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 The meaning of "cognitive dissonance" is "inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes". Usually people know well if they're (comparatively) short or tall (shorter than most or taller than most). I remember an incel said somewhere that he was raised in Sweden (or Denmark? Not sure.) and when he visited Spain he found that most of the Spanish are shorter than him. I had some similar experiences in China:
 1) When I started to work in Dongbei (东北) -- mostly in Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning provinces, I felt I am average or sometimes shorter. There are Chinese (even females) who are around 1.90 m. Later, when I moved to the South (Guangdong and especially -- Hainan), I found myself being a comparatively tall person. :)
 2) A Chinese woman from Guangdong said she was one of the shortest females in her town, but when she arrived in Hainan she said that here she met even shorter than her other women (and some men around her height) so then she became feeling like "I have a normal height here."
 Geomaxx is really a powerful maxxing way. :)
I've seen countless boys complaining about how ugly they were but they were just normies.
You see? Something like you. :D You're underestimating your face. But you're comparatively objective about your height. I can give you this, I am taller than you but when I was (several times) in Shanghai I felt not that tall (as I feel in Guangdong, Macao (Aomen) and Hainan), so I know that most of the males in there are taller than you, hence you're right that you're (comparatively) shorter (but not a real shortcel which means midget-tier or nearly 100% geominn-ed person) and you will be a "taller man" in some Chinese areas like Guangxi, Hainan, Guizhou /according to / or in some countries like East Timor, Nepal, Ecuador, Sri Lanka, Mozambique, Peru...

 I see. I only wanted to expand it a bit, in order to give some more options for those incels who're willing to geomaxx in some West-like place.
 By the way, you surely have to include Canada too.

Other languages / Дезинфекция
« on: April 19, 2023, 05:23:24 AM »


  Важно е да има добра хигиена. Дезинфекцията е част от хигиената. Та утре ще правя малка дезинфекция на едно място в настоящото жилище.

 Let me add only one more example. It's about the salary but the analogy is really strong and based!  8) When I came to China and my salary was around RMB 4000 most of the Chinese women from the big cities perceived me as a "poor foreigner", "a loser", "average income", "And you call yourself a successful man?!" but at that time, this income was a 3-4 times higher than the average (median) one in Bulgaria. There many people (males and females) was like "How?! Just like being a teacher?!", "You're damn lucky!", "I even can't earn RMB 40!", "You're a liar, maybe you're just a communist and the Party pays you that much, we all know you're a communist!!", "Wow! I want to be an English teacher in China too!", "Send me money, bro!"...
 You see? The height is the same. In Shanghai you're not that tall, but in Laos or Equador, or Timor-Leste you're "Normal man" and even "He's tall."  :) It's really relative.
 But, yes, because you're heading to "Chadlands"  ;D (the places where the Chad percentage is higher) you'll face some geominn in one or another degree, so without serious maxxing the locals (the majority I guess) will not give you a chance. But, as I said, later you may find a wife online, there is no need to search for a Chadland's female who'll probably will have higher standards.

But you are downplaying the detriment of being short though.
Only if you were a midget. For example, if you were a 1.10 m person, all I said maybe will be not that useful. But with your height, even in Shanghai you're closer to the middle height than to the midgets, so the maxx-es could work on you. Like now you're 10% attractive (from 100 girls only 10 may think you're cute) but if you add muscles, change your style (to the most contemporary fashions around or discover some own unique style), popularity-maxx (like you have got 1.5 million followers online) and so on, then you can rise it up to at least 25% (from 100 girls, 1/4 will like you; Some will still say "Nah, too short.", others will be like "Too nerdy!" and there will be those who are "Only GigaChad!!! I am a princess I want the best!" but still if you're popular, muscular, stylish and rich enough, there will be 1 of 4 or around it to say "Yes, this man is okay!" And maybe you'll get some additional % of those who will agree to be with you for a short-term thing like "one night stand", if it matters to you.)
I have seen countless shortcels who are way better than me in other aspects but they got filtered out again and again by girls
Depends on where. If they're in New Your or Shaghai and they deal with these princess syndrome type girls around (the majority, not all), then yes. But if you're in some town like 彰武 (Zhang wu), 库尔勒 (Kuerla; Korla), Akron or Santa Rosa then you will see at least 1/3 of the females who are not going to think first and most about your height (because, still, I mean you're not a typical shortcel but you may be if you're in Northern Europe or in some American place where the people are very tall.)

