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Messages - MSL

 And something even more unbelievable -- I watched a video where a Muai Thai world champion is getting tired after a minute of dead hang (he did it for 1 minute and 15 seconds only). See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYREjg98zuo

About Shuaisoserious -- he's with exactly the body that you should have. A perfect example for a person who looks like some of the pop idols (in fact with more than a million subscribers he's a sort of idol). If you keep the simple, right diets and you do the simple but useful exercises and (later) you start to use some gym tools, I have no doubt that you will be something like this person. And when you do, you'll be more than enough attractive. 8)

Part 2:


 It emphasizes on how to do push ups but gradually. Step by step! (I already warned my dear student but he was so impatient to start working out harder that here comes the muscle pain but he'll be alright. I suggested some light finger-wrist-forearm exercises during these days' rest.)  8)
 And about the diet. Yes, mostly, it's about it -- more natural, healthy food (vegetables, fruit, eggs, chicken, fish...) and counting the calories. 8)

 I'll be soon in the QQ and we may discuss more about it (and everything else), my friend! But let me answer here (because I will keep it public, just to show the haters that we both are really loyal and responsible):

 1. Yes, the concrete exercises aren't so crucial (only the dogmatic coaches or styles will insist that you should follow them 100%.)
 2. I'm even proud of you that you have the will (+ time + energy + desire) to do more exercises than the ones I suggest. 8) (Just, please, don't overdo it, because if in one moment you got that burnout problem, it'll be difficult (psychologically) to continue the good job.)
 So, just don't push yourself too hard at the very beginning! After 9 months, it will be the time to push you up more, when you'll be in the very right condition for this.

Well, I don't think there's a best coach in the world. But what I am promissing and doing is to achieve for you the best possible shape, on just one year, without "chemistry" and without gyms. Just diets, simply possible exercises and good advises.😊
 8) 8) 8)🍀
By the way, I am on QQ almost everyday for him and I will do my best for him! 👍

Good. The first tutorial is ready. 8) 8) I want to inform all of the incels, noncels and incelolgists that this Chinese person is really a decent, polite, clever and full of will person who really paid me and I am promissing to do my best to guide him to be in the best pssible shape, in one year, just with good natural diet and execises. After that he will be in the J-pop-tier, if not the first and best, at least, the second best. I am quite sure! 🥇  8) :)


The best one with the best body amongst us  ;D: https://www.facebook.com/share/uZZWwVSzWxoWKBG5/?mibextid=qi2Omg
Thx but, he is not very active and he can't contact with me on QQ. But if he will gimme a basic guidance here I will pay him money!
Hey, I am almost done with the transfer of my internet and PC from the failed shop to the rented apartment in Cambodia. :) These days I'll improve my working conditions and I will be more active as I was before.  8)
I will drop you a short QQ-message, just to keep in touch and after some days, if you wish, we may start. You pay as much as you think it worth (I don't have a price list).

A public promise here:

  • I am not selling and not promoting anything like steroids, vitamins, etc.
  • To get good results (semi-shredded body, visible muscles), we need to work seriously at least 9 months.

 Many incels (especially the majority of the so-called "black-pilled incels" or "blackpillers") are too self-destructive. The self-destructive people, of course, just do -minn themselves and this makes them less successful, less attractive, etc.
 Once again, a reminder: don't -minn yourself, do -maxx yourself.


Трейдинг с кашони, картони и хартия

  Както вече отбелязах по темата (в друга публикация - кашонизация, декашонизация, рекашонизация - която набляга повече на неологизмите, на езиковото, на философското дори, доколкото става дума за нови понятия), стана така че се заимахме с кашони, т. е. кашонизирахме се. За да се декашонизираме (преди, очаквано, да се рекашонизираме) и то екологично и икономически (т. е. да не замърсяваме улиците и природата, а и изкараме малко пари, продавайки ги за вторични суровини), както и да упражним повече физически труд (което си е нещо като лек спорт), ние трейднахме всичките налични кашони. Стана трейдинг с кашони, но не само. В някои от тях бях сортирал различни хартии (сметки за вода, смет, ток, рекламни материали), както и някои картони (от различни продукти), та имаше няколко килограма кашони, картони и хартия. Трейдването се осъществи на два пъти, като общата сума възлезна на около половин щатски долар (с точност - 47 щатски цента по курса за деня). С тези пари ще се закупят моркови. :) Та, както виждате, трейдване на моркови също се осъществява. Ами, малко, но от сърце, допринасяме за икономическото развитие на държавата, и като цяло, на света. Нека, нека. 8)
 Утре ще е, вероятно, последното трейдване, след което ще има осезаема пауза, т. е. трейдингът ще бъде нулев. Нулев трейдинг. Има и такива периоди. :)

Other topics / And a 404 (from another website)
« on: March 03, 2024, 01:47:51 AM »
 A 404 ("This page isn't available. Sorry about that.

Try searching for something else."), from another website, of course.

Other topics / Re: Hi
« on: March 03, 2024, 01:44:19 AM »
 Hey, are you alright?

 Laos, sure but, I think better in Cambodia. The most of the Khmer people, or better, to say the Cambodian people (the Cambodians are mostly Khmers but of course there are some minorities too) do like the Chinese (or at least do not hate the Chinese). The average height of the females is about 1.53 m (males - about 1.63), so height wise it's ideal for mister Zhang. The weather is perfect, the nature is good (no cold winters, no earthquakes, no volcanoes, no typhoons), the prices (mostly) aren't very high, the rents are affordable, the banks are very good (especially some of them with their very good interest rates for the fixed deposits), in most of the places the crime rate is not high, most of the people are polite, nice, friendly or, at least, quiet and don't bother you.
 So, I also suggest strongly the Cambodia-maxx (Cambodiamaxx) which is a part of the well-known (in the incelology) SEAmaxx (SEA-maxx).

Other topics / "We're working on transcribing it now!"
« on: March 03, 2024, 01:25:27 AM »


 Some necessary transcribing online. It says "We're working on transcribing it now!" Good. 8) I like it.

 Поради повишения интерес, ето и втора част на "Кашони!!!":



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