« on: July 16, 2024, 11:02:03 PM »
A blackpiller (obviously) to rate my Metapill 2 of 5 is already a success. Why? Because usually the hardcore blackpillers don't give even 1 of 5 to studies, books, theories, etc. that stipulate that the ascending is possible and that inceldom isn't permanent.
A detailed review of the review:
1. "The book would be good for other incels who might try it as a last resort. It might work better if they believe in Red Pill ideology. "
The Metapill is the most similar to the Redpill, so he is right that incels who are Redpilled would accept and understand the Metapill based on the Atleastism philosophy better than some pessimistic, fatalistic blackpillers. But if even a mentalcel (and a crimecel) like Zhang Jie from Shanghai, China, said that he was a blackpiller but after reading the Metapill is already recognizing it as the best incelology, it means that the rest of the incels (the majority of them more normal, more thoughtful and more educated than him) who are blackpilled may understand and practice the Metapillism and the Atleastism too.
2. "I think the author does because who tells incels to improve more than the Red Pill community?"
The Metapill and the Atleastism. Because it combines all useful and right points of the so called "pills". Even the right, scientific blackpill parts/moments/statements/proofs.
3."I liked his honesty. I didn't care for his advice that much because although his suggestions to improve are for long term personal benefit, they don't guarantee getting a woman. "
Of course there is no 100% guarantee but it's, for sure, an improvement of your chances. Like that: you you are, let's assume, a 3/10 incel and you can't have even a 2/10 girlfriend (fiancee; wife...) but (and) after you embrace the metapill and you find a 4/10 female because you improved yourself to the level of a 6/10 man, then...count it as a good enough way, method, theory.
4. "I didn't care for his whole 'at least this and that' philosophy. To me, it was rather empty promises."
That's the problem. If he can understands well the simple, core philosophy behind the Metapill, then he will know that it's not a promise (no promises) but a logical, practical and realistic way to improve your chances.
5. "I don't think he really understands the experiential aspect of inceldom. At times it seems he feels like we make excuses for our inceldom."
I do because I was an incel myself for years, plus, I am a specialist about the love problems (Philosophy major, Master's degree /Philosophical anthropology's/ and an incelologist).
Yes, there are fakecels, nearcels and low-tier Normans (a.k.a. normies) who really do search for excuses instead to maxx: gymmaxx, geomaxx, edumaxx, personalitymaxx, etc., but the reviewer forgot that I stated several times that at least 60% of the incels may ascend. I understand very well the problems of the realcels (truecels) who are physically and/or mentally between 0/10 to 1/10. (Like the popular here recently Zhang Jie-cel, who is nearly hopeless with all his issues -- mental, criminal, moral, genetical, life style's, citizenship's, etc.)
6. "He seems to identify some of us as normies who don't know we're normies. That's BS."
The BS (a.k.a. "bs") is that the fact cannot be called a "bullshit". Yes, some of you ARE normies, some are fakecels (not just normies but even, in rarer cases, even Chadlites!!!) who are perceiving wrongly themselves as incels! And the life; the practice shows it, more than clear, that they do ascend if they just maxx themselves right!
7. "Finally, I'm a Bible believer so for him to relegate my faith to a fairy tale, he's lucky to get two stars from me."
Finally, I am a bit surprised to read that Leo Hopkins is a Christiancel (Christian incel).
Hey, Leo, if you truly believe in God, then how you can be a fatalistic blackpiller?! You should be full of faith, hope and love, right? So, the Metapill, even based on my ignosticism (kind of atheism), is close to your Christianity beliefs: your God doesn't stop you to become the best version of yourself, right? You can do sports, you can learn, you can move abroad and so on.
The religions are like fairy tales but the Metapill theory made by an atheist-ignostic like Geser Kurultaev isn't a fairy tale. It's science based materialistic and dialectical theory.