As for how to train the general intelligence, currently the professionals have yet to figure out any method.
So, reading and learning, communicating with intelligent people, watching scientific videos and so on, aren't consider a method by the professionals?

how to explain it that people who read and learn more, are usually, more intelligent than those who're just playing games and eating?
The only way is to keep yourself healthy to suffer from less decline of IQ thus your IQ will 'increase'.
It's a way but I don't think it's the only way. Even a challenged kid (let's say above the imbecile level) is able to increase its intelligence via the
oligophrenopedagogy, which is coming to show that the average IQ people via education may have real chances to improve their intelligence.
How a person raised by wolves or monkeys is the same intelligent as a person who is attending university classes just because their DNA is the same?! Impossible. The practice shows that the education and the training improves a lot. Even an animal -- a kid (goat's baby) or a puppy will become more intelligent if it's around teaching and caring animals, people and others. For example, a monkey can learn how to use a soap if you teach it but if you didn't it will not use it.
The more primitive organisms like snakes rely mostly on their DNA but the more evolved like the monkeys, the apes, the humans, they need socialization, practice, learning and in this way they increase their fuller potentials of IQ, EQ and others.
"And, whether I am saying is correct or not is not dependent of whether what I am saying is demonstrated by a professional or not, not to mention what I am saying is just the viewpoint of the psychometric professionals."
You just prove it well enough and we'll believe it. Of course we, as scientists, want more verifications, studies, etc., but if you're a person who just have his own good proves, it's okay. I mean, we don't need to be formalistic. The
law of diminishing returns is a good mention. Let me add a simple image of it for the people who never learned it:

. If the concrete (Spearman's) is something different, let's know.
This law shows that the efforts (quantity) leads to results (quality).
because knowledge is delimited from intelligence
Look, it's a philosophical problem -- how you will define the
knowledge and the
intelligence. There
are and
can be different definitions of them. And according to the definitions they will overlaping or be equal, or be different.
For example, to answer an IQ test question correctly you have to
know how to, you have to have
some kind of knowledge. Another example, if you know some fact, like "Tibetan language (藏语) is related to Chinese language (汉语) because they're from the same, Sino-Tibetan language family (汉藏语系)." can be considered as intelligence because most of the people around the world don't even know what's Tibetan, where is Tiber, what languages are Tibetans able to speak and understand, what is their native language and so on.
although knowledge is not intelligence, but they are correlated because how well you can apply the obtained knowledges and retain them needs intelligence
So, according to this, the intelligence is an ability and the knowledges are the tools of that ability? Something like the situation with the
emperor-like person who is using the main party in his country as a tool? Am a correct?
This is just Crystallized Intelligence.
Here we have to explain this definition: this theory (
fluid intelligence versus
crystallized intelligence) was first proposed by psychologist
Raymond Cattell who further developed it along with his student John Horn. The theory suggests that intelligence is composed of different
abilities that interact and work together to produce
overall individual intelligence.
When there are other unexpected variables adulterating the variances, the loading on the expected factor will for sure be lower, compared to the same context without the unexpected variables in question.
Of course! "unexpected < expected" but what's the point here?
but education, reading, you name it, never really boost your intelligence very much, because general intelligence is 91% genetic and only 9% environmental.
And here, exactly here, you need to provide studies which measured it. Everybody can say that it's 91:9 or 1:99, why not 50:50? Who proves that the genetics vs. environmental is only 91/9? Huh? Yes, we may guess the genetics is the base and maybe it's at least 50% or more. (That's why I strongly disagree when the parents or school owners blame only the teachers for the results -- they postulate that the students are all equally gifted and with the same IQ, the same genetics. It's really wrong! And that's one of the reason, empirically to say that I do agree that the genetics is 50% or more! But 91% looks too much and, yes, it looks still possible, but give me the sources of such a serious claim.)IQ does not correlate with life outcomes as highly as some high IQ megalomaniacs are blackpilling.
Here comes the EQ and other types of "Q" that are sometimes or often neglected and, also, other factors (like the capital, the relationships, the background, the popularity and many others). There are so many low IQ-ed and average IQ-ed successful man and women, of course the life outcomes are not very correlated with the IQ and even with the marks in school (which are a better mirror of your IQ and EQ) and your overall knowledge.