Rejection #45
This is another one of all these many ghosted type rejections (but most of the time the chat was meaningful so I'm not sure if it's a 100% ghosting or just she forgot to leave me her new contacts... or, the worst happened

I hope not). I don't know.
So, it's about a "calm" ("attractive and charming.")... :
7:59:53 PM
calm 3:48:53 PM
Thank you!
9:39:40 PM
So, are you in Haikou recently?
calm 1:55:02 PM
No, I have never been to haikou.
2:14:41 PM
But I live here. When you're going to come?
8:41:34 PM
Hi, my friend! How are you doing?
8:41:37 PM
我已经好久在中国,所以我没有什么不懂的,可是要问你个问题:以前几个中国朋友们(男性和女性)对我说了“我喜欢你”(I like you),因为我们就是普通的好朋友们.今天我对一个海南的朋友说了“我喜欢你”,可是她认为了是我爱她的意思或我要爱她的意思。然后她说在中国不会对普通的朋友说“我喜欢你。”,可是我还不相信她,因为以前就是对我几个100%中国人说了这样。你也是中国人,你告诉我你觉的“我喜欢你”是太过份了或就是个正常的,普通的句子?
calm 7:06:40 PM
It depends.
calm 7:07:15 PM
When you say I like you to a girl, I think the girl will mistake it for I love you.
calm 7:07:51 PM
But if a guy say it to you, that means he likes hanging out with you.
10:02:34 PM
Alright. Thanks!
How are you doing recently?
calm 1:58:51 PM
So far so good
calm 1:59:02 PM
I was late for work today.
calm 1:59:11 PM
Very unhappy for that
1:59:46 PM
I was late once too. It's bad. But if you called them and said "Sorry, I'm not able to come on time, but I'm coming!", it's okay I think.
1:59:58 PM
What do you work exactly, now?
2:24:41 PM
And do you still like massages?
calm 6:35:18 PM
No, I use we chat more often
12:46:59 AM
calm 10:06:54 AM
something about selling houses。
calm 10:07:11 AM
Are you surprised?
12:09:02 AM
No. In fact it's a good job, isn't it.
12:09:14 AM
And you're still in Haikou, right?
calm 11:22:11 PM
No, I don't
calm 11:22:25 PM
I have never been to haikou
11:26:58 PM
Often I do forget it.
calm 10:29:06 AM
I have never been to HAinan either.
2:29:15 PM
But how we know each other? I don't remember where we met for the first time?
calm 4:01:31 PM
I guess we have not met before.
calm 4:02:09 PM
Well, I also did not remem how we got to know each other.
4:02:14 PM
We should then.
calm 4:02:33 PM
3:25:01 PM
calm 10:26:06 PM
Ok, are you safe with a mask?
10:26:07 PM
calm 10:26:55 PM
By the way, is there anything that can't be left behind?
10:26:56 PM
10:32:01 PM
10:32:42 PM
What do you mean with that "can't be left behind"?
calm 11:20:00 PM
I mean why do you want to stay in China?
11:20:30 PM
calm 11:20:33 PM
Is there something u can't leave behind?
calm 11:20:42 PM
How long?
11:20:44 PM
。我的意思是他们,大多数,没有对中国那么深的爱。经常他们来这边1-2年,上班一下,吃中国菜一下,旅游一下,摸一模中国女人们,后来换另外的国家。很少有对中国深爱的和责任心的老外们。可能2-3%。其它都是:“你在这里这么多年?! 你疯了吗?!”。。。。。。 有些中国人也是这样的态度,他们觉的中国是不太好的,可是我喜欢这里的安全,和谐和稳定社会。
11:21:10 PM
I just LOVE China.
calm 11:21:18 PM
Ok, got it
11:21:34 PM
Almost 16 years so far.
11:21:45 PM
So, where are you now?
calm 11:21:48 PM
Then how old are you?
calm 11:22:01 PM
I am in China, of course
11:23:05 PM
No, I mean which city. Because I'm in Haikou.
11:23:30 PM
我就是你的哥哥(不是大叔,不要担心。 )
calm 11:24:02 PM
I am in nanchang
calm 11:24:23 PM
Oh, I am worried.
11:24:25 PM
Oh, 江西. I see.
11:24:37 PM
Don't worry.
11:25:08 PM
Of course, if there is something, let me know. Maybe I can help. Who knows...
