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Messages - MSL

 For many people the arguments and the information may be meaningful and even new. For example, you already learned that if someone is telling another one that he/she likes teenagers it's not an accusation of being a pedophile because the ephebophilia and pedophilia are different psychological phenomenons.
 Some people even don't know that not only adults may legally have sexual activity but also all of the non-adults who are already 14+ (the age of consent in China and many other countries) or 16+ (Philippines, Japan), 15+ (Thailand), etc.
 Locking a topic prevents new users or existing ones to add up to the forum's content (which is its only capital), needless to say it's a totalitarian method used by the censorship in the freedom lacking societies like Russia (Pussia) and China (Xina).
 Limiting the freedom of speech and expression can't be "for good".

 My short answer here because I already spent around half an hour to explain it on QQ.

 Indulge = "become involved in (an activity, typically one that is undesirable or disapproved of)."

 Well, because it's natural people (not only males) to prefer younger than old ones for mating + it's not forbidden (illegal), the forum doesn't "indulge", it just allows everything which is legal.
 When I translated the Chinese criminal law (years ago) it was stipulated there that what's not forbidden in the law is legal, allowed. Logical and right. Isn't it?
 So, if really most of the Chinese disapprove that teenagers (14+) may have love and/or sexual experience, then it's the Chinese society problem or, let's call it, cultural side. Most of us (luckily) are not living in China (Xina) anymore, so we really can't care less what some or most Chinese like/dislike when it comes what we like or dislike.
 You don't like teens? Good to know. Then you will ascend faster. But you are you, we are we. We, maybe, like every good and beautiful woman, we are not ageism followers and we think that you prefer your age, aunts or grandmothers (no matter which) is your 100% free choice! Enjoy it and we enjoy ours too. That's what's the freedom about: you, he, she, all of us to like what we want to like (if it's not forbidden). Well, it's even not forbidden in China, as far as you are not a “炼铜”. :D
 Don't worry too much and focus on your gymmaxx and edumaxx + moneymaxx. Once you geomaxx out of Xi-na (Xina) you are almost safe and successful.  8) Good luck!

 Just a reminder: pedophilia = when a person likes kids.
 The teenagers are NOT kids. Teen-age = from 13 to 19. A person who likes teenagers = ephebophilia (ephebophile).
 Only fully ignorant people think that to like a teenager is 100% pedophilia! In most of the countries the late teens (18-19 years old) are legally able to get married.
 So, once again, for the ignorant guys: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ephebophilia.

 (The age of consent (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_of_consent) is another problem, a legal problem. The pedophilia and the ephebophilia are psychological/psychopathological, anthropological, etc. problem.)

 Zhang knows how to create good topics 👍😊 :)!
 Not bad, indeed -- if you read them (the comments) objectively, no emotions involved, you will see deep analysis of that “我爱娘的”, also good wishes and support to your ascending, depression fighting and support, free English learning and really good patients from this side, including that slang misinterpretation. I am impressed how well this thread was developed.👍

Other languages / Следващност
« on: June 10, 2024, 07:22:11 AM »


  Мина ми и тази мисъл - за философско едно такова, което наричам "следващност. :)

Other languages / Трейдване с кенове
« on: June 10, 2024, 07:15:51 AM »

Трейдване само с кенове

 Приятна изненада бе, че трейдването 100% с кенове (без да са примесени с бутилки и др.) донесе цели 1,75 долара (за няма и две кила). Та, вече ще знаем.  8)

Other topics / Re: What in the world
« on: June 09, 2024, 09:46:51 PM »
Some people get rich via bitcoins.

Other topics / Re: The best ebook searching website!
« on: June 09, 2024, 09:45:47 PM »
 Interesting. I like this type of websites.

 They're not difficult if you are good at Russian but also there is a problem that some of these scientists just copied the already discovered foreign (non-Russian) stuff.


 Some of my answers that I sent already:

I lived for 19 years+ in China and saw these cases. They are slow UNTIL they
 don't receive money. Usually they want bribery (money) to become faster and to do their job. It's not CCP (which is dead, murders by Xi), it's the "culture of bribery", the corruption.

 Yes, but they do it on purpose. The animal is naturally slow 🦥, but she is doing it probably on purpose. 😅

 Shanghai is not good for your health (air pollution, noise pollution, too crowded), and it's difficult for the ascending. I never recommend it to anybody. I was there three times. I visited Suzhou too -- the perfect place, compared to Shanghai...

 Yes, we can't be greedy and miss all that we cannot have. But when you don't have basic things or you struggle to achieve them like house and food, then you can't stay calm and you need to worry.

 Yes. Like all those from Tokyo, New York, Beijing and Paris who think that only their huge cities worth... I know this phenomenon. From outside it's clear: Beijing or New York are so expensive, dirty, crowded, noisy, full of crimes and there are 1000 places better than these in China or the US but Beijingers and New Yorkers think that they are in the best possible city...

