfbTDCOtDliG1_h0PUgYM2KlgN9o7Zb78IaJcsQ4B-6bgTUZU150_-9GUGQEtFhA2HmKGWu0CEl0gPfP8G-mYXY2W3) and I answered her that I think it was a part of China (at least since the Manchurian era, i.e. Qing dynasty -- more about this dynasty in English: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qing_dynasty ) and now it's a part of China, too. And she, at once, started to criticize me how is that possible; I am 'a Westerner', but I can speak like this!' (in her, sorry to say, idiotic opinion, all the Westerners must be something like: anti-communists, anti-Chinese, etc!). So many uneducated (or not enough educated) people with a lot of stereotypes and prejudices... and they're the creators/generators/supporters of many sub-culture/sub-cultures, which is something, more or less, like an opposite of the great Chinese culture.
 I'll try to continue this China topic in the future! Thanks for reading it!
A fan of science, philosophy and so on. :)


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Re: China
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2023, 07:14:59 AM »
 I repeated it many times but let me tell you once again: China is now more and more similar to Russia and North Korea. Even Laos and Vietnam are not that close at the present time. I am talking about the difference between "one-man rule" and "one-party rule" (a.k.a. "neomonarchism" and "partocracy")
A fan of science, philosophy and so on. :)


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