11:25:15 PM
It's like this:
11:25:26 PM
11:25:44 PM
Sometimes, of course...
calm 11:32:33 PM
Like what?
calm 11:33:02 PM
I do not know much about what you can help
calm 11:33:20 PM
Just take care of yourself
11:49:24 PM
11:50:05 PM
Of course, I'm trying to. You know I'm an educated and smart man.
calm 5:17:30 PM
I don't know much about you
calm 5:17:52 PM
What is your passion for life?
5:18:14 PM
A few, in fact:
calm 5:18:53 PM
Let me guess!
calm 5:20:00 PM
You are a Caucasian, of medium height
5:20:05 PM
OK, but I will give you the list anyway:
calm 5:20:30 PM
Probably a little fat.
calm 5:20:48 PM
Over 40
5:21:01 PM
1) China. I love to learn the Chinese culture and to enjoy Chinesee things.
2) Sports (mostly wu-shu and gym).
3) Learning science.
4) Trying to make successful online business, because I want to become richer.
That's all I think...
calm 5:21:26 PM
calm 5:22:05 PM
Before you came to China, what did you do?
calm 5:22:56 PM
You may have lots of girls coming and going in your life.
calm 5:23:04 PM
That is my first guess
5:24:15 PM
calm 5:25:10 PM
Your Chinese is better than mine
5:25:16 PM calm撤回了一条消息
calm 5:25:25 PM
No bet
5:25:41 PM
5:26:16 PM
5:26:24 PM
5:26:54 PM
calm 5:27:04 PM
Who took that picture for you?
calm 5:27:13 PM
Someone intimate?
5:27:20 PM
5:28:13 PM
5:28:32 PM
5:29:29 PM
calm 5:30:12 PM
Ok, that's amazing
calm 5:30:40 PM
This is just getting interesting.
5:31:19 PM
- 我发誓,没有的。如果有的话,我会天天在电脑前面做9-10个小时吗?如果我有爱我的人,我肯定不会那么长时间在家里用网络在电脑前。
5:31:57 PM
calm 5:32:47 PM
So you have never married?
calm 5:33:10 PM
never meet that special one?
5:33:37 PM
- 没有,因为我的汉语是90%自学的;我从小的时候热爱了中国,所以自己找了汉字,自己学习了。我的语法不好(我只有猜怎么放单词一个一个的,可是不知道我用的是不是关于语法上对。但是你懂,就够了。)
5:36:28 PM
等一下,你问我好多问题,可是你自己不说。 你也来一下,介绍自己的:有没有很多男朋友们,结婚了没有,离婚了没有,有没有孩子们?这样我们互相聊天吧。 因为这样的unilateral (only one side), 有点像在法院或警察的地方--只有他们问问题的。
calm 5:37:58 PM
I dated African boyfriend and American boyfriend before I got married
calm 5:38:15 PM
So a lot of information for you
calm 5:38:47 PM
I have a two year old daughter.
calm 5:38:57 PM
She is very very cute.
5:39:02 PM
5:39:30 PM
好的。Thank you for your honesty!
5:41:04 PM
I will be honest too, I had a Chinese woman, but now we're not together anymore:
calm 5:42:01 PM
Didn't you two get married?
calm 5:42:10 PM
Are you divorced?
5:42:40 PM
It's nearly impossible. 非常爱你的人,可能你不爱。你非常爱的人,可能她不爱你。所以机会是超级小的。离婚越来越多。爱没有那么容易。
5:42:49 PM
calm 5:44:12 PM
When did you two part?
5:47:28 PM
I really don't wont to remember the past. I just wanted to tell you something private (honest) about me, too. Because you sounds like an honest person.
5:47:55 PM
Past is past. And makes me feel pain... So I do prefer to focus on the present ("now").
calm 5:48:24 PM
5:48:32 PM
For example, now I'm writing a new e-book. And it will be ready soon.
5:48:42 PM
It's about the incels.
5:48:55 PM
(involuntary celibates)
5:49:29 PM
I think it's a good idea and may be helpful for them, because they're more and more. Some of them suicides... the situation is tragic...
5:49:40 PM
And I feel it myself...
calm 5:52:13 PM
Something about religion
5:52:49 PM
不是。那些是voluntary celibates.
