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Messages - MSL

We can focus (集中) on this today: 📜带有后缀的双字母单词。

📜 ➕加多一点:big - bigger - biggest (大,更大, 最大), thin - thinner - thinnest (薄 - 更薄 - 最薄), sad - sadder - saddest (悲伤 - 更悲伤 - 最悲伤).

 Yes. She is the most important person in the world in my heart and in my mind.

It's not easy to have this type of body but it's achievable. 😊 Me, after around three years. 😁👍


Other languages / Re: Поезия от ГЕСЕР КУРУЛТАЕВ
« on: November 03, 2024, 12:36:11 PM »

Когато нещичко такова
Аз видя или прочета,
Ми става, ей-тъй, много
Мило и зрее моята мечта!

Да знаеш колко много искам,
И с мен това да е така -
Да каже, без да я притискам,
Тя някой ден "душа с душа".

Но, знаем, повечето пъти,
Мечтите са си красота,
И най-омаен блян, безплътен,
Живеещ тъжно в самота.

Каквото мога ще направя,
Каквото трябва - ще го дам.
Молитви даже ще отправя,
Дори да си остана сам.

(Гесер Курултаев, 03.11.2024)

 To her: "你是我醒来后想到的第一个人,也是我睡前想到的最后一个人。"

 Yes, I know. Because she is the one I really care about and I love her not only because of her beauty but also because of her personality, moral, cleverness and attitude.

前缀:uni-, bi-, tri- 和 quad-
👉 Unicycle, unicorn, unison, uniform = 独轮车、独角兽、齐声、制服。👉👉 Bicycle, binoculars, bilingual = 自行车、望远镜、双语。👉👉👉Tricycle, triangle, trilogy = 三轮车,三角形,三部曲。👉👉👉👉 Quadrant, quadruple, quadratic = 象限、四重、平方的。🪻

... 我全部会说明,翻译☺️👌。 1. 关于那些4个前缀: "uni-" 表达“一个”, "bi-" 表达“双”, "tri-"表达“三个”, “quad-”表达“四个”。❕ 简单的例子是👉 "unilingual, bilingual, trilingual, quadrilingual" = "单语、双语、三语、四语"。😊比如,你会国语+英语+xx话,所以你是trilingual (会说三门语言的人。)👍
2. 关于韩国的漫画:
♂️男孩说: “别过来!我告诉过你...别靠近我。
”♀️女孩说: “东泰,我很抱歉假装不知道你的感受!所以,我真的很抱歉,但尽管如此,我现在真的需要你的(魔法的)力量。” 😊


Харемен синдром

 В политиката "харемен синдром" (важното е да си наложница в нечий харем, без значение чий точно е той) се отнася до държави, които се подчиняват доброволно на по-силни държави, дори и последните да са компрометирани.
 Понятието ми попадна от професор Николай Слатински.

 I am also very lucky to have her in my life exactly now (2024) when I had so many worries and problems. She made me feel better, stronger, more optimistic, full of hopes and dreams, and I feel the best possible love in my heart now. I had my best B'day ever because of her too. https://youtube.com/shorts/7EhXhP1NY08?feature=share

今天只有一个短的课,因为我有点忙😉: cost (费)➡️ costly (昂贵) ➡️ uncostly (不昂贵的); ✨ costless (免费)✨ costliness (价格昂贵的物品所具有的特性). [例子:"The restaurant is very popular, despite its costliness." ("尽管价格昂贵,这家餐厅仍然很受欢迎。")]👍🌹



  Honestymaxx may be also honestyminn. Be careful! Here is the context of all this:

 In response to a friend from Kunming who said "The world is full of lonely people who dare not make the first move.":

"Yes, but it's a bit one-sided. Sometimes if you make this move it may ruin your friendship. Most of the people you like or love do NOT like or love you too. So, it's often risky."

 Honesty-maxx is okay only if you're already enough attractive (personality, body, capital, art, etc. wise). Otherwise you risk not just to be rejected but also to lose what you already had (like friendship, for example).

 Yes. The psycho-lowIQist crimecel from Shanghai obviously jealous now and he's even wishing my body... What a joke! 🤣
 And yes, there are some females who got even furious that I love her purely with all my heart and all my mind. But I don't care and all I need is to love her and give her the best possible!

Other languages / ВИЦ - "Истински мъж"
« on: October 24, 2024, 01:52:27 PM »

Истински мъж

Перифразирам: Истинският мъж не е този, който може да се бие с хипопотам или слон за теб! Истинският мъж е този, който остава с теб, дори когато хипопотамът (или слонът) си ти!


 Heuristic English language learning for my dearest:

💎给你“启发式”的英语 (快学习的👑):🔸S (字母“S”), 🔸🔸 SH (“上海”), 🔸🔸🔸 Sha (一门非洲语言), 🔸🔸🔸🔸 sham (“假的”, 比如 "假结婚" = "sham marriage"), 🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸shame ("耻辱"), 🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸 shameful ("可耻"), 🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸 shamefully (可耻地)。👑💎

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