 The height is mostly subjective (i. e. relative) -- as I told to that Scandinavian girl, if I am in her country I'll look to others like "a shortie" but if I am in South-East Asia (for example, in Laos) I'll be seen as a "tall European". That's why for the heightcels (no matter shortcels or tallcels) the best maxxing is geomaxx and then, if possible, everything else:

- gymmax (the second best)
- moneymaxx (the nearly universal equalizer)
- popularitymaxx (sometimes not a good choice if you want a quiet life)
- artmaxx (painting, musical instruments and singing, photography)
- etc. maxx  :)

 I remember that economics oriented forum where the rule was "no politics" but later, because the economics and the politics are very related, they allowed a political based section. ;D Well, the were in a place where the free political speech wasn't so complicated and restricted like in China. When you're still in China and you want people from China to access your website, you better avoid the political topics. (Because once banned most of the Chinese visitors are never coming to visit you again; most of the Chinese people aren't well educated about the internet and the majority have no idea what is VPN + even they have, many of them will not spend these dollars per month for the VPN's fee.)
 Another point, even in countries where we think that the free speech is absolute and there are no problems to criticize this or that, still sometimes there may be politicians who'll feel very bad about what you're talking online about them and then, they'll find some way to hurt your website or yourself, which is totally democratic, like "Where are your proves? We'll meet in the court!" or they may just really find some of your real problems and to expose them (for example, some person who's breaking some law even without knowing it)... so, isn't it better to refrain from the political talks, except when it comes to really, really necessary problems like when it comes to our lives, for example (aggressive war (Ukraine), crazy baseless lockdowns ("0 COVID"),...)?
 And yes, there is some correlation: people who're spending too much time thinking of politics score low with the females and the opposite -- people who save time and instead of politics focus on business, sports, popularity online, etc., tend to find a female easier.

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 I really have to use my privilege here to answer shortly: everyone who can't see that the present state is no more one-Party republic but a neo-monarchy, i. e. a one-man (neo-monarch, neo-emperor, neo-tsar) feudal state just lives in the past and or can't see that China, Russia, North Korea, Belarus... are really not anymore republics -- they are, de facto, monarchies (kingdoms, empires) where the ruler (one man) decides everything and no party (parties) can be anything else than his tool/servant (tools or servants).
 The soon you realize it's just neofeudalism (the feudalism in the present that uses the new technologies) the better. It will remove the burden and you'll be able to focus on your real personal development (which is not politics and political science). I don't know do you want kids or not, but imagine this: some day when your kid/kids is/are willing something (a toy, good food, study abroad, money for hospital, etc.) they'll just expect from you to give them the thing (= money), they're not going to say "Yeah, 老爸 (dad), is poor and a loser in the life, but hey, see how well he describes the political propaganda! Hell yeah! Why I need to eat, why I need to study, why I need a home, when dad already told me about the politics?" ;D

