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Messages - MSL

Other topics / Re: Letters & Numbers; Numbers & Letters
« on: May 25, 2023, 04:12:19 AM »

Other topics / Not very clear
« on: May 25, 2023, 04:07:13 AM »
It wasn't very clear what's the purpose of this person...

shine 7:56:58 PM
shine 10:28:17 PM
朋友🐅 10:28:34 PM
朋友🐅 10:28:38 PM
朋友🐅 10:28:43 PM
How do you do!
朋友🐅 10:29:03 PM
What do you want to chat about?
朋友🐅 11:54:13 PM
朋友🐅 11:55:16 PM
shine 9:06:18 AM
shine 9:06:27 AM
朋友🐅 2:25:07 PM
Good afternoon.
朋友🐅 2:25:14 PM
Now I'm online.
朋友🐅 2:25:21 PM
朋友🐅 2:27:38 PM
What exactly do you need?
shine 4:28:50 PM
yeah, i just get off the highway
朋友🐅 4:30:51 PM
OK. So?
朋友🐅 4:44:19 PM
shine 6:16:16 PM
where are you from plz
朋友🐅 8:12:06 PM
I'm from the EU, Republic of Bulgaria (欧盟,保加利亚共和国)。
朋友🐅 8:12:25 PM
朋友🐅 8:14:34 PM
朋友🐅 8:50:43 PM
朋友🐅 10:25:38 PM
shine 9:37:15 AM
winter holiday now
shine 9:37:21 AM
so i am not always online
shine 9:37:32 AM
i was driving yesterday on the highway
朋友🐅 2:49:50 PM
朋友🐅 3:15:20 PM
朋友🐅 4:35:52 PM
shine 7:40:35 PM
shine 7:41:43 PM
shine 7:41:48 PM
朋友🐅 9:53:09 PM
shine 9:56:33 PM
shine 9:56:37 PM
i got it
朋友🐅 9:56:41 PM
关于英语教学的:我,大多数,教过的是幼儿园的水平和小学的。这样的英语教学大多数是:1、唱英语歌,2、用彩色的卡片(跟中文+英文单词。比如:apple - 苹果, banana - 香蕉, 等等。), 3、我说,然后小孩们也说。一个一个重复。
shine 9:56:57 PM
朋友🐅 9:57:15 PM
朋友🐅 9:59:00 PM
朋友🐅 10:00:04 PM
shine 10:07:56 PM
shine 10:08:12 PM
shine 10:08:23 PM
朋友🐅 10:08:46 PM
shine 10:08:58 PM
朋友🐅 10:09:40 PM
I'm from the EU, Republic of Bulgaria (欧盟,保加利亚共和国)。
朋友🐅 10:10:11 PM
shine 10:10:45 PM
shine 10:10:58 PM
朋友🐅 10:13:29 PM
朋友🐅 10:13:45 PM
shine 10:16:38 PM
我原来做外贸的时候有客户是  保加利亚的
shine 10:16:54 PM
朋友🐅 10:20:13 PM
shine 10:26:31 PM

朋友🐅 3:47:23 PM
shine 8:17:10 PM
朋友🐅 9:37:53 PM
 ... + ...

I showed her the contradictions. She was searching for an English teacher or pretending to do so... not very clear what was all this about. 

 Let's think about it more deeply.
 Well, if they're objective and normal people, who're doing their best to ascend in normal, social way, via different softmaxxes like gym-maxx, edu-maxx, money-maxx, popularity-maxx, fashion-maxx, health-maxx, etc., it's not a problem if the core part of their identity is "I'm an incel." It's like someone who's poor and trying his/her best to get richer: if he/she is just working legally and improving the situation step by step, being awake and knowing "I'm poor; I'm still poor." is okay and it's like a reminder to do the things better, smarter, etc.
 Of course, if it makes you worse (like permanently depressed, frustrated and so on) it's better to focus on something else about yourself, for example "I'm a historian.", "I am a football player.", "I will try to learn a new skill.", "I will try to win the lottery."
 About the so-called "incels' minds" -- if you meet many incels you'll realize that there is no just one kind of mind. Every incel is an unique person (if he's not a part of some nearly-cult society like "Only the blackpill matters!", "The self-improvement is a cope.", etc.) ;D


