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Author Topic: "500 Rejections"  (Read 13711 times)

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  • A wannabe (a person who tries to be like someone else or to fit in with a particular group of people) gymcel
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"500 Rejections"
« on: July 15, 2022, 07:24:08 PM »

500 Rejections

by Poor Bald Short Gymcel

"The First Ever Incel Oriented Free E-book"

 To the brocels (incels who I feel like my "fate brothers") who really want to get some experience. As an older incel I got some to share. This is helpful for the young incels and for the incelologist and other scientists who're going to make efforts in the future to help the society to solve the problem called "inceldom".


I met a girl in the bus. She was something like 26 years old. I told her to add my chat if she wants. And later she really did it. We chatted for a few days or a week. Then I asked her if she has a boy-friends. She answered negatively and then I asked her if she would like to meet me. She said "Yes but with one condition." I asked her what's that condition and her answer was like: "Well, I have a rule that I follow 100% with all of the males who like me. The rule is simple: we start to date but the first 6 months there will be no sexual activity, no kiss and even no hugging."

My immediate answer was: "Agree! But I also have got one condition. During these 6 months I don't invite you to cinemas, dinners, travel spots, etc. We only go to run in the park, to sit in a garden or to walk on the main streets. Is it okay?"


Later I tried to explain her that only stupid guys will spend tons of money in half a year for nothing. She even can't promise that she will become a real girl-friend (which means at least some intimacy like a hug or a kiss) after that period. What if she's just using these guys to pay her bills? And what if she already has another boyfriend?

I am proud I didn't fall for this!

To be continued...
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Rejection #2
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2022, 11:05:22 PM »
Rejection #2

It was late, around 10:00 p. m. Walking alone to home after a long working day. I prefer to walk, instead of all those buses, taxis, bike and so on. I have no car too. Walking gives me a way to burn some calories (of course only this is not enough to lose weight but it's like an additional help). I felt a girl (a bit younger than me, that time, it was around 2005) walking behind me. Soon she started to walk next to me. I felt she is interested to have some chat with me. We said "Hi" to each other. Later we exchanged our e-mails.

After some e-mails we had a date. The date was simple, in a local Mc Donald's. I paid a hamburger for her and a soft drink. We talked and she said she'll call me again.

I was glad. Even started to prepare some topics for our next date. Started to think where to take her next time. What clothes to wear. I was much naive that time and I believed that if a person say "I will call you again and we'll meet again." it's 100% true. Later I realized that many people like her don't care about honesty. She never call me again, never sent a single e-mail again. I was totally ghosted and rejected!

Months later I met her in the chat (we used mIRC that time). She said nothing about her dishonest behavior. The same nothing happened. Instead she tried to introduce me some uglier friend of her (probably a girl who nobody wants to date). I didn't mind to date an uglier girl because I'm not so into the looks. I value things beyond the looks (like hygiene, honesty, education, same hobbies and so on) but I was so disappointed that I refused to meet her and her uglier female friend. I even told her something like

"Don't bother me please! I have a girlfriend now. Probably going to get married soon."

Her answer was highly impudent like: "Oh, yeah? Then may we (me and my friend) meet you both and to join your wedding."

I deleted this person and never ever wanted to chat with her again.
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


  • A wannabe (a person who tries to be like someone else or to fit in with a particular group of people) gymcel
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Rejections #3
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2022, 02:36:07 AM »
Rejection #3

It's one of my first rejection abroad. One of the first university student females that talked with me in a train.

She was traveling with her brother and her family. She was very interested to talk to me and we had long conversation with her and from time to time with her and her brother. She looked very pretty, nice and honest. We talked about the different cities, her major, language questions and so on. At one point I asked her "Do you have a boy-friend?" and she said "No, I haven't." I believed her and even started to hope that she might be my future (soon to be) girlfriend.

Even I started to work in another city, I kept the hope that something will happen between us. I sent her emails, she answered but in one of the emails she said that she lied me about the boyfriend; in fact she had and has a boyfriend. I felt very, very sad and I felt so unhappy and betrayed. After that I stopped to write to her.

