Rejection #8
This isn't a 100% rejection because for a short time (a few days) the girl in question was my girlfriends (we had some kisses; I'm not a kissless incel.) but I'm sharing this story because
- a/ at the end she left me
- b/ I promised you to tell you about that bike story
A friend of mine told me a lie that this girl looks almost the same as his sister. His sister was my "one-it-is" and I considered her as the most pretty person in the world. When I met the girl I saw she doesn't look like his sister (the similarity wasn't more than 2% at most) but she wasn't ugly or something so I decided to give her a chance. She was almost the same tall as me. I wasn't sure if she's going to give me a chance but we end up as a couple for a few days. I did my best: took her to some pretty national parks, parks, gardens, cafes; draw some romantic pictures for her, made her small presents and so on.
She doesn't seem to love me so much but jealous a lot. For example we exchanged a joking dialog with her female classmate who learned some Turkish (I learned some Turkish language too). And my girlfriend then suddenly said: "What you too are talking? Translate now!!!" Another time there was some mIRC (online chat) female friend who said I look good or something like that and my girlfriend then saw it (I showed her because I am frank and share all; no secrets) and get literally red face, heartbeat, temperature... I thought she's going to have a heart attack at that moment... I told her the chat pal is far away, not going to meet her, don't love her... but it wasn't enough.
Well, you think that if someone jealous you probably she or he is not going to go meeting others and flirt with them, or even worse? You're wrong. She was full of jealousy but she doesn't self-limit herself to meet and even dance closely with boys. One night she said she's going to a club with her female classmates and there will be no boys. Oh, sure I believed it. A club full of males who 90% are there not for the dance or the drinks but for the mating and "no boys"... I went there too (some hour or two after she was there) and I saw her dancing with some fatty... She saw me, I made a question sign and she just smiled like "Oh, I am so sorry, he invited me to dance and I couldn't say "no"! Don't mind me, it's okay!"
Later she had to go her village (parent's home) every weekend. I was sure she's meeting there other boys (it's a typical story in our region - some people have boyfriends in the towns or cities but when they visit their villages they do have another boyfriend there, for the time being... or just some flirts, one-night stands...) so I decided to be there too. But at that moment I had no bike, no motorbike of course and even no money for the bus. I walked 35 km to the village to meet her for a while (I really met her, it was so romantic according to her cousin)... Then a best friend of mine when heard this story and was shocked that I walked 35 km said that he's going to rent me a bike or to lend me his bike for a long time. I agreed but his bike was in his village and I had to walk this time another 20 km to his village. His grandmother was shocked how I walked to there on foot. He smiled and said "Don't worry about him, he used to; he is a tourist."

Then I was so happy that I have a bike and I ride it back to the city. Even went to meet her in front of her cram school with the bike and to tell her: "You see, I'm already equipped with a vehicle and we'll be together more!" but when I met her I fall with the bike in front of her

it was embarrassing but I was young and fast, in less than a second I stood up and said to her about the bike...
It was less than a week since we were a couple I went to her home to give her some cassette tape as a present but she said she want us to break up.

I was very shocked, sad and... even found her father to tell him words like: "You see, uncle! I was so good to your daughter but she decided to break up with me! From now on if she meet another one and he's a bad man, don't blame me, it's not my responsibility."
I am not a hooligan and that time I wasn't as strong and sporty as I am now because I was at the very beginning of my sports development. But I was ready to fight with him if he was like "My daughter is right, you loser!" Well, he was a polite man, he just said "Oh, sorry... I see." and it was a peaceful separation. A few days later (or 2-3 weeks later maybe, around this kind of time period) I saw her walking with another boy who was much taller and bigger than me; a "real Chad" as some present days incels will say about him. She saw me too, said something to the "Chad" with some foxy smile (I guess it was like "That short guy is my ex-boyfriend. Can you imagine me being a girlfriend of such a loser?!") and that was all. We even didn't greet each other and I'm glad that the "Chad" wasn't some asshole who'll say some bad words to me because I was with a knife in my pocket that time (in the country I grew up there are many dangerous guys outside and often we wear different weapons for self-protections) and I wasn't sure if he start to attack me how long I could protect myself without using the knife. I'm a reasonable person and I don't want to go to jail but when it's about love, the emotions are too strong to control them and I am just happy that "Chad" was a reasonable man too and nothing happened.
Since that time I started to train harder; I knew I'll be not become as tall as he was, nor as handsome as he was. But I knew (and I was right) that the sports will make be better looking, stronger and with improved health. As a result I become a man who doesn't need a knife to protect himself and who won several fights (some friendly and some not very friendly).Why she rejected me? The rejection according to that friend was because my bad clothes (honestly I was more poor than now; I had no money for more than second hand clothes) but that friend was sort of not very clever and he tended to explain all with the clothes, shoes, hairstyle and other stuff that many incels now know as "blupilled" (too naive or brainwashed). I just think that she rejected me because she already met that taller, handsomer and richer man. The classical hypergamic behaviour, the classical hypergamic woman who doesn't feel shame to do so and even maybe proud to say "I found a better one and I don't care if I broke the heart of that poor, short and uglier one!"