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Messages - MSL

 I am trying to suggest to think from the females perspective but let's think from the males: Imagine, for a while, that you see a girl. And she thinks her nose could be better. But what you notice is that her body isn't good and she will be way sexier if she improves her body. Later, if she has a better style, jaw (yes, the females with ugly jaws are also less attractive!), personality, etc., probably you will even not going to notice her nose... but she thinks only a nose surgery and voila!...  ;D Now, I hope we all understand what's the problem -- it's when you're ignoring the major problems and you are dealing with a minor (or maybe even fake) problem.

About the jaw:

 1. Many Asian girls do prefer Western faces, because of the whiteness + the jaw, mostly. Otherwise, why there are are so many Asian incels who complain that "their" girls are liking Westerners?

 2. Take a VERY close look to all those CHINESE (100% considered handsome males) like Bruce Lee, Andy Lau, Jet Li, Wu Jing ARE with decent jaws. Take a good look: https://mr.baidu.com/r/1h4VBtztyW4?f=cp&u=a7f855b4a1f61015

 So, don't think that all or many females are going to like round faces, that are lacking any masculine traits like a bigger jaw, some mustache, etc.
 Do this simple experiment: find pics of 10 males that are considered handsome and compare their jaws with yours. How many of 10 looks like you (jaw wise)?

 If you're (in futire) already without face fat, with better skin and you're not dark originally, then why they will think your face is average? The only reason will be the jaw.

 First, if you save this money and use them to get annual profit of mote than 7.5% in some of the local branches, you will be so rich that most of the females will see you as an attractive person just because of your money and good body.
 Second, as I explained many times, gymmaxx helps you to have better face too: better skin, less fat. And, if you jaw-maxx, you'll be already handsome.

But in the present China (Xina) just a good dream... For those who don't know Chinese, it means "Freedom and rights".

-------FREE ADS------- / Re: Hi all
« on: April 01, 2024, 08:44:46 PM »
It will be deleted because the casinos' links aren't welcome here.

 Yes, no worries so far. He's a responsible man with good will.

18 December 2023
Voice message

"Hello, please pay us the money already. Every day we quarrel about this money. Do you understand us?  Do you understand? Every day I can't sleep.
We haven't enough earnings. How long we have to wait about this money? We gave you, at the first, last month and you see how many days.  You think we are rich people maybe.
We are not rich. We haven't enough income. We are trying to sell in the shop.
We can't sell. We have to close the shop soon. We couldn't sell anything there.
 And now we try to sell some food. Also not very successful. I don't know how to make you to understand to pay this money.
Please pay the money. I can't stand this. I think all the day, all the night and we quarrel with my wife here.
Do you understand?"

Sun decor
Ask to get my moto still at the polïce
The police complain about the photos that you show to them
My moto still, we can sale ït
Police said take photos is illigal
Do not worry

Voice message

"Hey!  Listen, about the photos, we didn't know. And this is not an excuse not to receive our money.If the police complain, I will meet the police.
We can go to police, we can go to court. We can't quarrel here with my wife day and night. We can go to the police to ask about the photos, if this is our problem, because we can't get the money.
We can go to the court, we can go to meet the judge. We can solve this problem if it's only about the photos. I don't think it's about the photos.
 I think we must receive our money. And we worry and we quarrel day and night. This can't continue endlessly!
 So we can't wait so long.If we have to go, we have to go to meet the police and the court. We will meet the police and the judge. We can't stand this anymore."

Give me the phone or Telegram of your judge to talk with him about this big problem. Otherwise we have no choice: we must go to search the police and another judge to report this big problem!
ឱ្យខ្ញុំទូរស័ព្ទឬតេឡេក្រាមរបស់ចៅក្រមរបស់អ្នកដើម្បីនិយាយជាមួយគាត់អំពីបញ្ហាដ៏ធំនេះ។ បើ​មិន​ដូច្នេះ​ទេ យើង​គ្មាន​ជម្រើស៖ យើង​ត្រូវ​ទៅ​ស្រាវជ្រាវ​ប៉ូលិស និង​ចៅក្រម​ម្នាក់​ទៀត ដើម្បី​រាយការណ៍​បញ្ហា​ធំ​នេះ!
Sun decor
Go to the polïce station to get my moto and then you can sale to get ur money
If not i still do ït

Here, we decided to give him a last chance, to make some sushi related ads which cost around 100 dollars (but later he started to ask for more money and it wasn't successful too.)

Do you make this ads? We can order from you 5 for 100 dollars.

Sun decor
Really? That's good then. We send you photos and you make 5 for us, okay?
Sun decor
Simple sushi design. She will send you
Sun decor
I so angry with the police
Middle size.
Sun decor
They do elligle
In reply to this message
She will send you 5 photos. Simple design: only write in Khmer "Korean sushi" ("ស៊ូស៊ីកូរ៉េ") above the photo.👌
She sent you the 5 photos for 5 middle size ads. Simple design only with "Korean sushi" ("ស៊ូស៊ីកូរ៉េ").
19 December 2023
Here are the photos too.





5 middle size ads with simple design "Korean sushi" ("ស៊ូស៊ីកូរ៉េ") written in bright color.

