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Other topics / Re: GUESS WHAT
« on: May 03, 2023, 04:16:39 AM »
 I was very sad when my grandfather died (it was around 16 years ago) and the life was a hell for a week or two but later I used to and now I keep only the happy memories. By the way, I lost my mother too young too... then all of the grandparents... but as it was mentioned above, at least I consider myself lucky because one of my classmates die already and even a boy who was 12 years younger... so, just cherish the life (especially when you're already lucky to be born and raised in one of the most developed, free and high-tech countries in the world.)

 Usually those who're more familiar with the terminology and/or the blackpilled (the most pessimistic and fatalistic ones). But this it the reality. They non-stop complain that they're single, incels, can't ascend and so on but when there is some real opportunity like find a single mother or money-maxx to become more attractive to some of the single girls -- oh, no, I am to precious to be a beta-buxx man. ;D It's their choice by the way but it's somehow bordering the "standardcel" attitude. (Look, I also think that a 100% beta-buxxing is a terrible thing. If there is 0% love and affection, it's really something like a lie or "soul-less" relationship. But in the cases when there is also at least some feeling, some love, and especially if step by step there is more affection, attachment, then it's alright.) I am just a person who think that this moderate compromise is okay. Of course, I also want my one-it-is as the best option (Long Jun-Hong) but I am a realistic person and I know it's not only what we want.




 Some people, including some of the incels, think that the divorced people are with less SMV, less attractive (for a new marriage or for a new relationship) and so on. I will clarify it:
 1. Maybe it's the case (the SMV is minished) but only if there are kids. The more kids, usually, the less SMV because, you see, you have to be very rich and very generous (as a psychology (personality), character, life values, etc.) to accept a single (let's say -- divorced) mom with a kid, 2 kids, 3 kids, etc.
 2. It's not the case, when there aren't any kids (plus especially if you don't know the person was married before). In this cases the SMV is usually unaffected.
 3. Some of the divorced people they're getting more pickier and/or more careful. They're not going easily to start a new relationship because they're, usually, tired and/or scared of the ex-one, so they're not "an easy target".
 4. There are those who will not thing of themselves as "person with less SMV", there are cases when they will even think of themselves as "better" because they're experienced in marriage.
 5. The picky people (like "I am like a princess and I deserve the Prince (the Chad).") are not going to choose even a Norman because they're entitled already and their divorce/divorces doesn't affect their orientation, taste, dreams at all. For example, she wanted a man with a flat, a car and a company and she'll search now for the same type of man. "I am divorced? Yes, I am. So what?"
 So, well, in a word, divorced-maxx (divorcedmaxx) isn't working 100%. Sometimes it's working, sometimes it's not.
According to my recent test: it's not working.  Not to brag, but I am at least a solid 5/10 after the gym-maxx, edu-maxx and languages-maxx (not mentioning others that are usually irrelevant like poetry-maxxed, martial arts-maxxed, etc). But, in China, for all these "I am a princess-tier, I deserve the Giga-Chad or the Giga-Chang" ("Chang only" or "Pretty K-pop boy only", and so on, you got it) -- no way!
 About the concrete test: she is an elder female, poor, incapable to find a job, not good at foreign languages, soon to be divorced but... no children and she is thinking of herself as probably someone who deserves the best of the best or one of the best, so "average people" like me aren't on her list.
 There was also another "test" made by another person. He loved a very pretty girl, she got married had a kid, got divorced but because she was still too pretty and attractive (Stacy-tier Chinese female) she didn't drop her standards and he has some orbiters who were paying her several thousands yuan for a lunch or dinner. She wasn't able to think of him as a potential boyfriend or a husband even when he got edu-maxxed. After some years when she hit the wall she asked him once something about if he still likes her but I am not sure how serious she was.
 So, if you're willing to, you can try the divorced-maxx. Everything that has the potential to help you to escape the inceldom (a.k.a. "to ascend") is okay as long as it's not harmful.

其它信息 / Re: 随便
« on: May 03, 2023, 02:56:47 AM »
That's amazing! I mean, the happy smiling face you are. :) (An answer to "I am (a) happy smiling face.") ;D ;D ;D

Other topics / Re: What's sdfsdf
« on: May 02, 2023, 03:13:13 PM »
  ;D That was an interesting explanation. :)

 Russia has many nice things -- the culture (literature, some good philosophy, science, ballet, etc.), the normal Russians and other nationalities there who are loving the peace and the freedom (including the democracy -- no matter which one -- capitalistic democracy, socialistic democracy and so on, but at least democracy, i. e. when the people (or its biggest segment) decides the laws and the future, not when one monarch or one neo-monarch decides instead of most of you, most of us.) And here comes the problem (the same problem that Germany had before with Hitler). Germany has many nice things (great philosophers, high level science and technologies, literature and so on) but Hitler made it "Hitler's Germany" which wasn't nice. Well, now the situation with Russia is the same -- it's not Russia what we knew, it's now Putin's Russia (or something like "Putinia", "Putinland", "Putinstan"...) which means that only he decides the course, the politics, etc. (in the best case -- he and some of his closest friends and/or advisers, who knows?) and the bigger problem is that this one-man rule is highly aggressive towards many of the neighbors and many of the countries around the world, which is not nice. You can't call the aggressiveness which escalates even in wars against Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova, in one or another form, something "nice", right?
 This is what we're talking about. Let's imagine -- Norway is now a nice country, isn't it? But what if it starts to hit Denmark, Finland, Poland? Are there normal people who'll still consider Norway as a "nice" one? Surely not.


