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Messages - MSL

 The poorcels and the money-maxxers may easily fall in traps like this. NEVER PAY MONEY FIRST!

 At first copy-paste a chat history where after a short talk a pretty girl or someone who pretend to be a pretty girl offers me getting rich via "only 100 dollars investment" in cryptocurrency:

amina putri:


amina putri:
How are you doing today

As usual. Reading books. Writing articles and poems. Doing sports. Cooking. Learning.

amina putri:
Sounds cool

Where are you from?

amina putri:
I'm from Vietnam

What about you

I am just a person who does all it is possible to create more knowledge and a better body. Of course, I wish I could have more income too but it's not very easy.

I am from Europe.

Your name isn't Vietnamese though. I thought it was more like Malaysian or Indonesian.

Vietnamese are like "Nguyen," "Pham," "Ho", etc.

amina putri:
Sounds good

Where in Europe

Yes my mother is from Vietnam my dad Vietnamese I'm mix

Yes I know

My mom was the one named me amina

My Vietnam name is Nguyen


You travel here or you live in Battambang?

amina putri:
I live Vietnam in Hanoi city


amina putri:

It's great pleasure to meet you here

Thank you for your kind words!

amina putri:
You're welcome

What do you do for a living?

Jobless currently.

Only writing articles online for some cents, teaching fitness and English two students for some dollars and making videos for some cents...

Not a rich man.

amina putri:
I see it's still a good job

As far as you're making money from it

Don't you practice crypto currency

Oh, a little.

One, about bitcoins.


This one.

amina putri:
I see


Why not investing in a mining company and making good profits daily

Still poor. I earn only around 90 to 100 dollars per month.

Because I have no money to invest. Poor.

I am very educated, 5 diplomas: philosophy, TEFL, martial arts, yoga and aerobics, but no job here and... low income...

amina putri:
It's worth to start crypto investment

For those who have the money maybe it is. I haven't.

amina putri:
I can direct you to the company where you can start investment

With minimum of $100

And making good profits daily

 Hello? Are you here, Zhang? I sent you several QQ messages but no answers recently (the last few days).

 Yes! But the escortcels aren't really incels. Of course they are lacking real relationship and real sexual activities but they're not technically "incels". Like me, I haven't home but I rent. So I am not exactly "homeless."

Maybe the Chinese “弟弟”? ;D

 Well, here is the next important part. How to burn around 300 calories more, if you eat more, every day. This set of exercises also helps your bones, muscles, blood circulation, etc.


SEO / Re: Role of Orange Inhaler in Controlling Asthma Attacks
« on: April 10, 2024, 12:01:04 AM »
SPAM with medicines in the SEO board. Not acceptable!!!

Just for your (all of you) information: till now he didn't say he quits! He is having some minor problems with his diet because of his relatives but he's keeping the amount of calories low, I am making regular videos about what and how to train, and answer regularly his questions. So, he is doing well so far.

Other languages / На английски "setback" значи...
« on: April 08, 2024, 07:09:12 AM »

На английски "setback" е...

 На английски "setbacks" значи "something that causes delay or stops progress" (т. е. нещо, което причинява забавяне или спиране на прогреса).


Успехи и провали

 Всички хора имаме както успехи, така и провали.

 This one is focused on how to make useful exercises without getting bored and without getting stressed:


1. Without masculine body, masculine face only is sort of funny. They will notice the difference and will think it's a grotesque... So should be balanced.

2. The jaw will look better after the wight loss. But you still may put more efforts on it to make it better. Because you never know when there will be a competitor with a better jaw.

3. The hairstyles do great job in this sense too.

REMEMBER, the girls like boys, but when the girls grow up they're women and they will like man. So, become a man earlier, yo be ready for the real women (not teenagers who even can't marry you). Yes, there are some adult females who like more androgynous males or gays, or ladyboys... But it's the minority.

Other languages / Приятел с ужасни проблеми
« on: April 05, 2024, 08:38:43 AM »

Приятел с ужасни проблеми

 Имам един приятел, съученик от началното и основното училища. След толкова много години, щом все още го наричам нее просто съученик, но и приятел, значи че има защо. Няма да се впускам сега в подробности, както виждате аз дори името му не споменавам, но ще кажа, че в повечето случаи ми е давал добро, а не лошо. Не, че не е имало и лошо (още помня как всеки петък, в междучасията на часовете по Трудово обучение, много от съучениците, заедно с него, ме нападаха - борене, гъделичкане, ритници, дори един се опита да ми пробива панталоните с пила... Бях намразил петъците, та вуйчо ми се чудеше как така всеки човек обича петък, като последен работен/учебен ден, преди уикенда, а аз не го обичам...), но аз, като човек-философ, а и гледащ на нещата максимално справедливо, отчитам че този съученик-приятел ми е допринесъл повече за осъвършенстването - от него научих какво е шахът, как може човек да е отличник, как знанието е ценност, различни научни факти... и така чак до момента, в който бях поканен у тях, за да видя недостижими по онова време неща (нямаше ги във всеки дом) като хубави електронни калкулатори, електронни игри и какво ли не.
 И сега на темата...


 Unfortunately, we don’t know her name ((only contacted her via WeChat most of the time.) The head of household who signed the contract is her daughter Song Yangyang (宋阳阳), and those who collect the deposit and rent are her daughter Song Yangyang and her husband Chao Lunqing (晁伦清).
 Her selfie (她的自拍照): .

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