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Messages - MSL

  Nice to meet you here, Manoj2! We wish you good luck to you and to Web Design Company USA, and to Web Designers Directory!

Alexa (www.alexa.com) / Chinese Alexa ranking
« on: April 06, 2011, 08:05:19 PM »
Alexa says:
We've got our CHINESE RANKING at last! 
Traffic Rank in CN :  101,104

Well, first of all, CONGRATS about the higher Chinese Alexa traffic rank tonight:
Traffic Rank in CN
 And the second one - as an ex-administrator and founder of the First Bulgarian Virtual Pub (Първа българска виртуална кръчма) I can say that I used this idea (to show in a topic the Alexa traffic rank) in that website -  www.kry4ma.com and in few months it was ranked even better than this website - www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com in Bulgaria (2,918 Traffic Rank in BG) and almost the same in the World - (Alexa Traffic Rank: 1,190,433) http://kry4ma.com/index.php/topic,16.60.html
 It means I can be very helpful about the ranking of seo-forum-seo-luntan.com, because that kry4ma - site was mostly in Bulgarian. And here I am going to post not only Bulgarian, but also other languages and I am pretty, pretty sure, that I'll up you in Alexa.com in 1-2 months. Google.com, Baidu.com and the other Search Engines will indexing more worlds that I use (my vocabulary is very rich) and it'll bring more and more visitor to here. :)

    Петте най-разпространени съжаления на умиращите хора

  Една жена (в дадения случай името й не е важно) много години работила в приют за стари и неизлечимо-болни хора. Специалността й била - облегчение на състоянието на умиращите пациенти. По тоя начин, тя буквално била с тях през последните им дни и часове от живота. От своите наблюдения тя съставила своеобразен рейтинг на основните съжаления на хората, дошли до самия край на живота.

И така - 5-те най-разпространени съжаления на умиращите хора:

1.  Съжалявам, че не намерих смелост да живея живота, който намирам правилен за себе си, а не този живот, който другите очакваха от мен.

2. Съжалявам, че толкова много работих (че се преработвах толкова много).

3. Съжалявам, че не намерих смелост да изразя своите чувства.

4. Съжалявам, че не поддържах добре отношенията с приятелите си.

5. Съжалявам, че не си позволих да съм достатъчно щастлив/щастлива.


Превод със съкращения от руски.

SEO / Harihan SEO
« on: April 05, 2011, 11:18:04 PM »
Nice information. Thanks for sharing.

seo services company

 Wow, Harihan! Your SEO website is so cool! I like it! Good luck Harihan comrade! We love SEO! We hope that Harihan.com is going to be a good SEO service company and we - from the SEO-FORUM-SEO-LUNTAN.COM is greeting you, Harihan comrade!

  Ето тук http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/else-topics/new-members/ бе решено Сео-форум-сео-лунтан.ком (www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com) да си има и свой бг-раздел (освен китайския, английския и руския, които функционират отдавна), а аз бях избран за модератор, който да се грижи за създаването и укрепването на български раздел в този международен форум, чиито собственик е в Китай, а хостингът им е май в САЩ.
 За мен: преподавател по чужди езици, преводач, поет, писател, философ (по образование, дипломиран в СУ с магистърска степен - "Философска антропология"), живеещ в КНР. Хобита - бойни изкуства, лингвистика (синология и алтаистика), история, психология и, когато остане време + възможности, разни други неща.
 Добре дошли в Българския раздел и спазвайте правилата, които са лесни и могат да се прочетат при регистрациията във форума.

Other topics / Yes, it's true!
« on: April 05, 2011, 05:33:37 PM »
  Yes, it's true. Bulgaria is not that big, but the % of the users is big and you'll be able to get good Net-traffic from Bulgarians and Bulgarian citizens, and persons who understand Bulgarian in Bulgaria and all around the world. In addition - many Macedonians are able to undertsand some Bulgarian language and they're reading, sometimes, BG websites.
 The last and also important is that I am with a Master's degree (Philosophy) and I am able to create a lot of unique content, plus I can use few languages like some Chinese, Bulgarian, English, Russian, some Korean, some Tatar, some Macedonian and it is just another profit for this forum. I think this forum is lucky to have a guy like me  :D And you'll see the proves in 1 or 2 months (according to my SEO point of view).

Social network | SEO - Social network / Turkey is semi-Asian
« on: April 04, 2011, 04:26:57 PM »
  Turkey is semi-Asian and semi-European. A part of Turkey is in (South-Eastern) Europe, next to the European countries Greece and Bulgaria.  :)

 CCTV News:  Radiation detected throughout China (with the exception of Qinghai). The radiation levels in China are not very high. Radiation also was detected in other Asian countries as Vietnam and the Philippines.

http://www.splut.com/ - Directory of UK websites.

SEO / Good topic, SEO!
« on: April 02, 2011, 07:44:43 PM »
 Good topic, SEO! Let me help you to develop it. I saw some of the topics here got another good idea that I used sometimes before to translate the main, keyword in different languages and now I will translate METASEARCH ENGINE in some languages. Here you are, SEO:
-Метатърсачка (Мета-търсеща машина) - Bulgarian
-Metasuchmaschine - German
-Metabuscador - Spanish
-Métamoteur (or méta-moteur) - French
-Metakereső - Hungarian
-元搜索引擎 (or 集合型搜索引擎) - Chinese
-メタ検索エンジン - Japanese
-메타검색 - Korean
-Metazoekmachine - Dutch
-Metasøkemotorer - Norwegian
-Multiwyszukiwarka - Polish
-Metabusca (or metapesquisa) - Portuguese
-Meta arama - Turkish
(Some of these words are from Wikipedia.org)

Social network | SEO - Social network / ~100% Bulgarian
« on: April 01, 2011, 11:38:05 PM »
 I am ~100% sure that Kalin kozhuharov (Калин Кожухаров) is a Bulgarian person. And let's translate it for the Bulgarian users, in Bulgarian:

 " http://thinrope.net - Информация за гама-радиационните нива в Токио. "

  Thank you for the Chinese translation! I can write some Chinese (我会写中文一点。), but it's my pleasure that Chinese people can translate my posts here!  :) Thanks for the translation once again!

  There are some useful websites for nuclear information and nuclear knowledge:

1. http://www.iaea.org/ - International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
2. http://www.world-nuclear.org/World Nuclear Association
4. http://www.kznpp.org/ - "АЕЦ Козлодуй" ЕАД (the site of Kozloduy NPP -
the main electricity generating plant in Bulgaria

Social network | SEO - Social network / MSL's meaning
« on: March 30, 2011, 04:00:30 PM »
  Probably there are a lot of actual and possible meanings of this MSL word, but the meaning that I created for myself was:

M = Мир = Peace
S = Спорт = Sport
L = Любов = Love

 I just think that it's a positive one!
 Thanks for the attention, SEO and non-SEO guys!  :) As an owner of a website I appreciate it!

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