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Messages - MSL

The insane and criminal person is posting some comments in my YouTube channel the same as nothing happened here. Because I don't want to communicate with him even there (regardless of how useful are the comments for the development of your videos) I plan to delete the ones that I don't like there and that provoke answers but repost them here:


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1 hour ago
Well, since you know how to educate Philosophy and since you are now in Cambodia where Buddhism is the most popular religion, you can give it a shot to teach people there Buddhism and as I can foresee you will make a fortune from it!

I think you are encyclopedic but you don't know how to apply your knowledges for your real life which makes you fall victim to the bad thinking like a typical Chinese student's one, viz, you only know how to apply your knowledges well for your exams!

And when you are famous for teaching Buddhism courses well, you will be a Guru whose good reputation is spread out the whole SEA, where everywhere is Buddhism the most popular culture particularly Tailand, which can make you way richer than you are currently. Another pathway to becoming rich.

You have to be mindful of every possibility of you being able to become rich irl instead of just maintaining and spiting why your father relinquished his apartment to his lover instead of you. I know it sounds very unempathic though. When you are rich enough, buy the apartment from her and it will become yours and then it will become your another source of income.

"Now after the ffffffffffffffffffff successive imbecile puerilities here we initiate the ffffffffffffffffffff circlejerking camouflage of me lmfao."

 A low IQcel with schizophrenical behavior and thoughts + a low level criminal mentalcel to describe it as this is beyond ridiculous.

 "Why not ffffffffffffffffffff savor some menstrual blood of the little b........ by inserting a spoon into her ffffffffffffffffffff rusted p........... strenously to increase you ffffffffffffffffffff morons' IQs?"

 First, because we are well-educated (not some undereducated like you) and we know that the blood can't improve one's IQ
 Second, we are not schizophrenics with cannibalic wishes, desires and ideas like you.
 Third, our IQs are giants compared with your debilism (yeah, run to check the meaning in the dictionary!) There is a long list of your low IQ performances: from the moment that I told you you will get muscle pain of you start to train very hard at once but you did so and then you said your muscles pain, through the moment when I had to repeat many times that I am not from the US, I am not from Russia (and other information that your undeveloped or/and ruined brain can't proceed) to the moment when you're banned but you still try to log-in; failing to register a unique name and people ban you on sight even before you can post, self-humiliating yourself with lower and lower posts...

 "What kind of forum this forum has ffffffffffffffffffff come to?"

 A forum that attracts you so badly that you can't resist to come here over and over again. A forum that contains so much philosophy, psychology, art, education, culinary, flora, fauna, health, sports and so on that it makes you feel more inferior than you are irl.

 "A ffffffffffffffffffff web kindergarten? A ffffffffffffffffffff web special education school?"

 No, that's why you are getting banned because we're not a special education school for debils like Zhang, who is also a hallucinator, liar, criminal and so on.

"Fantasizing me seriously needing prescribed psychopharmaceuticals lol. "

 Why fantasizing?! You obviously need them! And you said it yourself that you were in hospital doing psychiatric tests that are showing your bipolarity. Do you remember? Check your QQ history.

"Oh ffffffffffffffffffff well good job here and now this forum indicates to me that it is actually way more retarded than I thought lmfao. "

 1. You can't think well. Your thinking process is bad: influenced by primitive emotions, obsessive thoughts and ideas, lacks basic knowledge, too easily distracted by others, etc.
 2. Retarded is only in your I'll head. This is a simple projection: because you're full of retardness you project it on the forum that is the opposite.
 Also because you are frustrated that even a forum can mog you to obvilion.

"And this n............ name Lady-thinggy... what? What the f......... are you?"

 Good that you showed us that you are not only a degraded criminal and psycho but a scummy racist. Now we know more about your inhumane nature.

 "A ffffffffffffffffffff baby with brain atrophy still reading foetus education materials?"
What a good description of your approximate brain and mental status!

"Oh speaking of ffffffffffffffffffff baby it reminds me of that ffffffffffffffffffff Desi hired and got c.......... by a ffffffffffffffffffff plethora of little babies but to her ffffffffffffffffffff tremendous unfortune it caused her cervical eroson!"

This is not "reminds me", this is "Me, Zhang, producing another hallucination about Desi that I never met."

 That was all. Hope that the normal people enjoyed my decent answers to this mad, crazy, insane, psychocel who also is already know for his crimes (calls for murder, horror death wishes, racism, chauvinism, etc.,, see the full list there:

Page 1 https://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/a-forum-for-incels-who-are-normal-people-no-terrorists-no-rapists-no-racists-no-pedophiles-no-haters-and-so-on/zhang-s-mental-disorders-and-crimes-so-far/


Page 2 https://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/a-forum-for-incels-who-are-normal-people-no-terrorists-no-rapists-no-racists-no-pedophiles-no-haters-and-so-on/zhang-s-mental-disorders-and-crimes-so-far/15/

 For sure, but later because I am not as free as that psychotic little criminal from Xina who has a lot of time to waste for his useless and evil actions.
 But I already gave him a decent answer in the other topics, you read it first.👌

"Oh our dear ffffffffffffffffffff crying old baby MSL now got a retarded idea of setting a new kind of ban!"