5:53:13 PM
5:53:42 PM
5:54:07 PM
5:54:37 PM
5:54:54 PM
calm 5:56:31 PM
Haven't you heard?
calm 5:56:36 PM
Love is blind
5:56:53 PM
calm 5:57:18 PM
I guess your view is too pessmistic
5:59:24 PM
《--- 这样的老,丑的,印度人,会不会找到女朋友?不会的。
6:00:05 PM
No, it's just REALISTIC. 所以我就是写那个书本要帮忙有机会的男人们。因为可能40%是有机会的。
calm 6:03:12 PM
Sometimes love is beyond material wealth
calm 6:03:25 PM
You just need to find it
6:03:46 PM
对这样一位: 或 ,没有那么多"love is blind". Love is blind 只有对比较好看的,比较有收入的男人们。女人们不会爱上穷,丑,矮男人。这个就是REALISM的看法。
calm 6:03:55 PM
If you fail to fine love, that is because you don't try hard
6:05:24 PM
6:06:40 PM
如果他try hard: ,你觉的会有正常的女人会爱上他吗?
6:07:33 PM
6:08:41 PM calm撤回了一条消息
6:08:49 PM
比如这个丑的朋友: -- 他会的。慢慢会做好的皮肤,头发,肌肉,卫生。他会的。可是上面那个人没有办法的。
calm 6:09:12 PM
I always believe in love at first sight
calm 6:09:33 PM
Never lose heart
calm 6:09:40 PM
Keep looking
6:11:08 PM
For love at first sight, the men needs to be:
- good-looking
- not very poor
- good character
calm 6:12:59 PM
6:13:24 PM
Me? I'm not that bad: 1. 我超级有教育的(硕士哲学家),2.我是白人(人家最爱白的),3. 我是比较年轻(还没有到了”中年“),4.我很干净,天天洗澡,洗脸,洗手。5.我的身体越来越肌肉的,6.天天看书,学习多。7.比好多本地的人们更富有一点。
calm 6:13:25 PM
So funny
6:13:46 PM
Yes, that's it.
calm 6:13:53 PM
Supper now
6:14:24 PM
6:15:49 PM
他们天天要自杀。自杀的越来越高: 。所以我就可怜他们。I feel pity for them and I'm trying to help...
6:15:50 PM
Yes, that's it.
6:17:30 PM
关于宗教(religion)-- 100% NO. 我是科学的看法,我不相信那些假象的“上帝”,“天使”,“魔鬼”,等等bullshit.
6:29:38 PM
我们不要说这些对你无聊的话题吧。重要的是你来海南的时候我们见面。 还有,无聊的时候,找我随便聊天你喜欢的话题。
calm 6:33:24 PM
I have never been to hainan
calm 6:33:54 PM
I will travel to hainan someday
calm 6:34:14 PM
I am the boring kind of people
calm 6:34:43 PM
I have little interest
7:02:48 PM
Well, of course.
7:03:07 PM
No, you are attractive and charming.
7:03:22 PM
7:03:28 PM
calm 7:36:19 PM
calm 7:36:38 PM
It may be deceiving
7:38:54 PM
Of course! But, because I like the Chinese women very much (except the fat ones), I do believe, that in my eyes, you could be a really charming Chinese girl.
7:41:32 PM calm撤回了一条消息
calm 7:41:52 PM
I am the fat one
calm 7:42:08 PM
63 kg
7:42:26 PM
But why? If you're 170 cm, then it's not that bad.
7:42:34 PM
Depends how tall are you, in fact.
calm 7:42:48 PM
I am no more than 160
calm 7:43:11 PM
So you see, fat
7:43:26 PM
Oh, then you have to be 50 kg. 减肥26斤,才是美女。
7:43:38 PM
Fat is bad for health.
7:45:22 PM
比如癌症:越胖越高癌症可能性: 。
calm 7:46:04 PM
To be honest, I am not that fat
calm 7:46:30 PM
I have two giant boobs
calm 7:46:47 PM
That makes me heavy
calm 7:46:52 PM
More or less
calm 7:46:56 PM
7:56:35 PM
Every + kg. is already a problem for the body. 我以前(胖子的时候)有了好多问题:非常流汗,腿疼,膝盖疼。减肥后一点都没有,感觉越来越健康。
7:56:48 PM
Wow?! Giant???
calm 8:00:55 PM
D or E cup for my size
calm 8:01:35 PM
I am never proud of them
8:01:51 PM
I see. This, for sure, makes many men horny.
calm 8:01:54 PM
Actually, I dislike this situation a lot.
8:02:15 PM
But, maybe 85-90% of the males think the opposite.
8:02:30 PM
Even the women. More and more consider breast surgery...
8:02:49 PM
So, you just may be okay with it; don't feel sorry.