Years later, I decided to search her again. I found her and, as I expected, she was already married. We had some neutral chats and, of course, nothing more happened. She is still in my contacts but we didn't chat for a long time.
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


  • A wannabe (a person who tries to be like someone else or to fit in with a particular group of people) gymcel
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Rejection #4
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2022, 02:43:37 AM »
Rejection #4

One of the phone rejections that many of the nowadays incels will call "brutal black pill" or "my first black pill". "Phone rejection" because me and that woman met in a conference line (phone conference line) many years ago when there wasn't internet.

So this is the story. One night, maybe around 2:00 a. m., there were not many people on the phone's conference line. I liked to use it in the late hours (early morning ours) because at that time there weren't so many other males and the competitions was low. Well, this helped me to find the woman in question. She sounded like a young, sexy college girl (probably 21 or 22 years old). We talked around 10 to 15 minutes about different common topics like "Are you from the same city?", "Where do you live?", "Are you sleepy?", "Do you like night conversations?", "How did you learn about this conference line?", "I like this new song... and you?" and then came the "black pill moment". She asked me how tall I am and what's my weight. I answered her honestly. That time I was around 171 cm and around 65 kg. This is something average (or slightly below average) for that area. 45%-50% of the males are around that height and a bit heavier (that time the obesity wasn't that big problem as nowadays). So, I felt okay. I can't say "pretty confident" but I really didn't feel I'm very rejectable because I wasn't fat, I practiced martial arts and I read a lot of books; also I wasn't that old at that time and I was proud of my choice to avoid the alcohol and the cigarettes. So, I felt myself as a young, educated and healthy (and sporty) boy. It wasn't enough for her! She said straightly and honestly (and I am thankful for that) something like "Oh! It's not enough good for me. I like taller, stronger, massive males. Otherwise my vadge is not going to become ready for..."
 It really surprised me (because till that time no female was so straight and so open in the way she explains the things) but I am really thankful and I never felt any hate to this woman because she made me to think that for the females the looks, the body, also do matter and only "Be healthy, be smart, be polite and have a hobby" is not enough.
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


  • A wannabe (a person who tries to be like someone else or to fit in with a particular group of people) gymcel
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Rejection #5
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2022, 04:43:48 AM »
Rejection #5

It's a short story but with morals. From that phone conference line I had a date with one young woman who worked in some Xerox (copy services) garage. She said I may go to see her there, in her work place. Seems it was a good idea, to her, because in this way she can just see the person and decide if she likes him or not without the need to spend with him more time somewhere and to suffer in case she feels that he is ugly or has another problem.

So, I went there and I saw she was an ethnic girl (or someone with mixed blood) -- more dark than the average people in that city. I like this type of skin. And also she was with a long black hair, slim body, cool face. I liked her at once. Then I went there again, after some days, but I found out that she's not interested. She didn't like me at all. I got upset and told her with judgmental tone:
You don't like me!
She answered with rude tone but what she said made me realize for the first time a blackpill or a redpill truth and to start to respect people's decisions when it comes to choice. Her rude toned but meaningful answer was that short:
And is it mandatory to like you?!

Is is mandatory if you like somebody the same one to like you too? Just because you like her/him? Well, obviously it's not. Later I learned more about the things like love is a bilateral process, consent and so on.

Well, till the present days, I still feel "not in fair" that some females that I like will go after another man (who is stupider, less educated, less polite, less healthy and so on). But I'm trying to say to myself "You also don't want to be forced to be with some woman that you dislike, do you?" so, usually, I am telling them that "I understand that they don't like me and I'll do my best to improve myself; wishing them happiness...", etc. I'm not going to criticize or to press them. The incels who insult women for not willing to be with them are very wrong. They really make the things worse. Because if they accept the women decision with patience and not aggressively later they have much more chance to find someone, even the girl that they liked before. Leaving bad memories is not the good choice. Leave good memories to have more chance later and to have a better image; not to have a ruined one.
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Rejection #6
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2022, 02:22:18 PM »
Rejection #6

There was that ethnic girl (I suppose related to south Asians). I usually don't care about the origin of the people so I didn't ask her exactly about her parents or grandparents. She was a bit chubby (not very fat) and sort of attractive. According to my low standards that time (now maybe they're even lower than before!) she was a 4/10 to 5/10 Becky.