Jaws and jawmaxx

  Well, you know that "a few millimeters of bone"/"a few centimeters of bone" expression (and there are memes about it too) which usually points to the smaller jaw which is perceived (by many females and males) as less attractive or unattractive to ugly trait.
 It's really not the biggest problem (except in the cases when you're with a really small jaw and you're a real jawcel, a truejawcel.) and many incels overestimate the importance of the jaw (which is extremely valid when they worry about their jaws but in fact they have to deal with much larger problems like money and incomes (poorcels), weight (fatcels and/or slimcels), hair loss (baldcels) and some others). Still, it's not something that you can completely ignore.
 We were chatting yesterday about it with a pal and I'll show you the main points:
 " - Let me think...  but the jaw -- I got a guess: are you (on this pic) a bit overweight? I guess that if you lose 5-6 kg. it will show up a better jaw line. But not sure. How tall and how many kilos are you now? Usually it should be the height - 110, for example, you're 164 and you should be 54 kilos (if there is no pure muscle mass, well if you're a bodybuilder than it's another story, you can be 70 kilos but for a normal/average body, minus 110 and stick to it.) And I will prove it to you with my pics. Because you're a good person and I may trust you.
Here ... I am almost 90 kg (180斤左右). Later weight loss and ... the difference is more than 25 kilos (50斤)。So, for a better jaw -- keep it as slim as you can. With the females is the same: ...

- yeah my height and my weight are pretty much there

ah thx

no I am not overweighed at all

you see my jaws are good in this pic

I did not use filter

- Your face looks round (the cheeks)... I think probably you're around 5 kg+ but you know better. If you're good (height - 110), then only some muscle training will help.

There are these tools, you may wish to try: ... (showing and talking about the so-called jaw exercisers)

I guess if you lose some more kilos + use this kind of tool, you'll get around 15% improvement.

- Chinese does not fall for that kind of jaws you are talking abt

well if my jaws just round not fatty then they are good in China

- Then? No problem, right? I thought you're worrying about it.

- I was worried abt if my jaws were too fatty

- Yes, your face looks fattier than before. I am frank.

- I don't think so

- Btw, check the standard of the average Chinese female user -- mostly the jaws are good-looking of all those who they call "帅哥":

- ...
this was me back then in 17 y.o

- Comparing with that, yes. (OK)

- I am really not fatty at all
I am even skinny

- Notice that even the gay-ish (娘)idols may look like females but the jaw is Something.
所以,我觉得,better to improve it, as much as you can, because it gives more attractiveness... it's a positive trait.
(By "gay-ish" I mean "feminine" idols who're looking more or less androgynous. Not implying some homophobia/gayphobia. Yes, I am informed that their fans think that they're not feminine, not gay-ish, not androgynous but it's because their standards are less masculine; my standard for an average, normal male look is the example above -- Andy Lau (Liu Dehua).) But the point was that most of these idols who may not pass as masculine looking and many people, like me, will think of them as feminine, androgynous, etc., still do posses stronger, bigger, good-looking jaws.

- I can't snip out much muscles of my jaws
- For example, ~7% via weight loss + ~8% with these muscle training tools... and the overall result maybe around 15%... it's never something big but... small progress is still a progress.



do u think my jaws have good bones?

I think maybe my jaw bones are not good so that's why I am skinny but look fatty by my face

- Like I taught the wristcels -- forget the bones. The bones are done. All you can do is: some muscles + skin (veins ).

In jaw wise talk -- bones are already done... what you can improve is only some lean face (minus the fat) + adding some muscles (training)...

Otherwise -- bone surgery (hard-maxx)  :(( I don't suggest it... I am 100% soft-maxx fan.

It's like the frame -- if you're a framecel, it's not over, but you really can't improve your bones, BUT add muscles, lose weight and... you're almost there. (OK)

Like this boy -- a 100% framecel!!!

But... after getting gym-maxxed, wow: ...
At least now he's better than most of the normies around."

That's it. I hope the ideas and the thoughts may be useful for many of the jaw concerned incels and for the true jawcels.

