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Euphemism, euphemistical, euphemistically, euphemisms and so on

  Well, I keep my promise to add useful content here based on the least disgusting, least crazy and least abusive Zhang Jie's (the Shanghaicel) texts.
 Here is one of his baseless claims that I learned the word "euphemism" from him.  :D :D :D :D :D
 1. This is an obvious lie. Because he is hallcinating again OR because he is a low IQcel (debilism level). Maybe he really sees and hears that in his hallucinator's brain OR maybe he is just making the debilistic conclusion that "If I use a word and another one use it too, then this one 100% learned the wirdd from me.  :D
 2. Here comes the simple proof (that everyone who is not so dumb as him can easly find via the ➡️ SEARCH option of the Omnilogy forum⬅️.
 Every normal and a bit more intelligent person than him (it means almost all the people around the world) CAN use it and when he or she types "euphemism" the results will show him or her that I used in this forum the word for the first time in 2015!!! (9 years ago)!
 But, for your information, I know the word since the early 90's, when I started to learn philosophy and when for the first time I learned other words with Greek origine and with the same root as: "eucharist", "euphoria", "eulogy" and "euthanasia"!
 3. Even Bulgarians who are not good at English but are still a bit more educated than Zhang Jie from Shanghai, would guess the meaning and the use of the word because in Bulgarian (an Indo-European language full of Greek words like many other European languages) the word is almost the same: "евфемизъм" (Latin letters transliteration: "evfemizum")!
 4. I even know because I learned the Greek root "εὖ" which means something positive, good, well.
 As you saw, Zhang Jie is so low IQcel, so delusional crimecel, that he can't imagine even a 0.01% of my deep and wide knowledge! It is like some kid who thinks that if he/she say "anaconda" and you repeat the word, it means that you never knew about the anacondas before.  :D
 Hope you liked and enjoyed my educatinal post.🤓😎

For the Shanghai fans and especially for the Shanghaicel, the tigers and anacondas expert  ;D


 Of course. I do report him first and then I use the hide users from your channel option. At first he should be reported, to get well-known for his insanity, crimes and violation there too and then, of course, hide him from the channel.
 Sorry for not responding more here but as you know I am a responsible to myself and my development person so I can't afford wasting more time online if I don't want to become a disgusting (bad, obese and feminine, body shape and chubby low T face wise + psychopathological issues wise) Zhang Jie type of degraded, underdeveloped human.

 That's right. 100% loner, lonely, no social life, one of the reasons to be such a stalker -- already can't live without us. Daily visiting the forum and nearly daily posting some of his typical texts under my YT videos recently. But, hey, he is "not a hikikomori" (do you remember that registration email? 😁 ;D)...
 But enough for this aftenoon, just check the news about the YouTube's Jie activity and spend some seconds to report. Thanks in advance!

 Time wasters. Of course not that strange taking into account their selfishness and egocentrism. In the worst cases -- Zhang Jie from Shanghai who posts many, long texts online to waste his time (and if you are gullible enough to start reading his all texts you will lose hours, weeks, months for sport, learning, sleeping, earning money and you will become like him:

 - less knowledgeable
 - less muscles
 - less physical and mental health
 - less money (and forced by the poverty to serve to some bosses and managers who are usually even less educated than you and have no compassion).
 By the way, check the news: http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/a-forum-for-incels-who-are-normal-people-no-terrorists-no-rapists-no-racists-no-pedophiles-no-haters-and-so-on/an-update-about-zhang-jie-from-shanghai-insanity-and-criminal-acts/msg53696/#msg53696

 Again, with another profile stalking me with long posts on YouTube. Don't waste time to read them. Only find some with the rules amusements and report him. (I mean you may take a diagonal look (you know, the diagonal reading) for some seconds and then, when you see his usual insults, threatening, hallucinatorics and delusions,in order to be sure you are not making a fake report (like him), only then, report him!)

Animals / A cat like a gepard or a leopard
« on: July 31, 2024, 06:35:08 AM »

Like a little gepard (or leopard)

Notice the pose of the gorgeous cat at the end of the video: like a little gepard (leopard or another big cat on some branch):


 Enjoy  :)!