So, we went to have a date and she ordered some expensive drink. I am a poor person but I paid it and then we went to my hope. I tried to kiss her but she stopped me. It was something like a semi-kiss. And that was all. After some minutes she said she wants to go home. Never called back. Maybe she was that type of person "I can order everything on a first date but you can't kiss me on a first date."

Since that time I learned a lesson never to try something more intimate on the fist dates. Well, some guys do it but if you're not at least a Chidlite and with other attractive and valuable capitals like popularity, money, etc. don't risk your future relationship in this "fast mode" date. Better wait until there is some proper period of time because it is really stupid to lose your chance and to lose some (potentially) good female just because you was in a rush and made her think that you're not serious or dangerous and other negativities.
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Rejection #7
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2022, 04:10:39 PM »
Rejection #7

It's one of the most unforgettable. We became penpals. That time we haven't Internet and people made new friends using mails. The post offices were happy. In one period there was a boom of mails exchange.

During all my conscious life I tried to be an informed, educated and knowledgeable person. I was looking for a girlfriend who is interested in science, Discovery channel or at least the Martial arts and China (or another East-Asian country). One day, in a teenager newspaper, I saw that advertising: she was a high-school girl interested in astronomy, music and popular science. I ran to the post office to buy some envelopes and wrote her an introduction letter. She answered me. Our cities were far away from each other but it doesn't stop me to think that "This is my right girl!"

The several interesting details were these:

  • She refused to send me her photos. This made it clear that she's an insecure, not confident about her looks. In other words, she was an ugly girl. I knew it; I was sure she is something like 3 of 10 (on the decile scale) or maybe 2 of 10. But this fact didn't stop me to like her more and more. To read and reread her letters. To write her back and sometimes to write her additional letters, as a surprise just to tell her how much I miss her and how I'm willing to meet her during the upcoming summer vacation (that time I was at the beginning of my university life.)
  • Her writing style was simple but deeply educated and from almost every single letter from her I could learn something new, interesting and to improve my knowledge about the astronomy, English language, musical news, geography and speleology. This made me to fall in love more and more and more and more. It was so cool to see that there is at least another person from the opposite gender who is valuing the knowledge and who makes progress.
  • She wasn't fake like many of the others. She was a polite but straight person, a real person who may tell you the truth in your face without hesitation. She earned not only my respect but my admirations as well.

And the long-awaited summer vacation came! We really met. We chose a place, next to the seashore where she and her last year classmates camped (before the final high school exams). When I met her for the first time and I saw her face for the first time I was (just for a second or two) a bit shocked because it was a face that can't even pass a 1.5 of 10. Her body was better (around 5 of 10). But as I wrote, I didn't care much about her looks once she got all that rich internal world. So I felt that I like you the same and her ugly face didn't influence my previous admiration.

The next day I met some of her classmates, there were some prettier girls but I didn't feel anything special towards them and I focused all my attention, emotions, thoughts on this girl which I was already sure that "She is the rightest one for me."

Sadly there was her best friend (another girl). That best friend looked like someone who dominates their friendship and that "my girl" listens to her best friend as a kid who listens to his beloved mommy. For example she decided where we'll go, when we'll meet, what movie we'll watch and if we're visiting the beach or not. I didn't interfere because I was educated enough to know that a quarrel with the best friend is an (almost sure) "negative score". Well, we went to watch a movie (still remember it was one starring Sean Connery) and after that I asked "my girl" when we'll meat tomorrow. Her best friend said something that tomorrow we're not meeting... some hours later, somehow I met only "my girl" and asked her what's going on, if she is not going to spend at least some moments with me alone and to have at least some days a "you and me" vacation. (All I dreamed was just to sit on the beach, to watch together a sunset, to have a hug, maybe a kiss. This kind of semiplatonic love. I knew she was a virgin too so I even didn't mention anything like "hug" or "kiss" too.) But all this attention, kindness and carefulness were in vane. She said something like "We must only remain very good friends." (It was a total shock for me because in her letters, especially the ones before we met, she expressed more warm feelings and even readiness and sort of willingness to have an emotional, beyond friendship, relationship). I got it. She didn't get the vibe (or her best friend, who as even uglier and colder than her; a type of Tomboy girl, was single and probably jealous of our potential falling in real love, was the real reason "my girl" to reject me so coldly and unemotionally?) It will be one of the enigmas in my life: if it was that in the reality I wasn't what she imagined (I did my best to keep fashioned, taking showers, using perfumes, making good hairstyles... from my present perspective the only mistake that I had was that I didn't hit the gym and I was a skinny boy. Now I never ever miss a day to keep myself fit, strong and confident by means of gyms and sport tools)? Or it was only because her best friend was a blocker who controlled her free will and actions to that degree? Or there was some combination of both? Or there was another, third factor, that will remain unknown?