-------FREE ADS------- / Re: What ad can you see now?
« on: May 24, 2023, 06:01:11 PM »
Great Backbone for your

I wish I had a server. ;D

Other topics / Boki
« on: May 24, 2023, 05:37:25 PM »


Wrote about the meanings of the word boki. :)

Other topics / What is "boki"
« on: May 24, 2023, 05:35:15 PM »

What is "boki"?

It's popular recently -- boki. What's "boki"? I wondered what's "boki" and here are some answers which I found in the last hour:

1. In Japanese: What does "簿記" (boki) mean in Japanese? Its meaning is "book-keeping"/"bookkeeping".

2. Also in Japanese:
(1) ボキッ
(2) ぼきっ   
(1) snap, whack
(2) cracking

3. A name (diminutive) in some European languages (for example, "Боки").
:) 8) :)

Other topics / Километрични 35
« on: May 23, 2023, 08:35:25 PM »
Километри, не един и два, предполагам...  ;D


Отдавна съм му реагирал, ОСМИВАЙКИ подобни идиотщини. Нямаш, ама от нямането си направи... То де да можеше тъй, ехеее... Нито ти, нито аз щяхме да сме в такова унизено положение (и то мъже - на ГОДИНИ и с ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ!)

Подобна позиция (обясняваща, че да искаш достоен живот и нормално удовлетворяване на потребностите не е алчност) има изразена и в това стихотворение, а и в това: стихче.
Ето ги. Покажи му ги да си знае, че само дотук успяхме да я докараме...

Днес бях в ново даскало. Изненадаха ме с жив англичанин. Дано да не е усетил някакъв акцент при мен, но казаха да си пратя документите и китайката ме хареса на 100%.

Само че заплатката май едвам достига 14 000... Може би ще трябва да проверим и в твоята група, пък да сравняваме предложенията...

При теб как е?
да, вземи напиши обявката, само да я пусна там

нищо ново от мен
Тази вечер, след лотарията ще ти пратя кратко резюменце за групата. В смисъл, да не вземем да спечелим милионите и да им отказвам на хората после.

(Въпреки, че е под формата на майтап, наистина отразява моята сериозност - не искам да поемам ангажимент, особено за работа, когато има и малка вероятност да не мога да го изпълня.)
Няма нищо от лотарията. Завършихме безславно:
(Ясно е, писано е доста, че повечето (почти всички), които участват в лотария губят, съвсем малка част печелят. Няма как да е иначе.)

Ето го едно резюме с английски и китайски за всеки случай. ДАЛИ да добавяш "хх г., бяла раса и мъж", прецени къде и как.

(Това за расата е понеже доста училища предпочитат да е колкото се може по-бял преподавателят. Това не е толкова от расистка гледна точка, а за да удовлетворят очакванията на повечето родители, които (поради незапознатост с реалността в чужбина) смятат, че по-тъмните от бялата раса, както и тези от жълтата и чернаата раси, не говорят добре английски. За много от родителите на децата някой бял руснак, който преподава английски с доловим руски акцент, ще е предпочетен пред някой канадски ескимос, който говори канадския английския без акцент или от някой САЩски негър, който също си говори американски английски без акцент... Та си има такова нещо, че често искат да знаят предварително, че си бял (даже някои уточняват изрично това)... е, напоследък, заради ограниченията на законово ниво (само тези с майчин език могат да го преподават легално въпросния език, а в това, като говорим за английски влизат и хората с южноаафрикански паспорт), даже и за повечето бели преподаватели не е лесно... а и като добавим това, че и доста от тези училища пряко или косвено бяха спрени (ковидизация, политика на ограничаване на чуждата култура и други фактори), то даже не си струва да се говори.)


1998 -- bachelor's "Philosophy",  Sofia university

1998年 -- 索非亚大学,哲学学士毕业

2000 -- master's "Philosophical anthropology", Sofia university

2000年 --索非亚大学,哲学人类学硕士毕业

Work experience:


1998-2004 -- psychological phone-help in a medical center, psychology columnist at a newspaper, journalist at another newspaper, own teenage oriented newspaper, own TV-show about the "love and human relationships". 4 short-movies.

