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Topics - carolgreen481

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Learn Chinese / good phrases
« on: September 22, 2012, 12:03:31 PM »
I've seen words like these:
Do they mean the same as 平坦(的), 明白(的) and 开心(的)??
If yes, what is the point of using the doubled ones?


Other topics / How can i study chinese music?
« on: September 19, 2012, 08:25:39 AM »
Im really into traditional chinese music, and i want to study it really bad, but i cant find anything anywhere about it. Does anyone know of any book, website or anything that i could use? Im desperate here, i literally cant find anything!

Learn Chinese / Pinyin Info
« on: September 14, 2012, 08:55:11 AM »
Seem to recall that the person who created Pinyin info posts here. Just visited the tools page and the site has been hacked. If one of you knows who the site owner is could you let them know? Thanks.

Learn Chinese / Chinese grammar examples
« on: September 03, 2012, 10:25:32 AM »
Chinese is considered to be a topic-prominent language, where the topic of the sentence (defined as "old" information whereupon the sentence is based) takes precedence in the sentence. For example, the following sentences do not seem to follow normal subject-first word order, but adhere perfectly to the topic–comment structure (Traditional Characters in square brackets):

    院子(yuànzi)里(lǐ) 停着(tíngzhe) 一(yí) 辆(liàng) 车(chē)。 [院子裏停著一輛車。]
    Literally: In the courtyard is parked a car. (A car is parked in the courtyard.)

    今天(jīntiān) 爬(pá) 山(shān), 明天(míngtiān) 露(lù) 营(yíng)。 [今天爬山,明天露營。]
    Today climb mountains, tomorrow camp outdoors. This is an example of a pro-drop sentence. The subject of this sentence (for instance, "we" or "I" or "our school group") would be determined by context.

    饭(fàn) 做(zuò) 好(hǎo) 了(le)。[飯做好了]
    Literally: Food done complete LE. (Food is ready.) LE indicates that the action is done.

Mandarin is classified as an SVO language, because verbs precede rather than follow objects in simple sentences. Unlike most SVO languages, most modifiers of nouns, verbs and adjectives precede the head (modified item), as is often the case in SOV languages like Turkish and Japanese. Hence

    Prepositional phrases modifying a verb precede the verb
    Genitive constructions precede the head noun
    Relative clauses precede the head noun
    Adjectives precede nouns
    The standard of comparison in a comparative adjective precedes the adjective

Furthermore, Chinese uses postpositions in many constructions rather than prepositions, for example:

    "table-on" = on the table
    房子(fángzi)里(lǐ) [房子裏]
    "house-in" = in the house

Mandarin also relies on the formation of adjectival phrases rather than subordination, for example:

    我(wǒ)骑(qí)过(guo)的(de)马(mǎ) [我騎過的馬]
    "the I-had-ridden horse" = the horse that I had ridden
    令(lìng)人(rén)烦恼(fánnǎo)的(de)事情(shìqing) [令人煩惱的事情]
    "(cause people worries)'s matter" or "to people worrisome matter" = matter that worries people

Moreover, verb phrases come at the end of a clause if the object or indirect object is "marked." For example, there are two types of accusative cases in Mandarin. Accusative I is the typical subject–verb–object ordering. Accusative II, also known as the bǎ construction,[1] results in a change of state in the object, and implies a stronger sense in which something is done to the object, and is marked with the prefix 把 bǎ and by a movement of the verb phrase to the end of the clause.

Learn Chinese / Study Chinese different Traditional wedding taboo custom
« on: August 29, 2012, 09:16:28 AM »
f you are learning Chinese, you will find that Chinese taboo plays an important part in the course of learning Chinese. Learning Chinese characters are often cruised for being a little bit complex relative to other writing system.

In China many places still keeps some traditional marriage customs, such as some wedding taboo. In fact, customs in every place,are an expression of local culture. Culture is interactive with each other, let’s see some taboo of wedding custom, just for reference and should not be too superstitious. 

Here are some taboos for you to learn Chinese custom in Chinese wedding.
(1) Avoid to get marry in ghost month. The lunar calendar day is in July.

(2) Learn to study Chinese wedding taboo custom to avoiding to get marry in lunar calendar in June that means new couples can not live to the end together.

(3) Put the bed at the right place to avoid facing the angles of anything.

(4) Grooms to marry can not sleep alone in new bed from bed is located to the night before marry, they can find an underage boy who was born under the year of dragon to sleep with.

(5) Learning Chinese Engagement day, no matter how hot the weather, all people that participate in the engagement can not incite fans, because it means break up.

(6) After the engagement of the wedding breakfast, the two sides can not say goodbye to each other, or have remarried Chinese language meaning.

(7) The bride shouldn’t to wear a cloth with pockets, so as to avoid taking her family fortune.

8)Learn Chinese at the brides’ aspects: The brides should cry, the more the better, not cry means new couple can not get rich after married.

Learn Chinese / chinese encyclopedia
« on: August 23, 2012, 09:36:39 AM »

I need to find informations about Zhang Yimou in chinese online encyclopedia.
Please, could you advice me?

Thanks ???

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