 Your case is mixed one. You're geomaxxing in sense of: politics, economy, etc. (obviously you'll have more political freedom, access to casinos like in Macao, more free speech, better income...) but you're geominning in sense of your male attractiveness. You know who're one of the most bitter incels online? The so-called ricecels (incels in the West from Korea, China, Japan, Vietnam, etc.) who non-stop complain how hard is for them in the West, how the females choose even black men over them, how even the money-maxx isn't working (like the case of that Elliot Roger, who was a hapacel, in fact), how their parents are guilty to bring them in the West and so on. But at least they're (most of them) born there and they had no choice. But you're making this choice by yourself so, keep in mind that it's nearly 100% volcel choice. (But it's not over! Anytime when you're job-maxxed, money-maxxed and so on, you may find online some good girl from the Philippines, Latin America or Africa, if you wish, even from East Europe like Moldova, Armenia... and I am sure you'll be married at least in this way... well, if you're very lucky you may have a chance even in the West with some so-called unicorn -- one of those rare girls who'll like you because of your mind, knowledge, personality, romantic heart and reasonable attitude.) Just being honest, no offense, no jokes.

Well, depends on which exactly "West". For example, the Latin America is pretty West to me -- they're in the West, they're America, they speak Western languages (mostly Spanish and Portuguese), their culture is mostly Western, their faces (at least 50%) are more or mostly Western, not Eastern but still there are countries where you can feel like "Wow, I am sort of tall here." For example, Bolivia   (with average male height of 168 cm). It means that there are at least 40% Bolivian males who're shorter than you and maybe 10% who're the same as you. So, probably, nobody in Bolivia will think of you as a short man.

 An army analogy. Let's say the height is like the air force. If your army is lacking it, well, it's a trouble but still, you can compensate it in other ways like more ground forces (like tanks), more naval ones (like submarines), more diplomacy-maxx  ;D (like making more powerful friends who are providing you economical, political and military support)... in a word, learn from Ukraine -- their president could easily just run away and to give up because the initial Ukrainian army was almost nothing compared to the Russian one. But you see now? They compensated their air force weakness with all those tanks-maxx, dimplomacy-maxx (sanctions, etc.), etc. and many months without significant air force support they succeed to keep their freedom.
 The height is a problem and being a shortcel sucks, but you're not exactly a shortcel. You're around the middle height, so you can compensate with better body (six pack abs, bigger shoulder muscles, etc. gymmaxx), fashionmaxx, artmaxx and so on. There is room to improve yourself. Now you're maybe only 67% of your "best self". Based on my philosophy (atleastism), you can at least add 20%, be a better self, if you can't be your best self and then, at least, 2-3 Becky-tier girls are going to like you. Otherwise, you'll be able to get a wife anyway, I don't have any doubts about it, because you're this type of person who's able to get university job, to make a good salary life and then maybe some woman will see you as a beta-buxx but it's not a very good option because she'll have an indirect interest being your wife; the better is when there is direct interest, i. e. when they like you for what you're not only for what you have. Sure, most of the females do mix the indirect interest and the direct interest, but still better than just indirect interest ("I will marry Lib because of his good uni salary!") ;D

I hope by saying this I can achieve some empathy, which I believe I can def achieve.

For sure and of course :-* but remember that you're too sensitive and work on it. For example it's not good because of some IQ test to feel bad for years. ;D Who cares? Really. Everyone wants to see your real achievements (results) nobody gives a damn what's your score on this test or that test. They'll 'test' your status, property, bank account  ;) more than the scores in your diplomas or psycho tests.
Yeah but since everyone does not know about IQ and they are always 'gauging' your IQ by your grades, occupational success, political stances etc., which is very stupid by the professional psychometric knowledges, I don't care about my 'perceived' IQ. But indeed I should get rid of IQ tests and turn to work on really meaningful shits.