10:51:21 PM
10:51:42 PM
How's it going? Bored or... ?
calm 11:38:24 PM
So far so good
calm 11:38:52 PM
Going to sleep
11:44:16 PM
OK. Good night!
3:13:00 PM
calm 5:13:17 PM
What is it?
5:13:27 PM
5:13:40 PM
A picture. Just it.
5:13:43 PM
calm 5:15:28 PM
Ok, can you go out?
5:19:40 PM
Everyday or every other day I'm out. Buying some vegetables, fruit. Few minutes running. Some simple sports. Visiting some new corner or street.
5:20:52 PM
calm 5:21:32 PM
Good for you!
5:24:24 PM
Yes. I'm different. All my life is according to science and safety...
5:27:57 PM
calm 6:39:33 PM
Well, I am glad to know it.
calm 6:40:15 PM
The wuhan virus is spreading fast
calm 7:04:02 PM
Be more careful
8:38:13 PM
10:14:38 PM
And how about your place? Are you limited to go out? How do you spend your days and nights?
3:08:22 PM
4:01:55 PM
Today I'll share with you my another's chat part:
4:02:22 PM
这里是我的刚才的“差不多的存在主义”thoughts ;跟教授聊天了:
calm 2:09:56 PM
Haha, don't be judgmental.
calm 2:10:46 PM
You never really know a person unless you are together long enough.
2:42:10 PM
You know most of these couples do not stay long... Most are just for 1 week to several months... So, I doubt it's related to the "personality"...
10:01:38 PM
3:26:36 PM
calm 9:59:59 AM
Sorry, I don't use QQ very often.
calm 10:00:14 AM
I use we chat more often
2:11:50 PM
OK, when you miss me, you can use QQ to chat with me then.
2:29:41 PM
calm 1:23:39 PM
(coconut tree emoji)
3:03:47 PM
Yes, a lot of coconut trees around me.
calm 4:01:46 PM
We have a beautiful day today
calm 4:02:27 PM
People will go back to work sooner or later.
11:58:43 PM
Yeah, those who survive... I can't get any income now... even my last salary isn't available:
calm 2:02:31 PM
Where do you teach?
2:03:21 PM
In Haikou. Mostly private students (一对一),but also a school is hiring me for part-time job.
2:09:03 PM
但是现在都不要上课,所以是痛苦的。但是没有选择的。外面的公司查不到全部的也不上班;没有人需要工人的。(而且很少会请老外上班的。)又无聊,又穷。。。。。。 这样。
calm 10:46:04 AM
Ok, many foreigners find their jobs as teachers in China.
calm 10:47:05 AM
Some teach in universities. Some teach in middle schools and some in kindergarten.
2:53:45 PM
我知道 。我是说我现在这边没有的。"Many foreigners"是他们的事儿(我属于在这个"many foreigners"的定义,因为不会有中国国籍)。好多老外们回国了,其它:我一样现在上课不了。我只有分享我的情况,在海口市:学校还没开门了,外面差不多每一个公司和商店还不敢开门。这样。所以不会找到工作也没有人要出去玩玩一下,因为大多数觉的“病毒那里都有”。所以:又无聊,又穷。
4:02:30 PM
Hi, attractive and charming friend of mine!
4:02:49 PM
calm 8:02:24 AM
Thanks for sharing
calm 8:02:28 AM
Way to go
3:57:20 PM
4:55:23 PM
我的第二本已经OK了: ...
calm 2:05:02 PM
But I can't read either of them
3:38:38 PM
Well, it's just a photo (screenshot). I just want to show you my progress.
My third one: ...
calm 7:06:53 PM
I expect them to be good
calm 7:07:49 PM
So you start your teaching already?
8:23:05 PM
No. Still no incomes. Hard life.
8:32:04 PM
6:33:04 PM
You're currently a teacher too?
calm 7:51:38 PM
Well, how do you know?
11:23:33 PM
1) 你的英语不错。
calm 8:10:12 PM
Ok, way to go!
calm 8:10:30 PM
You are very smart
9:06:06 PM
3:46:03 PM
4:23:47 PM
calm 8:37:47 PM
I have to say, your Chinese is too good to be true
10:09:03 PM
1)好多人说我的语法是差的。我同意。因为我自学只有孩子的(单词的)。我不知道哪一个单词是第一, 哪一个是第二。。。。。。 就猜(用我的母语的语法逻辑和从中国人听的的汉语)什么是什么。
10:20:09 PM
其实,我不明白为什么有比较多中国人认为一个外国人不会学习汉字的。我知道汉字的是比较难的和古代的方式(不太像个现代的写法);我也知道许多老外们不是那么聪明的(大多数他们不太爱学习,对他们知识不是个价值,因为他们更爱:运动,酒,性爱,政治,电影,等。)但是每一个脑子(无论是中国的或外国的)可以学习图片(汉字)。比如:对个中国小孩子 "lei"“磊”是难的(对老外人也是难的)。对个中国小孩子"yi" “一”是容易的(对外国人也是的)。
calm 10:55:48 PM
Don't be judgemental.