Whatever. I was so sad that I cried in front of my landlord (an old grandmom who expressed her sincere condolences and said that her bet is that the best "friend" ruined our potential true love relationship). It was my first and last seashore vacation when I was so depressed that I even didn't go to swim. Only visited the nearest beach, touched some sea waves, said "Good bye" to the sea and left earlier (at least to save some money. This travel cost me a bike; I couldn't buy a new bike because of this and I was thinking that if I knew earlier that she will surprise me with this shock I better never spent the money and better to have the bike which at least could help me keep healthy and save me some money from the public transportation).

The end of the story was that I remain bikeless  ;D for a long time (in the next chapter I'll tell you why I had to rent a bike from my best friend, because of another girl) and we never exchanged mails any more.
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Rejection #8
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2022, 08:24:36 PM »
Rejection #8

This isn't a 100% rejection because for a short time (a few days) the girl in question was my girlfriends (we had some kisses; I'm not  a kissless incel.) but I'm sharing this story because
  • a/ at the end she left me
  • b/ I promised you to tell you about that bike story

A friend of mine told me a lie that this girl looks almost the same as his sister. His sister was my "one-it-is" and I considered her as the most pretty person in the world. When I met the girl I saw she doesn't look like his sister (the similarity wasn't more than 2% at most) but she wasn't ugly or something so I decided to give her a chance. She was almost the same tall as me. I wasn't sure if she's going to give me a chance but we end up as a couple for a few days. I did my best: took her to some pretty national parks, parks, gardens, cafes; draw some romantic pictures for her, made her small presents and so on.

She doesn't seem to love me so much but jealous a lot. For example we exchanged a joking dialog with her female classmate who learned some Turkish (I learned some Turkish language too). And my girlfriend then suddenly said: "What you too are talking? Translate now!!!" Another time there was some mIRC (online chat) female friend who said I look good or something like that and my girlfriend then saw it (I showed her because I am frank and share all; no secrets) and get literally red face, heartbeat, temperature... I thought she's going to have a heart attack at that moment... I told her the chat pal is far away, not going to meet her, don't love her... but it wasn't enough.

Well, you think that if someone jealous you probably she or he is not going to go meeting others and flirt with them, or even worse? You're wrong. She was full of jealousy but she doesn't self-limit herself to meet and even dance closely with boys. One night she said she's going to a club with her female classmates and there will be no boys. Oh, sure I believed it. A club full of males who 90% are there not for the dance or the drinks but for the mating and "no boys"... I went there too (some hour or two after she was there) and I saw her dancing with some fatty... She saw me, I made a question sign and she just smiled like "Oh, I am so sorry, he invited me to dance and I couldn't say "no"! Don't mind me, it's okay!"

Later she had to go her village (parent's home) every weekend. I was sure she's meeting there other boys (it's a typical story in our region - some people have boyfriends in the towns or cities but when they visit their villages they do have another boyfriend there, for the time being... or just some flirts, one-night stands...) so I decided to be there too. But at that moment I had no bike, no motorbike of course and even no money for the bus. I walked 35 km to the village to meet her for a while (I really met her, it was so romantic according to her cousin)... Then a best friend of mine when heard this story and was shocked that I walked 35 km said that he's going to rent me a bike or to lend me his bike for a long time. I agreed but his bike was in his village and I had to walk this time another 20 km to his village. His grandmother was shocked how I walked to there on foot. He smiled and said "Don't worry about him, he used to; he is a tourist."  ;D Then I was so happy that I have a bike and I ride it back to the city. Even went to meet her in front of her cram school with the bike and to tell her: "You see, I'm already equipped with a vehicle and we'll be together more!" but when I met her I fall with the bike in front of her  ;D it was embarrassing but I was young and fast, in less than a second I stood up and said to her about the bike...

