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Messages - MSL

 11. Coprolalia, the involuntary utterance of obscenities, profanities and derogatory remarks; the involuntary and repetitive use of obscene language, which is a symptom of mental illness or organic brain disease.
 In his last posts from multiple accounts he typed a lot of dirty, profane, obscene words and even couldn't stop to use the adjective "f*king" in front of almost everything (this was edited but there are screenshots that may prove it). So, the reasonable conclusion is that Zhang has got coprolalia too.

 Nice, isn't it? At the same time we satisfy his curiosity about what people are posting here and helping him to improve his English for free (as he stated recently, he comes here "only" to improve his English; during our personal QQ chats he also insisted very much to use English, not Chinese, because he wants to improve his English, and, of course without caring that I also want to improve my Chinese and without willing to pay even a cent (or, speaking in Chinese currency units, "a mao") about the language improvement.) and we also don't have to waste time and energy to read, edit, delete his insane, criminal, disturbing, harming and self-harning posts.
 As was mentioned already, it's good not only for us but fir him too because he wouldn't spend hours to post his 20+ useless posts, and (if he gets psychologically better, which is doubtful) to use this time for self-improvement, like the normal people.

 I had some internet problems and some other distractions online, so I couldn't post the required details here.
 Well, here it is:

- his online behavior
- his "zj" initials in the registration mail
- his evolved username
- his overlapping IP.

 99.99999999% Zhang Jie from SH, China (Xina).


Cannot post

 I am sure that some of you will think of it as another very good idea (the rest, like the abusers like the mental-and-crime-cel Zhang (from Shanghai) and the spammers will dislike it and even call it "retarded" but it's just because their selfishness and arrogance, not because they're objective thinkers.)
 And here it is:

"The 'cannot post' restriction turns the forum into read-only mode for the banned user. The user cannot create new topics, or reply to existing ones, send personal messages or vote in polls. The banned user can however still read personal messages and topics."

 Also, a warning message is shown to the users that are banned this way.

 So, in case, the psychocels, mentalcels, crimecels, spammers and other unwelcomed people still want to read and educate themselves, let them be.

 A fresh, new, newest example is that "StarSeries" account (https://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/index.php?action=profile;u=6096). Let it be for now, as soon as notice its abusing, breaking the rules behavior (posts, threads), just ban but in the "read only" ("cannot post") mode. 8) :) 👍!!!

 A blackpiller (obviously) to rate my Metapill 2 of 5 is already a success. Why? Because usually the hardcore blackpillers don't give even 1 of 5 to studies, books, theories, etc. that stipulate that the ascending is possible and that inceldom isn't permanent.

A detailed review of the review:

1. "The book would be good for other incels who might try it as a last resort. It might work better if they believe in Red Pill ideology. "

 The Metapill is the most similar to the Redpill, so he is right that incels who are Redpilled would accept and understand the Metapill based on the Atleastism philosophy better than some pessimistic, fatalistic blackpillers. But if even a mentalcel (and a crimecel) like Zhang Jie from Shanghai, China, said that he was a blackpiller but after reading the Metapill is already recognizing it as the best incelology, it means that the rest of the incels (the majority of them more normal, more thoughtful and more educated than him) who are blackpilled may understand and practice the Metapillism and the Atleastism too.

2. "I think the author does because who tells incels to improve more than the Red Pill community?"

The Metapill and the Atleastism. Because it combines all useful and right points of the so called "pills". Even the right, scientific blackpill parts/moments/statements/proofs.

3."I liked his honesty. I didn't care for his advice that much because although his suggestions to improve are for long term personal benefit, they don't guarantee getting a woman. "

 Of course there is no 100% guarantee but it's, for sure, an improvement of your chances. Like that: you you are, let's assume, a 3/10 incel and you can't have even a 2/10 girlfriend (fiancee; wife...) but (and) after you embrace the metapill and you find a 4/10 female because you improved yourself to the level of a 6/10 man, then...count it as a good enough way, method, theory.

4. "I didn't care for his whole 'at least this and that' philosophy. To me, it was rather empty promises."

 That's the problem. If he can understands well the simple, core philosophy behind the Metapill, then he will know that it's not a promise (no promises) but a logical, practical and realistic way to improve your chances.

5. "I don't think he really understands the experiential aspect of inceldom. At times it seems he feels like we make excuses for our inceldom."