 This morning I saw his new (2) profiles on YouTube. Maybe they already banned or limited his first one (with the Ruscist soldier avatar). In his schizophrenical way at first he commented there "good" under one of my workers' videos but later started to post his debilisms and psychotisms. I even didn't read them fully, just screenshoted them, reported them, some of you here reported him too (thanks for that 👍), then I used the options of Yat to block him there from participating (commenting) on my videos and that's it for now.
 Because he is banned here he uses YouTube to "communicate" with us, hoping that I will again repost his posts here. But in vain. From now on I am not giving him any opportunity to use his hate speech here, even in that way.
 Well, because this forum is already hitting new records (you all saw our new visitors records in the social network 8) ), I have to continue to add more content. More content = more visitors = more incomes from this forum! So, I will choose from time to time some of his sentences and will respond to them here.
 Like, for example, the psychocel-crimicel is speaking that I wake up at 6:00 to do useful things like recycling, cooking, sporting, learning + I am frustrated because of my father's and his girlfriend's deeds. and then I can say to Jie-cel: better than you who are admitting to be a hikikomori who is not sleeping all night who is and accusing his parents for that, in the Japanese Quora Hahahahaha!  Don't miss it: "Zhang Jie from Shanghai"'s hikikomorism and parentcelism: http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/a-forum-for-incels-who-are-normal-people-no-terrorists-no-rapists-no-racists-no-pedophiles-no-haters-and-so-on/an-interesting-acknowledgement-from-zhang-about-his-parents-and-his-hikikomorism/


Неуспешен трейдинг с щайги

компенсиран с пластмасови бутилки

 Днес се получи интересен трейдинг. Първо, две тежки черни щайги (пластмасови) мъкнах до пункта за вторични суровини, но там отказаха да ги изкупуват. Останах си само със спорта (ходене няколко километра с около 5-6 килограма в ръце). :) Да но малко преди пункта, от някакъв магазин изхвърлили бутилки (от пластмасовите). Веднага ги взех, предадох ги на вторичните суровини и - хоп! Ето ти една добра компенсация за неизкупените щайги. 8) 600 риела! Равностойно на един хляб + един бонбон.  :) Друг пример - едно яйце и един корнишон. :)
Та така, малко, но от сърце. 8) :) Върви търговийка, вървят другите приходчета, върви цялостно местнта икономика добре. Градивен живот. 8)

 And Zhang Jie from Shanghai is more brutal than those Nazis who tortured Desi's grandfather because he is pro-Putin and pro-Xi (putinist and xist) who uses Ruscist avatars + hallucinates, wishes, calls for murdering innocent people in horror ways, etc. The psychotic debil 张杰 makes even war criminals like those to look less disgusting. I swear I never communicated with a more disgusting, psychotic, moronic and that undeveloped (+ degraded) person in/from China!

 As you know I answer the schizocel's debilisms and hallucinations step by step because as a working (several types of activities -- sports, recycling, cooking, videos, little charity and learning) I have no time for the worst Chinese person who is both criminalcel and mentalcel (low IQ and low EQ, bad memory, very low educated, hallucinating, using rude and obscene language, threatening with death and so on).
 Here comes my one and only answer for tonight:
 1. About Alexa -- pure hallucinations (included as N•6 hallucination in the list of his 张杰's hallucinations. Also, that is important, the "cognitive decay" is a projection to Alexa of his own cognitive decay. Don't forget that it's a person who is not capable even to choose his own food, doesn't recognize a clock on a wall thinking of it as a countdown timer, etc. + fails to immigrate abroad and can't enter any university.
 2. He is seeing the parody as babysitting because he is ignorant and has difficulties to understand even simple facts, objects and actions.
 For example, when I showed him my shaver, his comment was that he is only 24 and he has no idea about the life at all. His exact words:

"see... I am just a 24 y.o youngster and if i coulda helped you I woulda... but I myself am not good at living life, how can I give any good suggestion?"

 After his admition that he's not good at life and can't give good suggestions (based on a shaver photo) how to expect even a half % understanding of a comedy video?! It's impossible.
 3. "Old baby" said the real mentally and even physically infantile; the underdeveloped, funny looking chubby and low T male... Another projection of his babyishness. :D
 4. About the retarded varios faces:
 4.1. It is acting. They are created on purose for the art.
 But your race is retarded naturally. You are looking as a natural debil.
 4.2. I can do various restarted, non-retarded, serious, funny, angry, etc. faces because I am a semi-professional actor.
 But your face, in all your shared photos, is only one type expression: the expression of a sad debil. No varieties.
 5. The forum has different sections and it's full of useful things but your debilism is an obstacle to navigate the forum and to understand it. It's just not for your incredibly low intellectual, mental and moral level. So just stop trying to understand it. It will only make you more depressed because as it was said already, even an inanimate object like this forum mogs you. (Every female or male, if you wish, will choose to spend her or his life with the forum than with you.) You are lacking of everything:

 - not well educated (even doesn't know the anacondas aren't venomous)
 - not good looking (chubby, lack of muscle mass, feminine features due to the low testosterone levels, comparatively short for the Shanghai's area)
 - infantile (parents are choosing your food, beverages, work place, bank accounts, immigration... all)
 - moral and psychopathological issues (lies, abusing, stalking, hallucinating, overreacting, threatening...)
 - lack of skills; no work experience, you even don't know how to make some tea.
 - bad at language learning and having no stable interests.
 A long list. And in some moments the people may think your are a laughing stock but the sad truth is that you are a totally pitiful hopeless underdeveloped loser.

"Most Online Today: 11356. Most Online Ever: 11356 (Today at 02:36:20 AM)"  8).

 The criminalcel-mentalcel-lowIQ-lowEQ Zhang Jie can't understand so "complicated" (for his debilismic level) posts, so, I will explain it shortly and simpler:

 1. The schizophrenic is saying that I have a wife AND that I am a -cel. Makes "perfect" sense for a... schizo-debilism thinker like him.
 2. It's reasonable to have negative emotions towards parents (and their lovers) once they are insulting you and deprivate you from property bought with your dead parent money. If I am happy and I like it, in this case, I will be just another debilism and schizo joke as Zhang Jie from Shanghai, but I react normally.
 3. As everyone already knows the guy is annoying: repeats one and the same several times, forgets what you already told him, complains non-stop about people who disagree with him, about his controlling him like a kid parents (up to the extent in which bank to save his money, what to eat, what to drink, where and what to work)... Not to mention how time consuming and useless are his "normal messages" where he will "teach" you some platitudes like "I found out that if you are just tall you still may be an incel." or "The Russian engineering books are more complicated than the US ones." And tons of jealousy and bitterness against the young girls who like those feminine boys (but still way more masculine than Zhang!) from the J-pop and K-pop bands.
 Even if you have nerves made of steel you will become "petulant" after a week or two with the Zhang's autistic, depressing, useless, bitter, time wasting and leading to nowhere messages.
4. The debilism (low IQ) and, concretely, the damaged memory of Zhang Jie stops him to remember a simple thing like that males have NO menopause. I explained him about LOH: http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/a-forum-for-incels-who-are-normal-people-no-terrorists-no-rapists-no-racists-no-pedophiles-no-haters-and-so-on/some-opinions-about-how-to-escape-the-inceldom-by-geser-kurultaev/msg53389/#msg53389

(Now he is 100% like: "哎呀妈呀!I forgot about it. How can I?" and he will read it again, he will get hysterical, crying, etc. But after 5-10 minutes he will forget it AGAIN... He just can't remember most of the things. He only "remembers" his hallucinations like the one about Desi and her father.)
 And speaking of LOH theLate-onset hypogonadism (LOH) or testosterone deficiency syndrome (TDS) -- it's a term for a condition in older men characterized by measurably low testosterone levels"
Now be honest: when you watch me and when you watch Zhang Jie, who has lower testosterone levels? :D :D :D :D

He lacks of good muscle mass, no beard, has boyish body and chubby boyish face, emotionally behaves and reacts like some hysterical Karen, not like some true Chinese male (like Andy Lau or Sammo Hungand as it was said even old Chinese males with body and personality issues like Xi are mogging him. So, who is the low-T one?

 4. In short: the little guy is full of debilism, schizophrenia, stupidity caused of low education level (check his "venomous anacondas" and "countdown timer for tiger fights" epic falls!) and is not worth to deal with him.

"But, Mister, then why you are answering this worthless JZ joke from SH here?" would ask some people (I already got this question offline). And I will tell you why:

I blocked him everywhere. I don't waste time with him and I don't want to empower him anymore. But here -- here is another story. My answers are adding up content to this forum, which leads to more visitors, more ads, more earnings for me and my colleagues + more popularity (more people will buy my e-books, more people will subscribe to my video channels, more people will use my referral link for the bitcoins.
In a word, answering here gives me more chance to become rich.

 5. Hallucinations about Desi being rude and using degraded language about homicides (about killing "yourself", "your mother"). The concrete rude, amoral and insane post of the hallucinator: here.

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