"Фън" в множествено число

 "Фън" в множествено число как се пише/казва? А? Ето две предложения:

  • фънове
  • фънища
 Обяснение: по аналогия с фен - фенове и сън - сънища. :)

Днес държавата в Европейския съюз, която в най-голяма степен прилича на онази авторитарна потисническа страна, е България, писал в британското списание "Спектейтър" Марк Холингсуърт. https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/like-putins-russia-bulgaria-has-become-a-mafia-state/ Мисля, че има предвид Путинова Русия, предвид заглавието на статията. Не ми се чете цялата статия, но днешната Русия определено си е такава -  изцяло рецаризирана (реимператоризирана), рефеодализирана и реимпериализирана.

Other languages / Re: Вдъхновение или труд
« on: May 02, 2023, 03:14:27 AM »
 Написах го. Ако не сте разбрали, да знаете. :)

-------FREE ADS------- / Re: What ad can you see now?
« on: May 01, 2023, 05:00:23 PM »
In Bulgarian:
Автомобил под наем
Наем на кола от €5/ден. Без скрити такси. Предплащане 5%.

Other topics / Re: What's sdfsdf
« on: May 01, 2023, 04:46:23 AM »
 Yes. As you know, it's "a,s,d,f,g,h,j,k,l" on the keyboards :). By the way there is a similar one -- CDF: cumulative distribution function. :)

Other topics / Re: Do you have a plan for the future?
« on: May 01, 2023, 04:40:17 AM »
 Update... Some of them I completed (to lose weight, to add muscle mass, to learn new martial arts and new sports, to own websites, to write e-books (including e-stories, e-poems, to improve my Chinese language and some others insignificant ones)... bot others -- I didn't complete at all or they're in progress.
 Well, I hope I can complete more soon. 8)

Other topics / Re: U21 (Universitas 21)
« on: May 01, 2023, 04:29:06 AM »
 Good to know. :) 8)

Other topics / Километрични 22
« on: May 01, 2023, 04:28:05 AM »
Километрични и това си е...

Сега лотарията... момент.

(Декември 2018, 10 юана.)

За плащането на сайта. Ами, добре. Кажи кога имаш 10 минути да влезнеш там, да направиш плащането на домейн+хостинг за 1 година.

За снимките - прехвърляхме всичко старо, преди да сменят системата, но дано и те да са прехвърлени. АКО са, няма проблем - ще й кажа и ще ти прати пак 1 зип. То е за 2 минути работа - няма грижи. (ОК)

А утре ще изчислявам и лотарията, че да видим колко да играем с теб и виетнамския другар.
дай сайта ти да оправим, ако си на линия, имам малко минутки...
Аз преди малко станах.

Там, да имаш предвид, съм погрешка направил 2 квитанции за плащане. САМО ЕДНАТА трябва да се плати (тази с домейн + хостинг, естествено). Другата я оставяй, защото е само за домейн.

Когато имаш време, де.

Аз сега ще оправя лотариите.

Голям студ тук. 10 градуса.

(Аз по-преди писах, но да добавя. То 10 градуса, за зимно време, може да са много, но като нямаш парно, печка и топлещ климатик (по онова време имахме само изстудяващ), то десет градуса, дори и да си понавлечен са си студено преживяване. Така е в субтропично-тропичните райони на повечето места.
добре. да го отложим за утре, че днес свободните минутки ми изтекоха  :)

но утре ме подсети и дай данните за достъп... или когато искаш ги дай и като мога ще го видя
окей, утре, по някое време... студ е, тегаво е, бавно се работи...
OK,значи имаме общо 40 за декември.

Направо да ги даваме по 100 юана на човек, а?

Ти 100, аз 100, виетнамеца - 100. 300 юана, 150 комбинации. А от твоите 13, 33 за декември (1/3 от 40), аз ще добавя и моите, че да изиграем още 26 юана... общо ще имаме 313 комбинации! 8)

Помисли и кажи.
А на него му обясни, че 100 юана са равни на 50 комбинации, та ако желае да си ги измисли сам и да ми ги прати. Ако не - машинално. А аз ще ги снимам за доказателство.
жена ти да ги приеме

В случая "машинално" е неправилното; събеседникът по-правилно е казал - "машинно". Трябва да се говори, пише, набира колкото се може по-правилно. Винаги съм ратувал за правилен език (не просто правопис, а въобще - правилно езиково изразяване, с точните думи.)

Взех 150 комбинации, че да не се мешат. утре, ако излезна навън, ще купя останалото (както си трябва + печалбите за декември).

Ще пратя снимка, по-късно.

трябва да си гарантираш че утрешните и днешните няма да се повтарят

(Много голяма надежда имах тогава, защото с над 300 комбинации да участваш си е рядкост. А събеседникът правилно отбелязва да няма повтарящи се, т. е. да има повече шанс. Макар че си има и хора, които играят с еднакви, за да могат да вземат няколко джакпота, ако спечелят. Е, ние не сме толкова лакоми - предпочитахме само един, дори и разделен на три - все са няколко милиона на човек, но уви, уви...)
май ще са няколко снимки, че не се събират всички на една  :)
Само в тази част имаше малко прекъсване - излезнаха 4 и добавих 1.
Това са всичките от днес - 300 юана (150 комбинации):
При теб не излиза ли 1 снимка със 150 комбинации ???
има снимка с около 30 хартийки, не съм гледал още колко са комбинациите във всяко билетче, сигурно пет... но най крайните билетчета не се виждат изцяло

а, да, май са пет на билетче



По 5. Само в 2 са едното 4 и едното 1, защото машината отчете с 1 по-малко и аз добавих 1 отгоре.

Да. :)
 :) :)

Винаги съвестно, отговорно, без лъжи и измами. Така трябва!

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