It was less than a week since we were a couple I went to her home to give her some cassette tape as a present but she said she want us to break up. :o :( :'( I was very shocked, sad and... even found her father to tell him words like: "You see, uncle! I was so good to your daughter but she decided to break up with me! From now on if she meet another one and he's a bad man, don't blame me, it's not my responsibility." I am not a hooligan and that time I wasn't as strong and sporty as I am now because I was at the very beginning of my sports development. But I was ready to fight with him if he was like "My daughter is right, you loser!" Well, he was a polite man, he just said "Oh, sorry... I see." and it was a peaceful separation.
A few days later (or 2-3 weeks later maybe, around this kind of time period) I saw her walking with another boy who was much taller and bigger than me; a "real Chad" as some present days incels will say about him. She saw me too, said something to the "Chad" with some foxy smile (I guess it was like "That short guy is my ex-boyfriend. Can you imagine me being a girlfriend of such a loser?!") and that was all. We even didn't greet each other and I'm glad that the "Chad" wasn't some asshole who'll say some bad words to me because I was with a knife in my pocket that time (in the country I grew up there are many dangerous guys outside and often we wear different weapons for self-protections) and I wasn't sure if he start to attack me how long I could protect myself without using the knife. I'm a reasonable person and I don't want to go to jail but when it's about love, the emotions are too strong to control them and I am just happy that "Chad" was a reasonable man too and nothing happened.

Since that time I started to train harder; I knew I'll be not become as tall as he was, nor as handsome as he was. But I knew (and I was right) that the sports will make be better looking, stronger and with improved health. As a result I become a man who doesn't need a knife to protect himself and who won several fights (some friendly and some not very friendly).

Why she rejected me? The rejection according to that friend was because my bad clothes (honestly I was more poor than now; I had no money for more than second hand clothes) but that friend was sort of not very clever and he tended to explain all with the clothes, shoes, hairstyle and other stuff that many incels now know as "blupilled" (too naive or brainwashed). I just think that she rejected me because she already met that taller, handsomer and richer man. The classical hypergamic behaviour, the classical hypergamic woman who doesn't feel shame to do so and even maybe proud to say "I found a better one and I don't care if I broke the heart of that poor, short and uglier one!"
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Rejection #9
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2022, 03:54:23 PM »
Rejection #9

 In this chapter I'll make a bit clear about these two moments which I mentioned in the previous chapter:
I am not a hooligan and that time I wasn't as strong and sporty as I am now because I was at the very beginning of my sports development. But I was ready to fight with him...
I was with a knife in my pocket that time (in the country I grew up there are many dangerous guys outside and often we wear different weapons for self-protections) and I wasn't sure if he start to attack me how long I could protect myself without using the knife.
There was a university mate (an educated and cultured person) who said ones "From all people I know I am the one and only who still didn't buy a weapon." Since that time I decided to buy some simple weapons like knives.
 Later I met a rap oriented guy who wanted to be my friend. He even had a gas gun (gas pistol). Later I bought one too.
 So this rap guy and I went to meet 3 girls. The result was that they decided to give us back a call and to say if they like us or not because they feel shy to give us a real life straight answer.
 I was more handsome and more educated than this guy; also with better manners. But the girls said (phone call): "One of us don't like both of you. The rest two like only that rap man."
 The "rap man" was flattered (he got 2/3 likes and I got 0/3) but didn't like those 2 girls and nothing happened after this. I was like "Oh, gosh... at least he also didn't get 3/3 likes, so there is some subjectiveness and I have chances next time."
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Rejection #10
« Reply #9 on: August 31, 2022, 01:59:21 AM »
Rejection #10