10:57:28 PM
I'm trying to explain the things from an OBJECTIVE, philosophical and educated point of view.
Of course, I have no any intention to be judgemental: just explained why I can speak some Chinese better (plus I added the abilities of the foreigners to learn foreign languages.)
Take it as a pro explanation of the phenomenon.
calm 10:57:37 PM
You have interest and talence to learn.
calm 10:58:46 PM
But others may have no interest to learn Chinese
11:01:29 PM
Mostly, the others, have no interest to learny anything. It's rare to see someone reading books (but scientific books, not just porn or religion); it's rare to see someone who is really learning and values the knowledge.
I like a scientists who said it: "80% of the people/population are not clever." He is right. Facts...
3:16:43 PM
我给个简单的例子:你猜了关于我 ,就是因为你知道外国的男人们,大多数,一点都不懂卡路里的,随便吃,喝,很少会做运动(可能1:10做好的运动),所以他们60-90%是"a little fat" 或 obese.
但是我真的不是个ordinary guy:我算卡路里,做运动,找健康的食物(柠檬,鸡蛋,大蒜,苹果,椰子,等),不喝白酒也不吸烟,所以我的身体是那些男模特差不多一样的: 。
4:10:15 PM
By the way, I wonder something: are you a Christian (基督教的)?
calm 8:38:09 PM
No, I have no religion.
calm 8:38:22 PM
A non-believer
12:30:55 AM
哦。I asked this, because "Don't be judgemental." is one of the favorite quotes of the Christians. I wondered is that the case.
3:50:18 PM
calm 7:12:34 PM
I have no idea it is the quote of Christians.
calm 8:39:48 PM
But I do know all men created equal
12:46:11 AM
其实没有created。是自动的(自然)的,进化论。 。原来没有了人类。后来慢慢有了。
10:02:25 PM
”芝麻街“ (我的最后一个的工作地方)停了营业。我已经是100%失业的。(我早说了没有什么大希望的。)
calm 5:44:56 PM
Well, you can always sell your books and make a living.
calm 5:45:27 PM
I don't know much about your situation. Don't you have some savings?
calm 5:46:09 PM
If it is too hard for you, there are ways to get out of the trouble
6:23:24 PM
No. I sell only a little amount of the books and they're just $0.99. Too many writers around the world. I can't rely on books.
6:23:40 PM
Here we're not working since January. Savings are less and less.
6:24:07 PM
I know. I already prepared my self to leave the world if till June no income.
7:56:28 PM
calm 10:21:28 PM
What? Suicide? That's terrible
10:45:21 PM
Yes, I informed already all of the people who know me:
3:11:37 PM
。 我的公正的回答:
calm 12:59:00 PM
I am so sorry for this
3:12:21 PM
Just wrong passport and wrong time... If I was a Canadian or an US citizen the things could be better... Anyway. Who cares? I'm going to die probably soon, if no incomes. Searching every day, but nothing, nothing and nothing.
calm 9:20:26 PM
I am sorry again
4:12:34 PM
OK. 没有办法的。可是最好的是现在这个恶心的国家-美国,有特别多问题。希望未来的时候它已经不会当那么强的,那么会做其它国家的问题恶国。这边差不多每一个人觉的美国那么好,每一个人觉的美国的老师是最好的,美国的生活是最好的。并不是!我真的希望它会不存在的!因为它在世界上那么多人民有问题的!我不明白怎么还会有人喜欢美国?!... 这个是个非法的,恶心的,不好的,讨厌的国。英国也是差不多的。
12:58:00 AM
2020-2-5 15:08:22
11:24:40 PM
And just nothing more... Still not sure what was that and what kind of ghosting it is... maybe she was sick of my idea to leave this world because of the "endless" lockdowns and poverty in China? I am not sure. Glad that didn't do it because I hope I'll find a better place soon! But this one, well it was a sort of rejection, if not 100% ghosted and it had some value for the incels (to see how bluepilled may be person even someone who's above the average like her), so I am sharing it with you all.