 Retarded is this statement because:
 First, the low IQcel can't make a simple difference between "ban" and "approval" mode/status.
 Second, the psychotic and criminal Zhang Jie from Shanghai (in Xi-na), experiences directly the efficiency of my ideas but still his ill brain calls them "retarded".
 And, third, it's very ridiculous the man who looks like a boy (with his low T, muscless, chubby body and juvenile type face) and who behaves like a preschooler emotionally with all these overreactions, childish complains, degraded aggression and so on (for the full list of his problems, see that topic) to call me "baby". But what else can a low IQ, schizophrenic and low level criminalcel can say? Of course only some nonsense like that.
 And, about the "old". What a pathetic losercel: he is only 24 but his body shape and health are worse than mine, his memory is worse too, needless to say how weak mentally and physically is he too... And exactly this "joke creature" to insult my age and to show his ageism towards me is, you know, the top of the stupidity, insanity and so on.

 "Good move since he is enabling me to have access to the various laughing stocks generated nearly daily by this forum which can colorify my daily life!"

 And the most laughable stock is the insane LowIQcel, crimecel Zhang.
 But, on this one I do agree, his life is really a terrible life and he is often depressed, sad, angry, furious. He has no joy in his pathetic life in Xi-na, so, of course, as humanists we do help him to deal with his suicidal emotions and thoughts. What a philanthropic benevolence as he noticed!

 "and I am wondering if if he were a ffffffffffffffffffff cop he would just tape a criminal's mouth instead of sending him into a cop office as the 'cannot speak' ban lmfao."

The cops are not "ffff", you low leveled criminal! But, yes, makes sense a crazy, stupid criminal to insult the cops and the rest of the people who are good for the society.
 And, of course, if I was a cop, I will call the forensic psychiatrists to take immediate care of this crazy, psychotic, delusional criminal. This is the right method.

 "What a lame attitude and how come did he make it to a mod?!"
 Said the lamest possible mentalcel and criminalcel who is highly frustrated of being limited to post his lies, hallucinations, insults, disgusting statements and criminal calls for homicide and torture here!
 And this pathetic creature also was invited to be a mod here but he self-cancelled himself. He doesn't know what he wants, he is full of contradictions (ambivalence and ambitendency!)

"Oh maybe ffffffffffffffffffff b.........Desi sacrificed her virginity for the relinquishment of the role of a mod from the admin to him ROFL."

Said the 24 old virgin who probably will remain a virgincel to the end of his sad pathetic useless life. The low IQ, crazy and bad guy just can't understand the elementary things like you are in a good position if you deserve it, at least, because you are a knowledgeable, educated, graduated in Europe philosopher who is also a poet, a webmaster, a sportsman and an actor, AND NOT a pathetic insane criminally behaving and criminally thinking loser like Zhang Jie from Shanghai, Xina (Xi's China).

 As you saw already, I have the abilities to recognize him earlier (already many times) and to stop (limit) his psychopathological and criminal participating here better and better.
 After the edits, I will give some decent answers.
 And yes, it was his last possible publication here. I will help the forum to imply the "posts appear only after the admin/mod approval" mode.

 As you saw, I have the abilities to recognize him earlier (already many times) and to stop (limit) his psychopathological and criminal participating here better and better.
 After the edits, I will give some decent answers.

 Yeah, and speaking of this, he is already well aware of that because he is reading or viewing it now:

MSL, informationrequester and 13 Guests are viewing this topic.

 Except the already mentioned suspicious signs (the same email service, the impatience to start using the forum) there is a new one: as soon as this account (forum profile) was approved, it immediately came to the incels' board. See:

"Viewing the board A forum for incels who are normal people (no terrorists, no rapists, no racists, no pedophiles, no haters and so on)."
 So, higher and higher probability that it's a new Zhang Jie's account!

 Be careful!

 Correct. If he do it again he will lose 100% he s chances ever to come back here as a normal user. As simple as that.

Philosophy / About the statement "Philosophers ruined the world"
« on: July 22, 2024, 04:12:14 PM »

Philosophers ruined the world?!

  There are people who dislike or hate the philosophy but moreover there are people who even think (or believe it without thinking) that "philosophers ruined the world"!
 This is what a person said in YouTube recently. I answered him: " @xavierhouston4650, only bad and pseudo-philosophers like the bloody neo-emperors as Xi and Putin. The good philosophers are usually powerless to be able to influence the world at that level."
 Another philosopher also disagreed with the statement.

Other topics / Addition to/with zero (0)
« on: July 21, 2024, 05:21:55 AM »

Addition with/to 0

  0 + 5 = 5. 0 + 3.567 = 3.567. 0 + 0 = 0. Well, as you might have already guessed, addition with 0 is easy! In fact, the "Identity Law of Addition" says that any number added to 0 is equal to itself. For example:

 По темата за биткойните - аз съм се амбицирал да изкарам поне един биткойн. :) Вече имам няколко хиляди сатошита ("сатоши" е частицата на биткойна; така както левът е съставен от стотинки, така и биткойнът е съставен от сатошита). Който иска да изкарва, нека се регистрира следвайки линка ми в подписа.

 Yes. Currently the situation here is this: "MSL, Gay, 北京:高等教育出版社 and 500 Guests are viewing this board".

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