  One of my first rejections abroad. There was that girl (a young colleague) who was very nice and sweet to me. I was impressed how polite, warm and tender can be a female person. Well, she become a cold and avoiding me person just after that moment when she realized that I'm not from Britain but from a smaller, poorer and not that popular country. I don't know why she was thinking that I am a British. Maybe just because I am white and I speak English. Whatever. Once she got the information from me that I'm not from Britain she showed a very disappointed face, became speechless and it was clear that all her warmness, tenderness and politeness were just a product of her hope to impress well a British guy not me personally. I suppose she was a kind of a visa girl (for her the British or some similar visa and/or citizenship is more important than the holder of this citizenship).
 I couldn't call it 100% rejection because I even didn't ask her if she wants to be my girlfriend. I waited for an opportunity and I wanted it to be more warm approach (to know her better and she to know me better). Well, at the end of the day, I really started to know her better and I'm glad I didn't get involved with someone who only chases the the visas (citizenships).
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Rejection #11
« Reply #10 on: August 31, 2022, 02:48:43 AM »
Rejection #11

  One of my latest rejections abroad. There was that woman who assumed (without asking me where I am from) that I'm from the USA. Just because I am white and worked as an English teacher?! Well, some people just have this limited logic like "Yellow = Chinese", "Black = African" and "White = American". I can't call it 100% rejection because I even wasn't sure if there will be a day when I can (probably, theoretically) feel something towards her and then to ask her out. She was an elder 3/10 auntie.
 She wanted me to teach her swimming and I started to teach her but after 2 lessons she sticked to "her way" which was to keep her head long under the water and to use my pinkies as "swim ring" or something when she is trying to swim. I am a person who trains his fingers, including his pinkies, because I like Tiger style kungfu (虎拳 ) and still her heavy body and long holding and pulling of my pinkies gave me pain which continued for weeks.
 The situation was similar to the previous one ("Rejection #10"). In this case I am not sure if the auntie was also after visas (citizenships) but when she learned that I am not from the US she said one disappointed "Ohhhh..." and after that I saw how all her smiles, interest, friendliness and other positive traits disappeared. Well, I didn't feel very sad or something like that but it was really another ridiculous experience.
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Rejection #12
« Reply #11 on: September 10, 2022, 03:36:47 PM »
Rejection #12

  A very simple one and maybe boring but it counts. There was that girl interested in martial arts who I met in a forum related to this matter. Her boyfriend was a karate trainer and he was pretty good; better than me probably; a real pro. But he wasn't very educated and cultured. She said she likes my romantic poems and my science based thoughts. Maybe she also preferred my face? I am not sure. So we started to exchange warm and emotional e-mails. I wasn't against it because I thought that "it's just e-mails", I even don't touch her so it's not something like she is cheating her karate boyfriend. Also, I had that hope that someday she may officially break with that karate man and come to my city, become my girlfriend. Of course, I didn't press her to do so, I am totally for this: she to make her free and independent choice. I even was concerned about her well-being and told her several times that it's not a good idea to exchange so warm and emotional e-mails because if her karate boy-friend find out she will be in trouble. I didn't worry about me so much because I was ready to spare with him for her (if in case there was this ideal situation: "Let's fight and she is choosing the winner!"  ;D ) Well, nothing like this happened. The worst happened - he really found out that she is in an "e-mail relationship" with me; she started to hate me, speak some rough and unpleasant words towards me in that martial arts forum (of course most of the people would think that it was just a sort of "virtue singnaling", which, according to a definition, is "The public expression of opinions or sentiments intended to demonstrate one's good character or social conscience or the moral correctness of one's position on a particular issue.") Simply, she started to fool him and the others that it was all my fault, she was too naive to believe me, she loves only him, blah-blah-blah-blah...
 Later I lost connection with her and she didn't left something that I can miss (I can't compare her with some others who also rejected me but at least they were unforgettable women) but, for sure, she was a sporty, cute and pretty girl (at that time; no idea what she become now). And that karate man tried to be bitter, attacking, competing against me in that forum and one bigger forum but I was many times more knowledgeable than him and he had to suffer a lot of emotional losses online and he was really embarrassed and many people thought he looks like a looser, not me. Later I heard he died in some traffic accident and because I never hate him (I was his enemy but he wasn't my enemy; I mean he had much stronger negative emotions towards me.) I felt like "Oh, gosh! Pity boy. First his stupid girlfriend, then all his misery online and now dead so young!" And now all I can say is "Rest in peace, man! I don't hate you."
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Rejection #13
« Reply #12 on: September 12, 2022, 02:42:51 AM »
Rejection #13

There were some rejections of this type but I'll count them as one because they were really identical.