And after he started to ask for more money (even he didn't return back the 100.76 dollars!), I sent him this:

9 January 2024
Voice message

" Listen, give us the money. We are already tired to deal with these ads. You said you will make them for $100.
Now you want again more money and more money. Please give me the money back. I need the money.
 If you are not willing to give us the money, we really have to go to the police.  We really have to go to the judges. We have to go everywhere.
 We disagree this money to stay in this way. Do you understand? We need the money!"

Georgi 02.11.2023 19:28:34
(Sending him the bank account code to send me the money)

The money: 100 dollars and 76 cents!
If I don't get it till tomorrow, have to report you to the police and court and everywhere!
Sun decor
the way good, let go to the police station to get my moto cycle back
and sale
In reply to this message
i'm not scare
I don't care you are scared or not! You CAN'T steal our money!

Voice message

"It's not to make you scared or not to make you scared. You took our money. You can't steal the money.
 You are not a thief, right? You are educated. You are a good man. You must give me the money.
 If you don't give me the money till tomorrow, yes, we will go to report you to the police.  We will go to report you to the prosecutors, to the judges, everywhere. This is the way.
No matter you are scared or you are not scared. We don't care you are scared or not. We care the money."

Sun decor
you know the rule in cambodia
about privacy
if i know that you will pay more
if show on facebook or something

I will report this issue! No money = report!!! I don't give up my money!!!
Sun decor
i will pay you when i get money by 15day more

Voice message

"Don't speak "privacy" or anything else. We talk only about the money. We lent you $100.76 and already passed more than two months.
You don't give the money back. You don't want to give us the money back. So we have to, we must report to the police, to the court, to everywhere and we will do it.
This money is ours, not yours."

15 day more?
January 24?
Voice message

"When is this 15 day more? Today is 9th. Do you mean 24th? Again to wait you two weeks, right?"

Sun decor
no time to answer more
To wait you two weeks? 15 days? Is this what you mean?
Till 24th?
Sun decor
no money can't say
you see my moto at police
i feel bad
Yes, I see I feel bad too.My wife hates me for this money. And we quarrel everyday. So, I have to search the Cambodian authorities for help, no other way.

EARN MONEY / Re: How to get rich easily
« on: March 31, 2024, 01:08:57 AM »
 One of the most important things -- the initial capital. With it, even not very educated people, may start business. Without it, even very gifted and smart people, cant't start at all...

Because of the previous culture and history of the people. When the culture and history are different, there is (almost) socialism in countries like the Scandinavian ones, even without officially they call it and want to build it consciously. It just happens when the certain people have got the right culture, conscious, habits...  Now notice something important: when a country has not enough democratic history and democracy culture, the result (totalitarianism, dictatorship, etc is the same: for example Russia killed the communism, started to build capitalism and ended up as a dictatorship (neu-feudal type, like China now)...

 Time to add, to upgrade. Two more necessary, dynamic exercises for you! Good luck and keep training! 8) :)



Трейдърлък с хартии

 Днешното трейдване (известно, както знаете, също и като трейдърство или трейдърлък ;D) бе с кашони (като част от декашонизацията), хартия (хартии) и дори едно списание. Ами да, да трейднеш и списание, си е нещо, което трябва да се отбележи. :D Изкарахме сумата от 600 риела, което се равнява на 0,15 щатски долара, т. е. 15 щатски цента. С такава сума може да се закупят например няколко краставици или пък хляб, говорейки за стоки, а ако става дума за услуги - може да се претеглиш на кантар, например. :) Важно е да се работи за икономиката. :)

 And this is the interesting and very useful video about how to combine, compensate, optimize. Time saving, healthy and making you a better version of yourself. https://youtu.be/OVmw_gy2xmE

Around this level. Long time ago I was too slim or too fat in different periods and I could pass for 4/10 at best. I had girlfriends but only Becky-tiers (one of them was a writer if it's important to give her a GigaBecky status)... And yes, when you're not rich, busy to think about how to earn some money, have to deal with your daily routines like washing, cooking, mopping and so on, surely, you can NOT just focus on being gym-maxxed... But I combine the things and I will upload a very interesting video tonight to show you how you can work smart indeed. Thank you so much for the interesting opinion. 8) 8)

 An important notice here for the struggling incels who decided to become gymcels (to improve their looks via sports and healthy diets) but there are relatives (usually grandmothers but in a recent case it is the father!  ;D) who are ruining the results (more or less) with their pressure that they give to the gymcels at home to eat wrong food (like too caloric, increasing the estrogen hormone, unhealthy, etc.)
 I am independent and I have no parents or other relatives to tell me what to or not to eat. But these recent weeks I also had to eat some foods like biscuits, cakes, waffles, salted seeds, etc. and to drink a lot of sweet carbonated drinks because they were already purchased for the shop and the shop couldn't survive... so, in order to compensate some of the losses I had to eat this kind of food, instead of some normal lunch (like boiled eggs with vegetable salad and fruit.) But I still got success about keeping my nearly ideal weight of 60 kg. How? Here is one of the "little secrets", I am doing exercises but I also keep doing "minor exercises" when I do something else. An example is when I teach an English class online. During the teaching I am not only sitting and talking, I do some actions like singing, walking around, showing (lifting) this and that, using different gestures with hands (like counting with fingers) and so on, and everything combined adds up to burn enough calories, to keep the good shape and even to make some muscle mass progress. Here is the example from my TikTok channel: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSFxCeMs4/

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