Btw, my political stance is between Liberalism and Conservatism, anti-C.C.P, and 'Rightist'. I can't describe myself with more exact political terms since I do not know much about it but for sure you can get a rough idea of my political stance, although I still don't know why we can gauge one's IQ by his/her political belief.
According to the political reality the present China is neo-imperatorized, the full power is in the so-called president (like the ancient emperors), i. e. we're dealing with a neo-feudal reality, thus the C.C.P. doesn't exist as such (except formally), so in fact you can't be anti-C.C.P (nor pro-C.C.P.) because it's already not a real political subject but a tool of the one full-empowered person. I was pro-C.C.P. when it was operating as such (Hu Jintao's period and before him). Now I just can't be because it's already not a real party but I keep my socialistic beliefs (to support the weak, the poor; to make things as cheap as possible, to give people more freedom and happiness, to give them more security, to give them the socialistic democracy, a real republic, to develop humanistic culture and so on.)
why we can gauge one's IQ by his/her political belief.
I mean those obviously primitive political ideas like the ultra-nationalism (Hitlerism (Nazism), for example or the present days' Rashism) where the followers think that after they kill somehow all the Jews, Ukrainians or Japanese, then they'll start to live in a paradise like society. Only low-IQed person (and/or crazy) can really accept these anti-human ideologies that state simply "We kill all of X people, then the happiness is coming."   ::) So, I think that when you see some with these low ultra-radicalized ideas, you can know it's not a clever and/or normal person.

my 'perceived' IQ

 In the societies this is what matters most. You can see that some politicians or businessmen aren't very well educated and don't say very wise things, but the mass of the people think that they're great. At the same time some really clever, knowledgeable people like some of the professors in the academies and universities do speak a lot of good stuff but the mass of the people even don't know who are they and what are they talking about. ;D
 Let's talk about the inceldoms for a while.  :) Think about this analogy:
  • A Chad can't make more than 12 pull ups and lift more than 20 kg but the Stacies and Beckies perceive him as a strong, capable man.
  • A gymcel can make 32 pull ups and lift 50 kg but the Stacies and Beckies perceive him as a weak, over-compensating man.
Who'll get more results? Of course the Chad.
 Or, let's talk about the countries: think about USA and Switzerland. Almost everything in Switzerland is better: the GDP per capita, the incomes, the security, the average culture and the average IQ of the population, the social care and so on. But there are people who even don't know what is this and where it is, maybe they just heard that it's a country somewhere in Europe. At the same time, all of them know USA and many of them perceive the USA as the best. As a result -- the attractiveness of the USA is way better than that of the Switzerland and most of the people who want to live abroad are dreaming of the USA not about Switzerland. USA is the "winner" in this context.
 So, you can develop your IQ (I even support people who want to be cleverer; I, myself, non-stop learn something new. Even useless things like "Seljuks in Chinese is "塞尔柱"." This is the last that I learned tonight so I gave it as the example.) But, at the same time, we should keep in mind that we also have to work on the "perceived IQ", i. e. to meet the expectation of the society (i. e. the mass, the most of the society, because there are also unique people like you, who aren't "typical mass"). Otherwise we're labeled as "losers" and it's not absolutely baseless because indeed if you have no social success (especially the money), you're nearly choiceless and powerless, freedomless as well. For example, you even can't travel when it comes to longer distances (the transportation isn't free) or you can't eat healthy food, etc. I learned this simple Chinese sentence: "钱是权" (Qian shi quan.) ("Money is power.", i. e. money gives you power/choice/right...)

Food / Re: Flour for bread and flour for cake
« on: April 18, 2023, 01:20:35 AM »
 Recently I am eating mantou from time to time. It's because I want to save some money. There is a mantou shop nearby. One mantou costs RMB 1, so I buy it and eat it with some vegetable salads.

I would say my look threshold is very low.
I'd say it's something very good. It makes you more fit in the dating area. I am not joking. It's in fact super cool when you feel that some girl is pretty enough while the others don't like her. Then your chances are super high + you have no worries that somebody else will compete with you. 8) At least two of my ex-girlfriends were my girlfriends because there were no other males to like them (not because these girls found me very attractive). They just had no other option  ;D. And, at the same time, I found them pretty attractive (because I like short and darkish skin females, but all the males around them were like "No, too short!" and/or "I want a blond girl." and/or "I want an elder one, not going to date a schoolgirl.")

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