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За неологизмите "кашонизация", "рекашонизация" и "декашонизация"

Кашонизация, рекашонизация и декашонизация. :)

Other topics / I like the Omnilogy forum
« on: March 02, 2024, 10:47:59 PM »

I like the Omnilogy forum

 I like it. I like the Omnilogy forum (seo-forum-seo-luntan.com). :)


Кашонизация, рекашонизация и декашонизация

  Няколко неологизма, произлизащи от "кашон" (мн. ч. "кашони"): кашонизация, рекашонизация и декашонизация. :)
 Възможно използване - кашонизация = когато се натрупат много кашони (например при поръчване на много стоки от чужбина), декашонизация = когато намалеят или напълно почнат да отсъстват кашоните (например, защото са изхвърлени на боклука или пък са продадени като вторични суровини), рекашонизация = когато отново се заимаш с кашони (понеже пак е поръчана стока, която се транспортира в кашони).
 Ето и една от новите песни на български - "Кашони!!!": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgUJZnEEFwI

She angry with u
Yes, but I hope it's not a big problem, we will be alright...
Take care. 🍀

This was the last time when I showed him some patience and tenderness; kindness.

The promised last part (with some voice messages that I'll post here as text messages) will be ready when I have more time to do that voice-to-text task.

 Допълвам - днес се състоя почти същото трейдване (базирано на продажба на пластмасови, основно, а и някои алуминиеви неща). Този път, обаче, имаше още по-голямо разнообразие - пластмасови кутии за съхранение, повече калъфи за мобифони, празна пластмасова бутилка от течен перилен препарат както и пластмасови опаковки за храна. Това общо донесе 71 щатски цента (по курса в момента), които скоро бяха похарчени за около 2 килограма банани. Та, ето, и търговия с банани споменавам. :D Вървят търговийките, развива се икономиката, а и, както казах, помага се и на екологията, както и на личната добра, спортна форма. 8) :)
 За утре, живот и здраве, също е заплануван трейдинг. :)

Internet / Creative
« on: March 01, 2024, 10:14:56 PM »


 A woman walks in a bank to get a loan. “I need to borrow $100 for a month,” she says.

The banker frowns, but takes her information anyway. He runs her credit but can’t find a report. “I’m sorry,” he says, “but in the absence of a credit record, we’ll have to charge 20% interest on the loan, and you’ll need to put up collateral.

“What does that mean?” the woman says.

“It means,” the banker says, “you’ll have to repay us $120, and you’ll need to give us something more valuable to hold onto until you pay us back.”

“Something more valuable?” The woman says. “How about my Ferrari?”

The banker nearly snorts his tea all over his desk, but he prides himself on customer service so he soldiers on. He runs the title on the Ferrari and what do you know, the woman owns it free and clear. “Okay, he says, “I’ll print out the papers.”

“Just so I understand,” the blonde says, “I give you my Ferrari and you give me a hundred dollars, right? And then in a month, I give you $120 and you give me my Ferrari back?”

“Yes,” the banker says, “that’s the deal.”

She signs the paperwork and hands him the keys. He counts out $100 for her and watches her saunter out the door.

A month to the day later, he’s sitting at his desk when the woman saunters back in. She hands him $120 and says “I get my car back, right?”

“Yes, he says as he hands her the keys. She turns to go but he stops her. “Miss, I really have to ask, why did you use a $140,000 car as collateral on a $100 loan?”

“Oh!” The woman says. “I got called out of city unexpectedly on business. How else can I park a Ferrari for a month in this city for only $20?!”

8) ;D

 Very good topic (because I like all those soft-maxx topics like geo-maxxing, gym-maxxing, edu-maxxing, etc. :) ) Japan-maxx (Japanmaxx) is a sort/kind of geomaxx (geo-maxx). But is really Japan the best place to geomaxx? 🤔
 First, I'd like to emphasize that I'm a person who likes the Japanese things a lot (I like almost everything related to Japan) and I'm not against it. But, second, I'd like also to draw attention to some cons (disadvantages) of Japan:( Sadly, there are some serious ones that every incel (or noncel) who wants to go living there should consider well.
 Here I'll create a short list:

  • Earthquakes. Many, often. Some of them pretty devastating.
  • As a result of the above -- tsunamis and more radiation (remember Fukushima?)
  • Cold winters. An average winter temperatur -4°C (72°F) and can reach a low of -25°C (-13°F) in the Japanese inland areas.
  • Very unlucky geopolitical location -- too close to too aggressive enemies like North Korea, Russia and, more or less, China. Sometimes the relationships with South Korea are also not good due to some disputes.
  • It's not cheap there. I will add more about it when I comment some of the friend's statements later.
  • The work is usually too exhausting and some people die of overwork death known as karoshi (過労死) and  karōjisatsu (過労自殺) --which is when workers commit suicide due to the mental stress.

