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Other languages / Поредни трейдвания
« on: May 11, 2024, 09:39:05 PM »

Поредни трейдвания

 Поредни. Стъклен амбалаж - 700 риела. Кашони и друг картон - 600 риела. Пластмасови бутилки - 1500 риела.

 Имаше и неуспешен трейдърлък.  ;D Стирпор - 0 риела. Ха-ха! Просто не изкупуват тук такова нещо. Та минах само със спорта, но нищо - все пак, спортът е здраве и краси човека. 😀 А и, важното е, че основно трейдингът върви, както описах по-горе.

 Yes. Mr Zhang paid and already started his third month of gymmaxx-ing. 👍 His progress is okay (visible) but I don't want to share his details. Let hem to share them, if he wants. 👍☺️👌

Dear friend, please let it be for the last time.

Don't say things that never ever happened!!! First you said on QQ that they are doing "stupid things" and I asked you to give me the links of violations. You know the rules: no drugs, no pedophilia, no terrorism, no suicidal ideas and no racism, and other forms of discrimination!

I came here expecting to see really something like this... And what I saw is only debates without even rude words!!! Why you said they make stupid things? You debate and they debate too. Didn't see anything stupid.

Second and most important! I didn't say anything of locking three topics!!! It's his interpretation of our conversation to lock ONLY the gym topic.

Third, yes I am poor partly because of these 200 CNY that I was surprised he's not paying this month... but it's not only because of this. I just have to save money and can't have a full time job right now.

Today is the Khmer New Year. Please, leave me alone for a while and don't spread incorrect info that I, the biggest pluralist and truth defender wanted to lock three topics!!! It's very manipulative, to be honest!

Thank you all that you doubted the false information that I want or plan to lock three threads at once! It never happened in the entire history of this 13 y. o. forum.

Zhang is my good friend, but the Truth is my best friend.

 I promised him to lock this topic. After this, If you want to continue some of the debates, open new threads. The pluralism matters!

 The update that all of you wanted so much. The person (Zhang) said he will pay me but "next month" (his exact words were
I will pay u next month
and I told him that
Because I got some problems with the payments (and the money, at all) - two landlords in China, several private schools in China, my ex-wife in China, one cheater in Cambodia, one cheater in Bulgaria and my father in Bulgaria, I am already asking everyone to pay week by week, lesson by lesson or month by month... If someone (like the English students) say they'll pay later, the English class is also later (in many cases it means "never again"). So, it is up to you. 👌 If you really pay one month later, the gymmaxx continues one month later. If not - no problem, no gymmaxx but we're still friends.👍

 I am not limiting your freedom of speech, you are free to share what you think but if you express here opinion let it be only once, and then I can lock the topic for a month, to avoid overheating.

 Update: because this the Question recently, and as I said we should try keep it ontopic, I will inform you if he continues. So far, last night he only confirmed with "ofc" ("of course") in QQ that he will. I told him to send the payment for the 2nd month as usual. Till now, no payment and no further answer. If there is, I will let you know. Otherwise, please don't ask again.

 No problem. From my side, I am not pressing and I am legit. For example, this kid pays every week to teach him English. About Zhang, I even make it month by month. So, again, from my side everything is correct and I am a legit teacher.


 There are also objective reasons, i.e. coming from the increased females' (and males', when it comes to the femcels) requirements.

 Most of them promised that won't answer your topics so, now you are more free to speak your mind. And they will also have their free speech in their own topics. ;D
 Well, about the importnt part, I sent you many QQ messages. When your QQ is okay, take a look and let me know, especally about the CrossFit courses. No pressure, just let me know what do you want because I still do't know.

 Or maybe he just don't want to manage a forum. Not because he's very poor.

 Still not... Waiting for his QQ to be alright and then to receive his answer. He said very clearly here that he's not a person with a weak will and not a quitter. So, no need to think he's not going to continue. Bug if in 3 days, from now on, I don't have any information from him, I will update this topic and let you know.

 We never know before we try. It's simple, if he can and wants, he will buy it and then we all will see. Now, all is only speculation, thinking, opinion...

 Please, to avoid locking the topic, keep only ontopic. It was and it is about gymmaxx. The man said he didn't give up. If he pay me again RMB 200, I will continue to teach him already second month (1 month passed so far) and everything else: free speech, democracy, Xi-na, dictatorships, hurt feelings, forums for sale ------------> keep it for the rest of the forum!

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