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Messages - MSL

 Ohhhh, you are so right! We, here I mean, are the nicest place on the internet. 8) But even here, sometimes, are coming those bad guys. The last one was nearly like Elliot Rodger: a psychocel, criminalcel... but we dealt well with him and (for now) the situation is under control. We're back to our state of being nice.

 Oh, that sounds so good! Wish you a very good luck with this! See here -- "Grow your business with Google Ads": https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/6336021?hl=en.

Other topics / Re: Math thread
« on: July 12, 2024, 09:29:45 AM »
 Oh, yeah? Probably. The problem is that some people nowadays think that 1+1 is 11, because you just add two 1s together. :D
 Komobini, by the way, I am very glad to see new members here, to make new friends! I "guess" you're from Japan! I am a big fan of the Altaic family languages and, concretely, of the Japanese culture. And I understand some Japanese. Because I am very good at Chinese language. Speaking of 1 + 1 = 2, I can write it in 汉字: "一加一等二。"

 Sure. Pretending that it's not him is good for him (to get his free English lessons here + to feel there are people who pay him some attention), for us (more content for the forum = more popularity = more earnings! 8) ), for the readers who also learn from here (as you know it's the omnilogy forum that helps the knowledge improvement around the world).

 "Elementary, my dear Watson!"  :P 8)

 1. Even though the new measure here made it more difficult for him to appear, he's a person with strong obsessions and he thinks most of the time how to come back and to start to do what he wants.
 So, first, I expected him soon.

 2. "Komobini" is very similar to the Japanese コンビニ (konbini). He's learning (or at least trying to learn) Japanese and he already knows some simple words and sentences in that Altaic language. So, I made an educated guess, that it's just his way to spell it (not very correct) in/with Latin letters.

 3. The third (which is showing the probability "more likely" than the second) is that his registration e-mail is with a 100% Japanese word ("hikikomori"). Not just a Japanese word but the one that he used in that post (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/else-topics/why-do-i-feel-so-good-today/msg53196/#msg53196) written in Japanese (as "引き篭り").

 So, if he start again to demonstrate hallucinations, curses, lies, insinuations, calls for violence, death and so on, just BAN, BAN, BAN!
 If he pretends to be another incel/nearcel/noncel/..., then you may let him participate
(as long as he do not pose a serious thread to the community and to out earnings!)
 As you may notice, he is a very lonely, isolated person, who is unable to find real friends, love, understanding and he's kicked out from many other forums. So, if he just hides his real self and pretends to be a better, a more normal subject, give him this chance.


Attention please! Komobini!

Probability 99.99%

 Attention! I think that this account (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/index.php?action=profile;u=6091) belongs to the well-known incel Zhang (his bad fame here, i. e. his negative reputation is notorious: calls for killing Desi, lies based on hatred and/or hallucinations, paranoic episodes, amoral sentences, dirty curses, blatant attempts to destroy the incomes and the image of this community and so on!)

I was the initiator of the ADMINS' APPROVAL MODE of the Omnilogy forum and some people liked it because it limited instantly the bad bots, the spammers and the terrible Chinese incel in question! But he adapts more or less and, even slowly (because he's sort of slow in some fields), he realized that his Chinese characters' nicks are too obvious for the moderation. And, voila, he's now trying "new method" -- Latin letters nicks like "Kokobini:D

 Back to the topic, don't waste time with the banned mentalcel-crimecel Zhang!

 Another example of how good is NOT TO give/pay money in front (before the services or the goods are provided)!
 That Telegram account is already deleted, which is an additional red flag that it was a scam: See the details below (you already saw the first part of the chat back then, this is the whole chat):



How are you doing today

As usual. Reading books. Writing articles and poems. Doing sports. Cooking. Learning.

Sounds cool

Where are you from?

I'm from Vietnam

What about you

I am just a person who does all it is possible to create more knowledge and a better body. Of course, I wish I could have more income too but it's not very easy.

I am from Europe.

Your name isn't Vietnamese though. I thought it was more like Malaysian or Indonesian.

Vietnamese are like "Nguyen," "Pham," "Ho", etc.