I do because I was an incel myself for years, plus, I am a specialist about the love problems (Philosophy major, Master's degree /Philosophical anthropology's/ and an incelologist).
 Yes, there are fakecels, nearcels and low-tier Normans (a.k.a. normies) who really do search for excuses instead to maxx: gymmaxx, geomaxx, edumaxx, personalitymaxx, etc., but the reviewer forgot that I stated several times that at least 60% of the incels may ascend. I understand very well the problems of the realcels (truecels) who are physically and/or mentally between 0/10 to 1/10. (Like the popular here recently Zhang Jie-cel, who is nearly hopeless with all his issues -- mental, criminal, moral, genetical, life style's, citizenship's, etc.)

6. "He seems to identify some of us as normies who don't know we're normies. That's BS."

 The BS (a.k.a. "bs") is that the fact cannot be called a "bullshit". Yes, some of you ARE normies, some are fakecels (not just normies but even, in rarer cases, even Chadlites!!!) who are perceiving wrongly themselves as incels! And the life; the practice shows it, more than clear, that they do ascend if they just maxx themselves right!

7. "Finally, I'm a Bible believer so for him to relegate my faith to a fairy tale, he's lucky to get two stars from me."

 Finally, I am a bit surprised to read that Leo Hopkins is a Christiancel (Christian incel).
 Hey, Leo, if you truly believe in God, then how you can be a fatalistic blackpiller?! You should be full of faith, hope and love, right? So, the Metapill, even based on my ignosticism (kind of atheism), is close to your Christianity beliefs: your God doesn't stop you to become the best version of yourself, right? You can do sports, you can learn, you can move abroad and so on.
 The religions are like fairy tales but the Metapill theory made by an atheist-ignostic like Geser Kurultaev isn't a fairy tale. It's science based materialistic and dialectical theory.

 А, иначе, процесът продължава.

 Има доста добри китайци по света. Уви, някои, като неоимператорът Си Дзинпин и добре познатият тук Джан Дзие (получил бан завинаги) са много лоши, ненормални, престъпни хора!

 Трейдърски план за тази седмица, от моя страна, включва няколко трейдвания. Ще информирам за резултатите. :)

 The optimal decision! In this way we save us precious time for other actions (and we save him some time). The pity is that he uses his free time to try to hurt people online, to play online games, to complain or repeat one and the same or similar topics, to post useless, insane or criminal content online...

Yes, this time 100% Zhang's new attempt.

Reasons to think so:

1. Multiple tries to check if his account is approved. He is impatient to log in and to spread his new insane production.

2. Because of his comparatively low IQ, he evolved slowly but not enough. After he understood that his Chinese language nicknames are obvious and then he failed with his Japanese style account, now he is trying some neutral, but bot-like name.
 Unfortunately for him, he made a mistake with his email! It contains Z and J. And from his photo uploads before we know that his name is "Zhang Jie"... So, it was another epic fail.

3. The time activity overlaps most of the Zhang's.

4. The IPs overlap some the Zhang's too.

So, 100% Zhang. Suggestion: disapprove.

 Now you know why I was trying to the end to behave towards him in more friendly and soft way, right? He never got it, he thought of my way as "parental" or "baby", but taking into account his severe psychological (psychopathological, in fact) status, his low education (partly because of his lack of interest to be a good student), his permanent aggression, evil criminal obsessive thoughts and so on he can't do it any better.

I wish him to find peace and may the best psychiatrists be with him!

I am pretty busy (not like the mental-and-crime-cel): teaching online, doing sports, creating and uploading videos on TikTok and YouTube, cooking, doing sports, learning, earning bitcoins (satoshis), chatting with some normal people... I can't be 24/7 on this forum but I do my best because I do earn some eurocents from it every day.
 I finished my answers to Zhang (in the thread about one of my e-books) because his post was full of mistakes, take perceptions, some lies (you know, as usual), so first, everyone please read my informative, useful answer. The analysis of the new account is coming soon too.

"Yeah brocel contributed some ---  insights here"

Brocel. Ha-ha! "Brocel" means "brother incel", "bro incel", i. e. someone who is another incel. And speaking of schizophrenical contradictions, here came the next Zhang's one: he says d that I have a wife and now he is viewing me as a brocel. :D

 "but you also gotta --- learn that how our --- irritable(maybe because he is in --- menopause. Who --- knows ::)) "

1. Zhang who admitted that he wasn't a good learner during his school time, obviously lacks of knowledge about the human biology. Bt the way he told me that he is like a "biology idiot" and now I see that it's really true.

