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Messages - MSL

 And this: https://youtu.be/TpD5ijhpNqc

 "Still not perfect and far from the best, BUT doing whatever it takes to bring you happiness ❤️!"

 Yes, of course. As you all can see, there aren't any of his hallucinations and idiotisms under my videos. The degraded moronic psychocel is banned on TikTok already too.  :)

Other topics / Re: Arts festivals
« on: October 23, 2024, 02:45:43 PM »
 A "valuable opportunity".  8) I like this. :)

  A new one: ... 现在,我继续你的后缀和前缀学习: 👉联系这个"un-什么什么-ful"👈。☑️例子: 🍄 doubt (怀疑), doubtful (有疑问), undoubtful (毫无疑问), 🍄🍄 rest (休息), restful (宁静的), unrestful (不安宁的), 🍄🍄🍄 faith (信仰), faithful (忠实的), unfaithful (不忠实的,异心的)。🍀👍

My new single (rap song) inspired by my favorite JH, of course: https://youtu.be/FCoZ6XSJx4w

I miss you night and day. I love you all the same. I'll do my very best to give you joy and rest. 💕💯🍀

A Russian translation: "Я скучаю по тебе и днем и ночью. Я люблю тебя така же. Я сделаю все возможное, чтобы дать тебе радость и покой."

Another example of how I am doing my best to teach her and to make her life better (not only to enjoy her friendship):

几个后缀: ⭐1. -less (没有):power-less (无力), money-less (没钱的). ⭐2. -ness (什么什么-性或-度):random-ness (随机性), difficult-ness (难度). ⭐3. -er (专业的或什么样子的人):drive-r (司机), loser (失败者), winner (优胜者)... 但是小心这个❗❕ "cook" 是“厨师”,“cooker” 是“炊具”! 😀。 ----------------------- 👇例子:

🌟1. "Need-less": Needless to say that you are as pretty as a fairy. (不用说,你就像仙女一样美丽。) 🌟2. "Absurd-ness": The Shanghai boy's brain is full of absurdness. (那个上海男孩的脑子里充满了荒唐之事。) 🌟3. "Believe-r": As you know, I'm not a believer but if you say we knew each other in a previous life, I may believe it. (如你所知,我不是一个信徒,但如果你说我们在前世认识,我可能会相信。) 😀

Philosophy / Re: About the meaningless of the life
« on: October 23, 2024, 01:40:09 PM »
 Adding a simpler summarization that I made today in response to a similar topic in a vlog.
 Concretely: in response to "世间本没有路,就像生活本没有多大意义。但人们还是创造出了诗,画,电影,音乐等有意义的东西。" + "Originally, there's no road. just like life has no meaning. but people are still trying to create meaning from the meaningless.", I posted this:

"According to my philosophy (I am a professional philosopher) the meaning of life is our own choice. Also, if you want to have more choices, you should live in a free country."

Other languages / Пластмасови бутилки
« on: October 22, 2024, 04:25:58 AM »
 И пластмасови бутилки (на следващия ден) също изтрейдих. :) :) От тях можаха да се закупят цели три франзели.  8) Трейдинг, разбираш ли...

Other languages / Кенове
« on: October 21, 2024, 08:50:20 PM »


 Трейднах доста кенове за около два долара.

 Of course, as it was predicted already, his mental condition is worsening day by day. Just two fast examples because I am busy with a lot of stuff and don't want to go into details like I did in my previous post:
  • His new account attempt. It shows lowered IQ, low than before. The moroncel uses the same IP as the one of his banned account + his well-known favorite yeah.net with the nick "Emailbot "... Even a person with 80 IQ can't expect this to pass here, especially in front of university educated people and visionaries like me.

    His extremely low EQ also was manifested by his 10+ attempts to log in before the approval.  :D
  • His newest hallucinations which include homosexualism and pedophilia, combined with his previous homicide, sick, antihuman and so on. Of course, maybe there is more but I am only taking a quick few seconds look and I am not going to read it all because as I teach you, if you want to ascend, don't waste more than seconds with psychos, criminals, failures and low EQ + low IQ creatures like this ridiculous one.

 Strictly speaking he's already about there (0/10) because there will be no any female (or a homosexual male) who will be okay to be in a relationship with him. He has at least 30 big problems (repellent ones) and you all know most of them: low T fatty body and face, lack of elementary knowledge, low IQ, severe mental health problems (including his recent homicide, homosexual and pedophilic hallucinations), hikikomorism, unable to build own life abroad, even incapable to live a normal life in his own neo-feudal country, internet (games) obsessed, amoral, liar, stalker, full of obsessive thoughts, almost fully under control of his parents, comparatively poor...

 Yes, pretty busy. Only when it comes to her I can postpone everything else and take hours of care about her problem or question. For example these days we were talking about her and her university ideas and not only this.

I will share with you my new song. It's a cover version of a popular Russian song but with my own lyrics and my own singing :). It is not perfect at all but it is pretty romantic, I think... Here:

"我在这里,你在那里。我真的,真的想念你。你真可爱也真美丽。我真的,真的在爱你。但是我配不上你,所以不敢说“我爱你!” 但我相信会有奇迹,有一天会拥有你。有一天会拥有你。有一天会拥有你。有一天会拥有你。"


 According to what he described about them, I don't think they are very normal too but compared to such a degradation like him, of course they're at least ordinary ones and they realize what a burden it is to take care of such a weak schizo-debil incel who tend to commit crimes too.

Avoid thinking too much about the most unsuccessful failurecels like this psychocel if you want to ascend. Otherwise you'll be closer to him (feminine estrogenic body, ridiculously looking fatty face, low IQ, inability to learn new things, never achieving even elementary goals like moving to another state or learning a new language,... and, in the worst cases, like his case, your brain may start to produce hallucinations about pedophilia, homicides, homosexualism and so on.)
 If you want to ascend, follow my way: fast bans, ignores, reports and doing useful work 10-12 hours per day: sports, learning, working, cooking, washing and communicating with people you like.  8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
 How do you prefer? To become a 1/10 like the psychocel Zhang Jie from Shanghai or to become a 7/10 (a future 9/10) like me?

 34. Pedophilia (pedophilia related hallucinations).

 No time to upload screenshots (but I keep some if the police, court, PSB, etc. need them) so, just a link to the more detailed explanation about how, where and when he (tried to) post this sort of pedophilia hallucinations content. Here: http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/a-forum-for-incels-who-are-normal-people-no-terrorists-no-rapists-no-racists-no-pedophiles-no-haters-and-so-on/an-update-about-zhang-jie-from-shanghai-insanity-and-criminal-acts/msg53994/#msg53994

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