Sounds good

Where in Europe

Yes my mother is from Vietnam my dad Vietnamese I'm mix

Yes I know

My mom was the one named me amina

My Vietnam name is Nguyen


You travel here or you live in Battambang?

I live Vietnam in Hanoi city


It's great pleasure to meet you here

Thank you for your kind words!

You're welcome

What do you do for a living?

Jobless currently.

Only writing articles online for some cents, teaching fitness and English two students for some dollars and making videos for some cents...

Not a rich man.

I see it's still a good job

As far as you're making money from it

Don't you practice crypto currency

Oh, a little.

One, about bitcoins.


This one.

I see


Why not investing in a mining company and making good profits daily

Still poor. I earn only around 90 to 100 dollars per month.

Because I have no money to invest. Poor.

I am very educated, 5 diplomas: philosophy, TEFL, martial arts, yoga and aerobics, but no job here and... low income...

It's worth to start crypto investment

For those who have the money maybe it is. I haven't.

I can direct you to the company where you can start investment

With minimum of $100

And making good profits daily



Không bao giờ trả tiền đầu tiên.  Đừng ngu ngốc.

Never pay first. Don't be stupid.


People, be smart!

 I am not exactly a genius, but an encyclopedian person with some significant visionary abilities.
 What I predict is scientific and experience based.
 So, because for now the forum is secured and everyone sleeps, I am going to bed too and wish you good night! 😴💤

 Never again! Zero tolerance towards psychopathological and criminal subjects like him!

 That's right!!! I am totally against his criminal attitude to ask me to hurt and kill people! Needless to say how disgusting and disturbing is it to read about myself his schizophrenic contradicting statements like how I am the apex, the best and how I am "ffffffffffffffffffff".

 So, to show him once and forever how I despise him, I found his WeChat (a.k.a. Weixin /微信/, in Chinese) and here was what he was told:

He: I've accepted your friend request. Now let's chat!


Me, in a voice msg (voice message): 你好,你这个小混蛋,我刚刚看过了,你也叫我"fucking"在那个论坛是不是?我日你妈的逼,如果你在这里的话,我肯定可以打破你的头。明白吗,再加我fucking,日你妈的逼!!!



你又说你要我打死那个女人,又说对我脏话,又浪费时间!!! 你真的是个非法的,讨厌的,盗匪的疯子!!!

It's not correct to ffffffffffffffffffff swear with a language you are not proficient at lol

look like not even dirty words, just 在挠痒痒

even a ffffffffffffffffffff 5-6 pupil can swear better than you

Me: It's not correct you to be born, little ugly abnormal disgusting shit!!!

He (after recalling a message): improve your Chinese to like 7-8 y.o level then come back to ffffffffffffffffffff swear or ffffffffffffffffffff else

and oh it is my pleasure for me to have driven you to add me to lemme see these retardedly put words lol

Your pleasure is because you are a shitty little crazy stupid shitcel.
And blocked the ungrateful, insane liar and disgusting little criminal, because I have no any time or wish to communicate and to be associated with the dirtiest low level human trash of China. (But except this little harmful monster and just a few other Chinese, I do like the Chinese people. This one is not a good example of a Chinese and of a human being at all.)

Other topics / Re: T-shirts with sayings
« on: July 10, 2024, 02:47:16 AM »
 Yes, most of my clothes are shirts and T-shirts.

Food / Re: ABC's & 123's
« on: July 10, 2024, 02:33:43 AM »
 Me too, but from time to time I eat noodles, pasta, etc., in order to save some money. Because I work hard online and offline every day (around 11-12 hours) I can manage to stay slim, fit and even muscular. Of course, I do sports as well.

Drinks / Re: New beers
« on: July 10, 2024, 02:04:14 AM »
 Recently I saw many new kinds of beer in South East Asia.

Food / Re: vlasic -- BREAD & BUTTER CHIPS
« on: July 10, 2024, 01:58:46 AM »
 Me too. We are already more skillful and we made some home-made pickles (from radish) recently. Also, pretty crunchy, indeed. 8) :)

Plants / Re: Two apples
« on: July 10, 2024, 01:48:37 AM »
 I ate some, imported from New Zealand, recently.

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