You remember that pre-Internet phone conference line that I mentioned before, right? Well there were those girls who wanted to meet somebody but were shy to describe themselves and/or were afraid to say something like: "I'm with short, brown hair, green eyes and I'll be wearing a red coat and blue jeans, waiting you in front of the clock tower." or like "I'm wearing yellow skirt and white T-shirt. I have long black hair and blue eyes. I'll meet you in front of the city library." So I decided to give them an opportunity to choose if they want to have a date with me or not without knowing who are they, which was super convenient for them: every time only I described myself and my clothes and they knew where I'll be waiting. Then they could just pass there safely and if they think that I'm good enough for them, then they can say "Hi" otherwise just pass and I'll just go home.

As you can guess, there were some of them who really didn't choose to date me after they saw me.

Later I stopped this way because once there was that case that the girl said "Hi" and we had a date but she was scary ugly (I even didn't know that so ugly girls may exist) and after this emotional shock, I decided to abandon this way.
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Rejection 14
« Reply #13 on: September 21, 2022, 12:42:31 AM »

Rejection 14

It was a deja-vu of the rejection 12. Another girl online from forums that we visited together (about martial arts and about zoology). She even knew that girl and she said she has a boy-friend too. But she said she likes me very much and wanted to be my pen-pal. We ended up chatting online 12 hours once... she showed me even her childhood dolls and said that her boyfriend isn't the right person for her. I was in a sort of a problem because I hate to lie but she said to keep it a secret from him. Once he chatted with me too, I didn't tell him anything about her girlfriend and me. Well, one day happened the same -- she was sure he is not able to see her chats and private messages but he did. Then she started to behave like another person, to speak against me, to swear in front of him how much he loves him and he decided that it was only my fault, not her fault (the same as I started all this and she wasn't the initiator). We even had some angry words exchanges online and we agreed to meet and to fight but we never had this opportunity. He banned me from one of the forums where he was a mod and I was just a member continuing to believe that all is my fault and his cheating girl-friend is just an innocent lovely girl. Naive man. I was also very surprised how fast she could turn against me (like she was afraid that he will beat her or something) and all her tender words to become cold, bad and so on. 100% hypocritical person. Later I heard that they both went to university (different majors though) and that was the last info (also from her because she decided to chat with me again but only as "pure friends". That time I kept it 100% pure and only official chats related to her major and study. Maybe she expected something more again? Maybe, because soon after I didn't get emotional as before and kept it pure she stopped chatting with me.) All I can think is that highly likely she cheated on him again (and maybe not only online) and that they're not together soon after that moment.
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Re: Rejection 14
« Reply #14 on: September 21, 2022, 02:20:43 AM »

Rejection 14

It was a deja-vu of the rejection 12. Another girl online from forums that we visited together (about martial arts and about zoology). She even knew that girl and she said she has a boy-friend too. But she said she likes me very much and wanted to be my pen-pal. We ended up chatting online 12 hours once... she showed me even her childhood dolls and said that her boyfriend isn't the right person for her. I was in a sort of a problem because I hate to lie but she said to keep it a secret from him. Once he chatted with me too, I didn't tell him anything about her girlfriend and me. Well, one day happened the same -- she was sure he is not able to see her chats and private messages but he did. Then she started to behave like another person, to speak against me, to swear in front of him how much he loves him and he decided that it was only my fault, not her fault (the same as I started all this and she wasn't the initiator). We even had some angry words exchanges online and we agreed to meet and to fight but we never had this opportunity. He banned me from one of the forums where he was a mod and I was just a member continuing to believe that all is my fault and his cheating girl-friend is just an innocent lovely girl. Naive man. I was also very surprised how fast she could turn against me (like she was afraid that he will beat her or something) and all her tender words to become cold, bad and so on. 100% hypocritical person. Later I heard that they both went to university (different majors though) and that was the last info (also from her because she decided to chat with me again but only as "pure friends". That time I kept it 100% pure and only official chats related to her major and study. Maybe she expected something more again? Maybe, because soon after I didn't get emotional as before and kept it pure she stopped chatting with me.) All I can think is that highly likely she cheated on him again (and maybe not only online) and that they're not together soon after that moment.

Ouch. Maybe the boyfriend was abusive and she was afraid. Who knows.
Over it.


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