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Messages - MSL

 It was another full of lies and insults (towards Desi) psychopathic, sociopathic and likely schizophrenic post of Zhang!!!


 Banning him immediately!

Not true! Another lie (or hallucination) of this banned here Zhang from Shanghai incel!!! Register and don't worry!!!

 He is just mentally challenged and tries to hurt Desi, to hurt this forum, to hurt our little earnings, to waste his and our time!!!

 For more information, read in the Incels without hate board of the Omnilogy forum (and avoid him, because he is posing a thread!)

For further reading: http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/a-forum-for-incels-who-are-normal-people-no-terrorists-no-rapists-no-racists-no-pedophiles-no-haters-and-so-on/zhang-plans-to-do-the-same-to-anybody/

Another lie! Nobody stipulated this rule here. The person who lies about it is well-known here for his fake accusations, hallucinations like (or real hallucinating?) statements, etc.
Don't trust anything what you read from his accounts that are usually permanently banned!!!

 And concretely, nobody associates him with Xi. He is anti-Xi and anti-communist, BUT he is aggressive, dangerous, unstable, obscene, jeopardizing the security here, selfish and self-contradicting, mentally challenged and so on, so 100% ban!

He is back again! Already posted some posts. Again will waste a lot of time for answering and (likely) editing, so, consider ban!

 Nothing to do with the CCP. Here and on QQ you were told many times that CCP is already just a tool of Xi and it's not a real Communist party anymore.
 You are posting a thread to the people with your disgusting, rude,  obscene, aggressive, false, hallucinations like (or real hallucinations?) and so on, so in our eyes you are just the same bad as those blackpillers who curse, provoke violence, spread hatred.

 Once again, I like most of the Chinese people, but I dislike Xi and already -- this concrete Chinese (Zhang).

 The trepidation is reasonable when you speak that someone here must gunshot herself in the vagina, you lie that her father raped her when she was 4, that she is raped by her janitors' manager, that she works as a prostitute in a whorehouse, spreading disgusting lies, jeopardizing our little AdSense incomes.

In a word you behave like a psychopath or even worse, so I do prefer to welcome all the so-called CCP in the forum than a degraded incel Chinese like you.

Other topics / Re: Why do I feel so good today?
« on: July 03, 2024, 06:49:26 AM »
 Because I didn't waste any time on QQ today (and yesterday)! I succeed to do much more online and especially offline! Better productivity! 8)

 Confirming in this topic that I blocked him in QQ and stopped to collaborate with him on his gymmaxx. I know I am not rich and losing these RMB 200 every month is a significant loss for my budget, but I don't want to be a part of his physical empowerment. You know, it's like to give an A-bomb to a terrorist or to give a gun to a toddler. Zhang showed absolute lack of self-control, repetitive aggression in 26 posts (in his last account) + some others, contradicting behavior, lack of any remorse of what he does, furious hatred towards people who disagree with him, lack of ability normally to accept the pluralistic and democratic, honest debates, so making him more powerful, especially physically, may endanger the people around him. And I am 100% refusing to be part of this.

Other languages / Re: Приятел с ужасни проблеми
« on: July 02, 2024, 09:32:59 PM »
 Продължавам по темата след известно закъснение, за което поднасям искрено извинение, понеже доста заетост има при мен: спортуване, преподаване онлайн, продаване на вторични суровини, създаване на видеоматериали и пр.
 Та на темата:
 Споделих на въпросния мил приятел, че ми се стовариха доста шокове през последната година: баща ми реши, въпреки че преди обеща да е за мен, да дава апартамента, (който купи с пари изкарани и от майка ми), на приятелката си, лишавайки ме от наследството ми (на стойност над 20000 евро!!!) Малко след това местен мошеник пък ни завлече с над 100 долара (което го има в този форум описано в един от чуждоезиковите раздели). Да не говорим пък преди, в Китай, какви ужасии и страдания бяха последната година, заради лудостите на Си Дзинпин!... Та, казвам на въпросния добър приятел, че това си е "тонове стрес" или по-конкретно както се изразих:

Просто да знаеш какво става около мен. Стрес на кило...

