Well maybe because the majority of blackpillers are not educated or smart enough, they firmly follow Eugenicism so that they think incels should not reproduce or even be prohibitted to reproduce(that's why I always laugh at them because of their extremenesses and lack of education or intelligence), but actually, well if you know about the fact that those inbred defected babies are born with defects because they are inbred, you can recognize how stupid it is to think reproducing as an incel is guilty.
They (not all of the blackpilled incels but many obviously) don't understand the so-called
genetic recombination (
Genetic recombination). To make it simple, for those who want to learn and to know, it's: "You can be an incel and, in case you become a noncel (somehow find a person to like you and to have kids together), you may have good-looking kids, even Chad-tier and Giga-Chad-tier ones!"
and "You can be a Chad but even you find a Stacy your kids may be normies or even incel-tier." Why is that so? Because there are many factors, influences, etc. (Like what? For example, the kid looks like his grandmother who was a femcel-tier or like his grand-grand father who was a solid Norman-tier.)
If, for some of you, it's still difficult to imagine (to get) it, think about some brothers or sisters of the very pretty stars. For example, take a look of at Britney Spears and her sister: https://www.google.com/search?client=opera&hs=0Oj&sca_esv=30ba42da69d2c19f&sxsrf=ACQVn09EAYWtPIKZcKQc0nDFIS0AhR3vRQ:1707142178232&q=britney+spears+and+sister&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwik-_SYsJSEAxWloGMGHaTuAw8Q0pQJegQIDRAB&biw=1400&bih=759&dpr=1 or Brad Pitt and his brother: https://www.google.com/search?q=brad+pitt+and+brother&client=opera&sca_esv=30ba42da69d2c19f&bih=759&biw=1400&hl=en&sxsrf=ACQVn09e6X3fLpMakbbzTJWdnqwACTJqKg%3A1707142460401&ei=PO3AZcf8F46WseMPn9aCoA4&oq=Brad+Pitt+and+bro&gs_lp=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&sclient=gws-wiz-serpWhy does inbreeding result in defected babies? Because the similarity of genes is too high!
Something that even in the primary schools students know (in different countries around the world.)
as an anti-natalist, I even oppose fertilization generally partly because it is immoral——because you let a baby be born without his or her permission which can't be attained of course

I'm a child-free and I do understand when people would like to avoid troubles for themselves (like you're poor and you don't want to born a baby, because you don't want to multiply the poverty and to create another suffering person) but
antinatalism (
views that are critical of reproduction) is really anti-human (I mean, it leads to an end of the humans. I am not saying that the humans are very precious but also I am not saying that the humans aren't precious. We're trying to safe even some kind of little animal that can't even dream of having our IQ... how/why you want to end up the only high-IQ species to die forever?

... /If it's again some religious argumentation, then, better don't tell me because I avoid wasting time with imaginary and unproven things like myths, religions and fairy tales. (No offence, just saying.)/)
Next, yes, I do agree that prohibiting such a large group of people (like the incels, which, in number of the truecels are probably around 15% of the entire population) to reproduce will cause the genes of the people who reproduce to be more and more similar.
About the variety is put on so high pedestal by the west... It's not only the West. You see, when there was a more normal (compared to the neo-emperor Xi) leader in China, there was a thing like ''Let a hundred flowers blossom, let a hundred schools of thought contend.'' (In Chinese languages -- "

)... As you see, not just a Western thing... freedom-related thing, liberalism-related, real socialism-related...
The example with the company is very good! That's right!!! If you limit the bald ones, the black ones, etc., at the end, you'll self-limit (self-minn) your chances to find good professionalists. (And, for the record, not every bald man is a baldcel. Great bald stars like: Kurt Angle, The Rock /Dwayne Johnson/, Bruce Willis, etc., or some Chinese like Ge You /葛优/ are NOT incels at all.
I am sure you make the difference but I am just mentioning it to all those young and/or low-IQed incels who're reading it, just in case, to tell them that balding =/= baldcel; being bald doesn't make you automatically an incel/baldcel.)
About "of course it's more interesting to live in a place where people are various..." it
really depends on what kind of variations are there. For example, if there are many criminals, bullies, cheaters, etc., well, in one moment, you may even start to miss the dictatorships where "Oh, god, at least I was save on the street!" Really depends. Not every variation (difference) is beneficial to you/society... One of the reason many people in the western countries to miss the previous dictatorships (and even to admire the Xi's neofeudal China) is because there the safety is a bit more developed (more CCTVs, more policemen on the street, more censorship, etc.) but, of course, they ignore other safety aspects (like you say you're against the neo-emperor/the dictator = you're a "people's enemy" or some similar absurd)...
I really appreciate the west society's being highly open, as opposed to the Chinese society, which discriminates people with bad traits extremely a lot, contributing to my hatred of it.
Depends on which western society and also, don't ignore the big groups in the West who may discriminate you badly: for example, a group of extremist vegans, or neonazis, or extremist feminists may cause you much more problems than some Chinese society who hates you because you dislike the neo-empire's order and you're a "foreign spy". I'm trying to be objective. You're idealizing the West from the very beginning (since we met online for the first time). Yes, currently, most of the Western (and even non-Western societies, including "communist" states like Vietnam, Laos and Cuba) are freer than Xina (Xi's China) but it doesn't make them an ideal country/society.
About the memes... it's the same everywhere. Of course, you can't know it, but for example, in Bulgaria there are memes about people from a certain town which makes others to think that everyone there is tough, brutal, not very educated, likes to fight, loves cars and so on. It's about Pernik (take a look:
Nowadays you can even see memes disrespecting the south Chinese people in height
Stupid. Heightism. Sad discrimination.
disrespecting Henanese because the crime rate there is very high
Not in fair for the good Henanese but obviously (according to many Chinese, foreign and my own experience) there are many, many dishonest, rude and bad people. An example:
A female landlord from Henan refused to give us back the deposit!
disrespecting the students studying in a community college
Can you provide some examples?
I'd say China deserves the current worldwide lowest fertility rate, the highest ratio of people contemplating on immigration and the highest suicide rate.
So cruel to the Chinese people? Why?!

1. Lowest fertility rate (I don't think it's the lowest but it's another question) means less Chinese. What's the difference if there are more or less Chinese? Aren't we, all nationalities, equal and the nationality is not a reason to be treated differently?
2. The immigration -- okay, it's reasonable (once you have an unchangeable dictator of a neo-emperor type) but... it is what Xi deserves not what "China" deserves.
Thinking about it, is there "a China" now? It's just "a Xina". Taiwan, for example, is more "a China", even Singapore is something like "a China" than the so-called "PRC" which is already a possession of one person. 3. Suicidal rate and China deserves it?!

You mean that it's okay Chinese to kill themselves because someone or something deserves it?! Come on, it sounds (looks) more inhumane than all Xi's semi-genocidal politics now!
We can (and if we value Chinese and China, we should be) anti-Xi, but why you're anti-China and anti-Chinese in this way? (Maybe you're not but saying that "China" deserves troubles because of one person or because of some % of Chinese haters, isn't right at all)...
To make it more clear (to you, to us, to all of the people in China and in the rest of the world) think what is really the content of the word "China" at the present time. Isn't it just a possession of a single person? Then what "China" (= Xina) deserves isn't it what the owner (Xi) deserves? And then? Why the good Chinese to die?
And sorry if it's too personal, but... why if you do support the Chinese immigration, low fertility rate, high suicidal rate, etc., you still plan to stay in China, to search for a woman from China, to live in China, to develop your business in China?...)