Anyway, you don't need to think so much about them because, yes it's true (one also called me 普信男 and I had to explain her how she is just an undeveloped little person who even don't know if will graduate or die in a war, but I am already graduated and even have achievements... but abroad this knowledge is 0.
For example, in Japan they are going to measure your Japanese language, skills, looks and how well you know them. So, spending energy on Chinese issues like Chinese girls or the Chinese environment isn't profitable.

 Hehe, this is exactly what I did and do! I supposed that all the misunderstandings are because his incapable to understand my English well (he admitted by himself that his listening is not good and, I see, even his reading is not good enough to comprehend the meaning of some of my messages), so I started to use my Chinese (which is 自学的, but all of you, Chinese people, do understand it), but... it's also not enough for him because he wants to practice his English with me (for free 😂😆😂😆😂😆😂😆😂😆😂😆😂😆  :D !)  and, usully, starts to crticize how not good or how funny, strange and so on is my Chinese. Of course, this is just his excuse to deflect thd topics and/or his method to make foregners to communcate with him only in English (to save money) and/or to hurt your feelings. Ha ha! Well, I am not so stupid so, surely, I am communicating with him in Chinese.

See by yourseves:

好的,因为你不太明白英文,我肯定要跟你用中文的。👌 你觉得我的中文不够好?哦,无所谓,其他中国人觉得我的中文比较好。



看一下我们以前的聊天记录,如果我说了他是abnormal, not normal, crazy, 给我看看。但是如果没有,就要考虑看医生。😊👌

找不到了,是不是?“有点”像上次的那个问题-你“看到了”Ethnic incel 说单数的(“你”),可是呢,他说了复数的(“全部的”). ----------- 还是那个搞笑的,我和人家几次告诉了你我是欧洲的,保加利亚的 ,你还以为我和她们是俄国的。😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😅😅😅😅😅😅😅。。。。。。 难怪现在你“看过了”我说你的爸爸是"not normal". 😂🤣😅

How do you think?

 I re-added him but it's not like "Sorry, man! Let's go straight to the gymmaxx." The dear comrade Zhang (I call him "comrade" because he is against to call him “兄弟” /“bro"/) is still "mad" because... let me quote because it's too time consuming to rephrase his long messages:

One thing I have to say is that, although I apologized on the forum, I am still mad about you having slandered me as having lied that you agreed to lock my three threads which was totally to my big surprise because I thought you were smart enough to realize I didn't lie I just misunderstood(or are you still thinking I just lied?...), so if u want our relationship to restore please stop thinking of me that way and then we can keep normal conversations.


also he:
and my father is 100% normal, again, he is 100% normal

I am not surprised about the part with the lie (he needs to make people believe that he is the most honest comrade in the world) but it was kind of surprise that he thinks that somewhere I said his father is not normal, or abnormal, or crazy, or... you name it... I told him it's like a hallucination and challenged him to recheck all of our conversations.

 Yes, I didn't want to make a topic about it because I was thinking that mister Zhang will rethink what happened and will say at least a "sorry") which he did now actually. That's a decent move, so I forgive him.
 Now, to avoid misunderstandings, I will tell you what we had as problems:

 1. He thinks that my tone sounds "parental." when I tell him to geo-maxx (later I stopped to mention the geo-maxxing). Yesterday he again mentioned this tone of mine (which is not on purpose, I just talk to everyone like that, but never heard that I sound "parental".)
 The solution I suggested is to stop chatting about all those geomaxxes', incels' , forums' and other topics that make him feel discomfortable.

2. Because yesterday he brought back the geomaxx topic, forum topic, etc., I got mad, just because he didn't keep our agreement about it.

3. He is not liking some of you and I also don't like everybody here, but the difference is that I don't speak "all", I have "differential thinking" when it comes to summarize, conclude, etc. For example, I hate Putin and Xi, but I don't hate all Russians or all Chinese.
 (Here, I want to use the chance to offer all of you to say a sorry to him for all that felt wrong. Let's show him that we are generous and we can forgive a person who said sorry here too.)

4. I will re-add him soon on QQ, once I feel free because as you know, I spend a lot of time for the food stuff (to find it cheaper or free, to wash it very well, to take care of the hygiene at home, to sport and to learn something new every day.) My life is better now, than when I was in China (after it became Xi-na), but still full of challenges - not enough income online, failed shop offline, my father didn't keep his word and wants to give his flat to his gf, which puts me in a dangerous situation (because now I have no own property), no need to mention the local cheater who stole my 100.76 dollars.
 In my private chats I avoid to repeat these problems because it's annoying. I repeat here to make it clear, to remind you again, why I only focus in the important stuff first and can't chat again and again about one and the same topics online.

Zhang man, do you still want these three boards?
oh sorry didnt see it. But no, I have totally given up this retarded forum

Oh, even "retarded"! Good, try once more and the ban promise I made is coming!

Even he is my client currently (gymmaxx client) I am STRONGLY against his baseless insult of all the forum (that has thousands literally topics related to science and culture) as "shitty".

I told him personally:
I am a person with dignity who values his own works online so, please, don't insult all of the forum (which is more than 50% written by me and my partner) as "shitty" there again. Or I will ban you personally. 👌

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