A forum for incels who are normal people (no terrorists, no rapists, no racists, no pedophiles, no haters and so on) / About the "euphemism" word
« on: July 31, 2024, 11:27:54 PM »Euphemism, euphemistical, euphemistically, euphemisms and so on
Well, I keep my promise to add useful content here based on the least disgusting, least crazy and least abusive Zhang Jie's (the Shanghaicel) texts.
Here is one of his baseless claims that I learned the word "euphemism" from him.

1. This is an obvious lie. Because he is hallcinating again OR because he is a low IQcel (debilism level). Maybe he really sees and hears that in his hallucinator's brain OR maybe he is just making the debilistic conclusion that "If I use a word and another one use it too, then this one 100% learned the wirdd from me.

2. Here comes the simple proof (that everyone who is not so dumb as him can easly find via the ➡️ SEARCH option of the Omnilogy forum⬅️.
Every normal and a bit more intelligent person than him (it means almost all the people around the world) CAN use it and when he or she types "euphemism" the results will show him or her that I used in this forum the word for the first time in 2015!!! (9 years ago)!
But, for your information, I know the word since the early 90's, when I started to learn philosophy and when for the first time I learned other words with Greek origine and with the same root as: "eucharist", "euphoria", "eulogy" and "euthanasia"!
3. Even Bulgarians who are not good at English but are still a bit more educated than Zhang Jie from Shanghai, would guess the meaning and the use of the word because in Bulgarian (an Indo-European language full of Greek words like many other European languages) the word is almost the same: "евфемизъм" (Latin letters transliteration: "evfemizum")!
4. I even know because I learned the Greek root "εὖ" which means something positive, good, well.
As you saw, Zhang Jie is so low IQcel, so delusional crimecel, that he can't imagine even a 0.01% of my deep and wide knowledge! It is like some kid who thinks that if he/she say "anaconda" and you repeat the word, it means that you never knew about the anacondas before.

Hope you liked and enjoyed my educatinal post.🤓😎