 Some concrete comments:
The immigration is not costly at all due to the low exchange rate of JPY
I am sure that it's not costly for a person like you but it will be costly for most of the people from China, East Europe, Latin America, Africa... See only this example and tell me how a person with a salary USD 200 (yes, it's the average salary in many countries) or even RMB 5000 will move to live to Japan when only to rent an apartment costs this much: "The nationwide average monthly rent, not including utilities, for a one room apartment (20-40 square meters) is between 50,000 and 70,000 yen. "Soutce: https://www.japan-guide.com/e/e2202.html So, the average price is around $400 per month. It's around $5000 per year. If you want a bigger apartment maybe it will be around $8000 per year. (Now, think about it: one of my Bulgarian friends said that all his life he was able to safe only $10 000. It means that this person will spend almost all his savings only to rent an apartment for him and his kid, for example... And some people even haven't this much. Another one even has debts and 0 savings in the bank (a person with doctor's degree). With a salary around $ 555 there you can just pay the bills (electricity, water, taxes, food, some simple clothes... and no money for savings... So... if you think from a perspective of an average rich Shanghai person, oh yes, Japan isn't costly, but for people in Guizhou, Hainan, Tibet or Gansu (in China) or people in Bulgaria, Macedonia, Albania, Cambodia, Philippines, Nicaragua, etc. it's very costly!)
Japanese women are not highly requiring at all.
Compared with who? With those women in Shanghai, yes, maybe. But you can't compare them with the women from countries like Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, etc. The Japanese women are richer, they're from a very developed country, etc., so they're not so easy (most of them are not going to low their standards for some really ugly and/or poor man). So, for the uglycels and/or poorcels Japan is not a good geomaxx destination. Japan is a good place but only for the richer people. If you're not enough rich (and especially if you're not enough attractive, educated, etc.) better don't hope too much that Japanmaxx is a real -maxx for you.

 By the way, it's related to the inceldom and incels. I want to hear more opinions and then I'll add the concrete points (inceldom and incels related).


Good luck VS Effort

  Just a quick quote (from a bitcoin lottery results):

 There were in total 78490814 tickets.
 A person with 105 tickets won the first prize of 0.04691137 BTC. His/her chance was just around 1:747532. Another person with much more tickets (1200428 tickets) won the tenth prize of only 0.00009162 BTC. His/her chance was around 1:65.
 So, as you may see, when it comes to lotteries, the luck matters and the effort matters too. In this case "good luck > effort". There are also people who got more money with more efforts than those with less efforts (for example the fifth prize belongs to somebody with 11682 tickets and the ninth prize belongs to somebody with only 30 tickets), so as you can see -- in this example, "effort > good luck".
 Some more thoughts:
 Luck (the good luck) isn't available all the time. Effort, on the other hand, is totally available, and it usually is, all the time. Also, we should know that, the effort has more motivating power to push you to succeed. In the lottery it's not always true that "Luck is when opportunity meets preparation." (well, there also, the winner should do some preparation, at least to obtain 1 ticket/combination/etc.) but the human life isn't as simple as lottery. In our lives the luck is a great factor but also there are others like talents and efforts.


Трейдване с празни бутилки, кенове и още

 Е, днес осъществихме по-познатия, по-банален трейдинг - основно с празни пластмасови бутилки (от минерална вода и безалкохолни напитки) и празни алуминиеви кенове, но имаше и още нещо. Това бяха няколко по-различни обекта, също на пластмасова основа (като бутилките), но все пак - различни, което и си струва да се отбележи заради трейдърството тук, в блога (който, както винаги отбелязвам, си е уникален такъв). Говоря за празна пластмасова туба, пластмасова бутилка от веро, няколко стари калъфи за мобилини телефони (калъфа за мобилни телефони), и един малък пластмасов капак.
 Та, този, основно, пластмасов трейдинг (трейдване с пластмаса) ни донесе почти 70 цента (69 щатски цента, за да сме максимално коректни, по курса за деня). С тях закупихме малко царевица. Търговия с царевица си е това. ;D
 Както виждате, трейдърският блог върви добре, а и трейдърството (в личен план) също не замира. :) Помагаме, доколкото можем, за/на екологията, икономиката и физическата (полуспортна) активност по този начин. (Ако последното изречение някой не го е разбрал, моля да пише, да попита и ще обясня с радост! :) )


Трейдване с водопроводни тръби

  Имаше в магазина и останали (от ремонти) малко водопроводни тръби (три на брой). Бяха трейднати успешно на стойност почти 10 щатски цента. С тези пари, за сравнение, може да се купят няколко корнишона или пък едно кокоше яйце (защо уточняваме, че е кокоше ли? Ами, защото патешките яйца, гъшите яйца, крокодилските яйца и други яйца са по-скъпи.) Търговия си е това, все пак. А щом е, независимо малка, средна или голяма, то трябва да се отбелязва в този уникален трейдърски блог. :D
 С това трейдване (на водопроводните тръби) приключваме по-уникалните трейдвания. Оттук насетне (включително и днес, за което ще стане дума в следващия пост), се очаква само по-познатото и банално вече за много от вас трейдване. ;D

Other languages / Трейдване с бидон за вода
« on: March 01, 2024, 12:39:07 AM »

Трейдване с бидон за вода

  Имаше в магазина бидон за вода. Останал отдавна, от предишни наематели. Та се извърши и трейдинг с него. Излезна около 5 щатски цента. Малко, но знаете... "Кой ти ги дава?"  ;D

Other topics / Not willing to upgrage
« on: February 29, 2024, 10:18:45 PM »

Upgrade? No, thanks!

 I am trying to convert a voice file to text for a topic here but it (a website) said "Upgrade to upload more files
You have reached your monthly limit. Please, upgrade to continue uploading files." Well, I am not willing to upgrade. Thanks! (Trying to save every cent recently.)

 For those who're already gymceling (trying to ascend via gym-maxx), it's not that important how and where they will do it. If you really want to improve your body, health, mood, etc. via sports, it can be done even without gym equipment -- all you need it to do all those basic exercises like push ups, sit ups, squats and so on. These plus some good walks, running and right diet are going to help you to achieve your better shape, better health, better looks, better mood...

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