Lounge thread
One of my favorite places are the lounges. There are different lounges in architecture:
Airport lounge, private waiting area offered by airlines to special customers or to those who pay an extra fee
Living room, also known as a lounge room, a room for entertaining guests, reading, watching TV or other activities
Lounge, a public waiting area provided with seating as in a hotel; a lobby
Bar (establishment), also known as a lounge in some cases
Bar (counter), a section of a restaurant, typically with unreserved seating
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lounge http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Text_of_Creative_Commons_Attribution-ShareAlike_3.0_Unported_License I can spend 24 hours in some good lounge, especially if there is a good company.

Let's start this lounge thread and to share some good ideas for lounge decorations or/and designs.