1998-2004年 --在一个医疗中心做心理电话咨询帮助;一家报纸的心理学专栏作家;另一家面向青少年的报纸的记者;在电视台主持关于“爱情和人际关系”的节目;拍过4部短片。

2004 -- theaching English in 通化, 长春, 延吉 (吉林省), 哈尔滨, 五常 (黑龙江省) (kindergartens and primary students)

2004年 --在吉林省通化、长春、延吉以及在黑龙江哈尔滨、五常教幼儿园和小学生的英语

2005 -- teaching English in 大连, 彰武 (辽宁省) (training school -- primary school and middle school students; kindergartens)

2005年 -- 在辽宁大连、彰武教英语,包括培训学校的小学生、中学生和幼儿园

2006 -- teaching English in 珠海 (广东省)(training school -- primary school students and middle school students)
2006年 -- 在广东珠海教英语,包括培训学校的小学生和中学生

2006 -- teaching in 海口 ("Inter")

2006年 -- 在海口英特外语培训学校教英语

2006-2008 -- 三亚 (touristic company "Romantic Tropic" -- guide, webmaster, translator; teaching all levels students in "Victoria" -- English and Russian; short experience as a waiter and translator in a local restaurant).

2006-2008年 --在三亚,浪漫热带旅游公司当导游、网站管理和翻译;在维多利亚学校教英语和俄语,包括各个水平的学生;在当地一个饭馆做过短暂的翻译和服务生。

2008-2010 teaching in "Translation company" (海口) -- English and Russian (including kindergartens, including "Chang Mao")


2010-current "Chang Mao" and own websites (webmaster)

2010-2018年- 在昌茂幼儿园教英语,经营自己的网站

2019 English in-home tutoring and webmastering.
2019年 英语家教,经营自己的网站。

 Hobbies and abilities:



 Writing poems, writing e-books, good level of some foreign languages (including Russian, Chinese, Macedonian, Tatar; currently learning Spanish), likes reading psychology, economics, history, geopolitics, literature.



No smoker, not drinking heavy alcohol. Fan of kung fu."

Пиши каквито и покани да има; все нещо може да си харесам.
да, ще я пусна днес, до сега не можах
... - Гарантирано в БГ.

(Някаква новина е споделяна със скрийншот, който ми липсва и не помня за какво е била.)
в групата не виждам опция да пиша свободен текст, дава възможност само да се продава нещо... ако съм видял правилно. Затова пускам кратко съобщение и вече според реакциите ще им дам пълната ти версия


OK, ще видим какво ще стане, но по принцип, поне при мен, като не си от САЩ, Канада и сие, не са много навити. Дано в Шенджен да не е така, ама... ще видим.
А аз мислех, че за КК или Уейсин става дума. Но няма значение - навсякъде е добре дошло. (ОК), (thumb up)

(Точно това вече се осъзнаваше като влияние - не са навити, дори и да си бял, защото по закон няма как да ти издадат работна виза, колкото и да ти харесат белостта, акцента, методите на преподаване, автобиографията и пр. По принцип си беше расово ограничено (заради нерасисткото, но погрешно разбиране на повечето родители за езиковите въможности на хората), след това дойде и законовото ограничение (гражданствизъм - нямаш паспорт от САЩ, Канада и пр. = не можеш да си законен преподавател по английски)... а накрая и неофеодализацията с неоимператоризацията съвсем опропастиха този тип бизнес и образование.)
ами в кк/уейсин нямам групи на чужденци, освен институтската и тази на един много странен китаец който колекционира чужденци

мога да пусна питания сред познатите ми един по един
Няма значение, аз само споменах какво съм си мислил; важното е, че опитваме, пък все едно къде са групите. (thumb up) (thumb up)

Питай ги, но по 1 на ден; не се преуморявай.

(Важното са резултатите, нали така? А и, както виждате - винаги с грижа за човека.)

