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Messages - MSL

Social network | SEO - Social network / I can do it.
« on: March 30, 2011, 03:50:28 PM »
  Yes, I can do it. I will be able to translate your posts and to add some of my ideas as well. As a result you'll got original content and very good indexing in the Search engines. Before I developed 2 Bulgarian forums, and they got very good results, including Alexa traffic rank higher that this forum right now. There is a high potential in the BG Internet users. And I hope we'll earn some money, together, dear SEO friend! (By the way I can write also in English, as you see, some Russian and some Chinese, so I may develop some activity in all your sections over here!)...Cool, isn't it. ;D

Social network | SEO - Social network / And by the way
« on: March 30, 2011, 03:34:05 PM »
  By the way these radiation levels are not supposed to be harmful for the health and for the environment.
 I'll link it in the Bulgarian Social Net - Svejo.net. Hope it'll be useful for the international knowledge and for the international traffic of this www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com over here.

  Few minutes ago I saw on that International Chinese channel - CCTV news, that there is higher RADIATION in Beijing, too!

Японская радиация распространяется в Китае! Уже обнаружили в:
-Шанхай (г. и "провинция" Шанхай)
-Гуанси (Гуанси-Чжуанский А.Р.)

Ужас какой-то!...

 Holy Shit! I am living so close to these Guangxi and Guangdong provinces! I'll share the news again in that Bulgarian Social Net - Svejo.net.

Social network | SEO - Social network / Oh, no !
« on: March 28, 2011, 11:20:21 PM »
  Oh, no! It's terrible! I am living in China as you know and I don't like it! I will share it in a famous Bulgarian Social Net, named "SVEJO". Let's share these news worldwide!

Другое / Лазаревизм
« on: March 27, 2011, 06:41:35 PM »
   Раньше мне Лазарев (Лазаревизм) очень нравился, но потом я осознал, что доказательственная часть его учение - недостаточная. В основном Лазаревизм ближе к религии и к нек. философии, но не к совр. науки.


Members of Macedonian army special forces ``Wolf`` smash bricks on the back of their Chinese instructor at the army base in Skopje April 20. 2006. The Chinese instructor and a captain of the China Liberation Army. both of whom spent 15 years in a Shaolin temple. have been training members of the Macedonian special forces for the last six months.

Sources of the text and of the picture:

Other topics / New members
« on: February 08, 2011, 07:47:13 PM »
  Hi! I am a new member. I am from Bulgaria. My SEO is good. I am a content-writer also. I would like to offer you something: As I know Bulgarian users are more than 2 000 000 persons. So, I can develop your Bulgarian SEO forum here. If you want - I can do it. My price is $0.5 for a post. Please, think about it.

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