Let's educate a bit our ridiculous lly uneducated Zhang. The menopause is something that occurs ONLY in the females' bodies. Link: https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/menopause/what-menopause

2. But what if he really knew that it's a 100% female phenomenon? Then, the mentalcel and criminalcel Zhang, who has a terrible bar memory, make be forgot that I am a male?
 It is quite possible because he already denobstrated his memory problems by calling me: a student, a Russian, an American... He just can't memorize simple facts like I am a graduated professional philosopher from Bulgaria, EU.

3. But what if it's just because his (many times proven) bad English?
 Maybe the ignorant unstable crazy-crimecel meant the "Late-onset hypogonadism" (a.k.a. "LOH") or "testosterone deficiency syndrome" (a.k.a. "TDS") the correct terms for a condition in older men characterized by measurably low testosterone levels and clinical symptoms mostly of a sexual nature.

IN SUCH A CASE, it's very "a self humiliation case" because the poor man SEVERAL times affirmed that you are the one with the low testosterone levels! A low Tcel! Your looks, behavior and so on, clearly give the impression of a boyish (far from real man) nature! And YOU to talk to others, especially to me, about low testosterone issues is the best joke recently!  :D

"old baby yelled when his bad feeling couldn't get consoled after his depressed complaints, bruh applied his 6-7 y.o native level Chinese proficiency for the --- 'revenge' on WeChat"

1. Zhang, you know well that you have "baby" like (juvenile, undeveloped) face, frame (body), voice and so on. So you speaking of babish thins is another ridiculous joke 🤣...

2. Yes, I was comparatively soft to you, because you told me that for you is easy to commit a suicide. And I don't want to provoke your depressions but I had to tell you strongly that I disapprove your calls for murder, violence and the rest of your madness + I am telling you that if you meet me somewhere and tell me in my face what you post here (murders, curses, lies, etc.) I will hit you for sure!

3. Yes, I can't curse in Chinese better than the 7 year old people. I learned science Chinese and cultere Chinese. Because I am in another level. I am not low-leveled person like you, to learn the curses. For example, look how pathetic and funny you are. You learned in English how to type useless and self-degrading words like "fucking", "muh" and so on, but you didn't know even how to use "menopause" correctly.

 And what revenge?! You are such a lame, weak, mentally damaged and morally degraded individual that it's pointless someone to think of revenges against you. The life (nature) already punished you enough. And you know it well, otherwise you can't be THAT depressed, desperated and suicidal pity Chinese man.[/url]

"and had got XI-phobia so that now he gotta be talking a river about how bad Xi was, how unagreeable China was, and how migration was optimal."

Said the man who nonstop is complaining against China, Xi, Xiism, etc.

I love China but it's already Xina. It's a neudlfeudal and neo-imperialistic state. Xi caused a lot of damage to the Chinese people and the foreigners in China, and even those outside of China. Because of Xi I lost my 20+ students, had to close my school little private school, lost a lot of savings because of his crazy 0 COVID policy, suffered a lot there, even couldn't use public transportation and hurt myself in a bike accident because refused to be part of the 0 COVID madness.

So, recently, many Chinese and foreigners ARE LEAVING China. They are wise and they know that they shouldn't wait to the end when they even can't use their money, property and even they may be forced to fight in some terrible war.
 But the lowIQcel like Zhang and the low IQnoncels around him just can't realize the danger and overestimate the problems in Xi-na...

"I want to --- telling you, all of you haters of China, who have a psychological issue unfound——China-phobia, that,
in China, our educational system can make a poor child feeding himself up on --- garbage soy products(or even inable to do that) a successful enterprenur, for ex Liu Qiangdong, our safety system can make there no gunshooters at night here, our military can thrill --- brothel lowly paid sexual worker Desi to be sexually impotent forever(see how our voluntary army kicked American soldiers' --- asses in the Korean War!) and our society cares about poor children, disabled people, and old people.
--- jealous? hahaha"

1. We haven't any China haters here. Being against the neo-emperor Xi or being against a crazy criminal like Zhang doesn't make anybody a Sinophobe. :D

2. The security in China is less and less. More people use knives or other tools to kill. You are not well informed about the current China situation caused by the Xi's mistakes: more jobless, more poor, more desperate, more suicidal, more criminals. But you are rich and still can't feel it, but the results are the same, because you are originally a depressed, psychotic, aggressive, suicidal, crimes commiting low level Chinese citizen.
 About the Korean war, obviously your knowledge is only from a propaganda movie. Read well who fought there (UN vs. China, USSR and satelite supporters like Bulgaria) and how the war finished without a winner!
 Not to mention how much more Chinese VS. Americans died there... Just educate yourself, but ... I don't think you can. You are lost and hopeless.

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