Other topics / Male too
« on: May 23, 2023, 06:58:13 PM »
We were both thinking that we're females but we're both males. ;D

. 2:39:50 PM
2150742969 3:46:06 PM
改善 3:57:47 PM
改善 3:57:57 PM
. 4:05:49 PM
改善 4:36:30 PM
. 5:05:55 PM
改善 5:05:56 PM
改善 5:19:52 PM
改善 5:20:04 PM
改善 5:28:28 PM

Here the answer is missing but he said he's a male too. And we both were in a mood to chat with females, so... Just politely said sorry.
改善 5:29:04 PM
Here the answer is missing too but he said he answered that it's okay; no problem. :)

Prosaic... I know but the idea is to add as much as possible content in this form because it's good but not good enough to help us to improve our lives and to be independent in case of new lockdowns (pandemics)... We need some good online income that may secure our future... well, nobody knows the future, but just in case...

Other topics / Someone who was interested if I have money online
« on: May 23, 2023, 06:51:10 PM »
Maybe one of many who wanted to receive money for nothing...
2297048404 (nickname: ".", currently. ;D)
朋友🐅 2:27:45 AM
朋友🐅 1:44:02 PM
🐅 11:54:43 PM
🐅 12:05:40 AM
 <--- 这个是”Q我吧“。所以你要聊天。
🐅 12:14:46 AM
🐅 2:13:16 AM
🐅 10:19:32 PM
🐅 7:25:01 PM
Foreigner @ 9:20:49 PM
What's going on? Is your life alright?
Foreigner @ 9:32:37 PM
Foreigner @ 9:32:55 PM
Foreigner @ 9:44:42 PM
Foreigner @ 10:03:20 PM
Foreigner @ 10:04:12 PM
Foreigner @ 11:38:52 PM
Foreigner @ 11:40:01 PM
Foreigner @ 2:30:43 PM
Foreigner @ 2:30:48 PM
Foreigner @ 2:31:52 PM
Foreigner @ 2:31:58 PM
Foreigner @ 11:00:41 PM
Foreigner @ 11:01:39 PM
Foreigner @ 11:01:52 PM
Foreigner @ 12:21:31 AM
Foreigner @ 12:21:46 AM
Foreigner @ 12:22:24 AM
Foreigner @ 1:15:36 AM
Foreigner @ 1:15:49 AM
Foreigner @ 8:08:46 PM
Foreigner @ 8:50:32 PM
Foreigner @ 8:50:48 PM
Foreigner @ 8:54:51 PM
Foreigner @ 10:37:22 PM
Foreigner @ 3:38:43 PM
The new nickname is good -- "You are in my heart". I like it.
Foreigner @ 3:38:51 PM
How are you doing recently?
“you are in my heart” 6:26:47 PM
“you are in my heart” 7:04:48 PM
How are you doing recently?
Foreigner @ 9:21:06 PM
“you are in my heart” 9:21:12 PM
“you are in my heart” 9:21:17 PM
Foreigner @ 9:22:03 PM
“you are in my heart” 9:22:16 PM
“you are in my heart” 9:22:22 PM
Foreigner @ 9:23:28 PM
“you are in my heart” 9:23:38 PM

“you are in my heart” 9:23:42 PM
Foreigner @ 9:23:48 PM
“you are in my heart” 9:23:55 PM

A total waste of time, isn't it?...

Other topics / Re: HELLO!
« on: May 23, 2023, 06:36:26 PM »
Yes, this is the white SEO hat + the green SEO hat tactics. In simpler words, being like an encyclopedia (imagine something like Wikipedia, but smaller): we're posting as many as we can (topics; content), etc. and the more content appears the better chances for this site to be discovered by more people and to reach at least the TOP 50 000 in the world. Which will be enough I guess.  :D :)

-------FREE ADS------- / Re: What ad can you see now?
« on: May 23, 2023, 06:33:33 PM »
Interesting for the people who work in that field:
Watch now
Learn more on digital twinning to shorten the design and
development time of cranes.

其它信息 / 要奔赴更好的自己!
« on: May 23, 2023, 06:32:34 PM »


要奔赴更好的自己啦! :) 8)

其它信息 / :D 还有
« on: May 23, 2023, 06:31:57 PM »
这个也是好玩的:“别说对不起不是每个对不起都能换来没关系” ;D

Other topics / Re: Let's make your home beautiful
« on: May 23, 2023, 06:00:37 AM »
That's right. Take a look at this topic -- the apartment that I'm selling now. The old decoration and th e new one are completely different: old and new decorations.

Your ad here just for $1 per day!

- - -

Your ads here ($1/day)!

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