И тук следва изненадата, защото той ми казва:

Радвай се докато стрес на кило е това, което описваш-това са бели кахъри

 Та му писах:

"Ами да останеш без апартамент не е баш бял кахър... С този местния мошеник - да, донякъде...


Та, сега да направим един брейнсторминг, както му обещах:

 Предвид казаното дотук, ако той наистина мисли и чувства, че да останеш без имот и да те завлекат с още пари, и пр. са бели кахъри, то какви ли по-големи, огромни и ужасни, проблеми има той?

 Едната беше с бутилки от вино. Понеже бяха вносни, явно не се рециклират тук, та не се получи трейдването с винени бутилки. Та само за спорта, буквално, ги носих до пункта и после трябваше да ги хвърля на боклука въпросните бутилки от вино .
 Вярно, че по-добре със спорт, отколкото без спорт, но на ниво (или спрямо аспекта) "трейдинг", нещата си останаха нула (0). Нулев трейдинг. :D

 Относно неприятните трейдърски изненади, да. Две имаше. Конкретно за тях, когато имам малко повече свободно време. :)


He told me in QQ (before I blocked him) that he will do the same to anybody, not only do Desi

  This Chinese incel person is already blocked in my QQ because he deeply disappointed me, shocked me with his insane behavior here (all those lies and/or hallucinations, innuendos, obscene posts, violence content, insults, curses, instability, contradictions, fury because of some controversy, disrespect in the topics about the legless man, the ill people, anti-Cyrillic alphabet insult and so on)!
 But here is the newest for you part where he is saying that he's going to do the same to anybody and he doesn't feel any sorry, he has no idea that he is doing something inhumane, wrong and even criminal (according to the laws in China, USA, Bulgaria, etc.)

 See, read well and remember to be very thoughtful and careful if you encounter him online or offline.
 By the way, I stopped to teach him how to lose weight, how to become stronger and how to get muscle mass; I stopped his gymmaxx classes, because it's dangerous for the society, especially for the victims like the females that he tend to abuse, if he gets stronger like me.

 From me: "You even dare to put dirt against Desi in a charity topic and to lie about her?! What a monster a human being should be to post insults about a stranger female in a topic that tries to help a legless man?!"

From him: "As I said, all of them are boiled down to ignoring my explanation while slandering me as a liar or dishonest person. I taught her a lesson of what she gotta pay if she does so. Maybe you think it is crazy and unhumane but to me it is just so irritating

My comment over this stuff.
 If it had been Nadia or Ethnicel or Alexa, I would've done the same.
If it had been Nadia or Ethnicel or Alexa, I would've done the same.
not because I have specific hatred of Desi

My rule is that, if you are qualified for me to be friendly, then I certainly will. If you are intoxicating and irritating for whatever reasons like Desi, then I certainly will teach you a lesson.


 At least here we're protecting the forum from the bad incels.

 I stopped to be his gymmaxx coach tonight. You know the details from the other topics.

 Because people like us will not allow him to insult, threaten and so on! We will report him to the PSB, police and so on at once!!!
 I hope I don't meet him face to face! I am not sure I will be able to control myself!
 And some women's husband's or boyfriends will surely attack him of he continues to be such an abnormal annoying person and/or he will just end up in some jail (prison)!
 Avoid him!!!

 1. Here we have no fat people, except you, dear chubbycel! The last photo you showed me was clearly showing that you gain back face fat. And this is because you didn't follow my exact diet plans and exercises plans! (You also said it to me clearly and even asked me if I will be okay of you don't keep my exact coaching.)

 2. Nobody proved there is God. But if there is, let Him judge you and send you to hell where you are heading anyway with all your rude, criminal, aggressive behavior!
 3. Don't come back here again! Don't bother the honest hard-working people, don't waste your own time!

 4. In case you bother us in your disgusting manners again, everyone may feel free to report you!

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