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Other languages / ВИЦ "Не си това, което търся!"
« on: January 12, 2024, 01:40:20 AM »

Красива си, но не си това, което търся!

- Красива си, но не си това, което търся!
- А ти какво търсиш?!
- Зимни гуми.

;D ;D ;D

 Most of the Cambodians (males or females) are good to us, so far, and we like them but this one isn't an ordinary one. From the moment when started to mention in our chats things like "black money" and how he wants to be a criminal like the Chinese criminals and how he hates the police I started to think that he isn't a very good one. After he broke his promise to return (pay back) his loan and already 2+ months doesn't, well I am nearly 100% sure that he is not a good one. I should post our chats here to show you how many excuses (some of them even up to the level that he is accusing (blaming) us for his faults; something like false accusations). Terrible, really!

 A clarification: stupid = to think there are human and subhuman in Homo Sapiens and being racist.

Because for some males and females this kind of boys, without beard, with faces that are between kid and aunt, look very feminine, not "true man". They prefer men like Silvester Stallone, John Cena, Will Smith, etc. This boy looks like a transgender, a gay, a person with hormonal issues, or just a kid to them. Do you understand, he has not enough secondary sex characteristics: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secondary_sex_characteristic

 Do you understand? He looks more female than male to them thus the will rate him low, as a male. Even some younger girls still will pick up some normie with more facial hair, muscles, etc., not him. And I am not talking about the racists at all. Oh, if they are black or white racists this boy will be just a 0/10 to them... Imagine some Nazi aesthetic view, where the best looking is the Nordic type (tall, blonde, blue eyes, strong...the typical Chad Thundercock), so how that aesthetics will rate this boy in question? Of course like a "subhuman"... Many of the stupid incels also use this type of thinking...

 When I was younger I learned a lot about the Buddhism. I had books about Buddha (the prince), about the Tibetan Buddhism about the Japanese Zen, etc. Later in the University I learned about Buddhism in two courses (the Easthern Philosophy and the religious one). I was a Buddhist for many years. So this "path" is already a past for me. I dislike the mindset which is usually like "Well, it's Karma, be good and in the next life, everything will be alright." It's, like every religion, just like opium. You may feel better, you may imagine you're better and you may avoid many conflicts but... at the end of the day, you should be a realistic person who is science and fact oriented not who is "sleeping" in dogmas. Maybe for some actor or a businessman becoming a Buddhist is alright but for me? The Philosopher-anthropologist (Master's degree) + writer and poet + a sportsman + a sort of webmaster + a sort of businessman (just the beginning but trying)... to start believing again in this... and to apply its passive philosophy, no... I do prefer the active and reality oriented philosophies like the Dialectics... If I want to be just relaxed and calm, thinking that everything is Karma and stuff, I better to be dead. It's not what I need and not what I dream of.

 In Europe, in the biggest South-Eastern University the major Philosophy included Logic, Aesthetics, Political philosophy, Eastern philosophy, etc. You didn't know the Aesthetics is a philosophical part?
 Check this, from the Chinese Wikipedia: "美学(英语:aesthetics),或依原意可译作感觉学,是以对美的本质及其意义的研究为主题的学科,乃哲学其中一个重要分支。" https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/美学 See? "an important branch of philosophy." The so-called "real aesthetics" is nothing but the part of the theoretical aesthetics, i. e. not that deep and not that complicated. Usually based on current trends (fashions).
 Think about it: why before there were fans of the Ruben's type females (comparable with the Tang dynasty's aesthetic when it comes about bodies and looks): , . Well? Aesthetics...

 The younger generations (influenced by anime, J-pop, K-pop, Q-pop and C-pop) may rate him even higher but many of the older ones may rate him as a "gay", "girly", "not true man", etc. Do you know that for some Westerners (and not only), even for the younger ones, the fact itself that he has no beard is already a very big minus for his acceptance as a male? (Beardless male, you know, for many in the past isn't a true man. Now there are also people who think/feel so.)
 Yes, there are those who will rate him 7/10 or 8/10... but trust me, there are those who'll rate him 2/10. One thing is sure, he's not an incel-tier (in many parts of the world) but somewhere he could be.
IQ =/= education, while actually I think education is way more important.
They influence each other. In a relationship. :)
  By the way, think what abilities, skills, etc. you should develop for your future wife (or girl-friend). I doubt she will value your experience about the looks of some South Korea (or Greek, Mexican, whoever). These quarrels are useless (from the point of view of your future).


"Моля те, рестартирай ми живота отново!"

Автор: Джисър Каралтай
  Чанко се беше родил този път като някаква малка животинка, насекомо... Май беше скакалец. С малкото мозък, който имаше му беше трудно да осъзнае какво точно е, пък още по-малко, и че е рестартиран, но като цяло, си имаше някаква обща представа за нещата. Насочи се към сочна тревичка, сред която имаше жълти глухарчета и тъкмо да почне да ѝ се наслаждава (а и да си мисли, че не е толкова лошо да си насекомо, от гледна точка на безгрижието, в сравнение с това да си човек и да имаш десетки грижи ежедневно), когато гладна птица го грабна с клюна си! "Край!" помисли си Чанко и наистина умря още преди да беше погълнат.
 - Добре дошъл; добре заварил! - поздрави го по странен начин съществото, което този път си беше сменило цвета на виолетов.
 - Какво му е доброто?! Виж колко бързо умрях? - каза с горчивина Чанко.
 - Ама ти да не се оплакваш нещо?! - избухна съществото! Върти колелото!
 Чанко врътна пак и този път се беше преродил на многодетна майка! Не само това, но и в бедно семейство! Взеха да го дърпат някои от децата, а бебе плачеше в ръцете му! Имаше и дете в тийнейджърска възраст, което пък нещо се обясняваше защо преди малко било на разпит в полицията заради незаконно притежание на марихуана! Чанко нямаше време да осъзнае напълно стреса в тази обстановка, защото получи инсулт и скоро умря поради липса на спешна помощ на онова място.
 Завърнал се при съществото, което вече си беше съвсем черно и директно му викна "Върти!" Чанко се реши на стъпка, която беше "ва банк" (всичко или нищо): скокна бързо към съществото, хвана го, завлачи го до колелото и му сложи ръката на колелото то да върти! То да се рестартира някъде като нещо! Ами сега?! Какво ли можеше да излезне от тази решителна и неочаквана стъпка?
Произведението е със запазени права - не го използвайте за комерсиални цели и не го променяйте. Може да го копирате свободно при същите условия - да не е за пари и да не се променя (и с линк към първоизточника). Това произведение е със следния лиценз Creative Commons Признание-Некомерсиално-Без производни 2.5 България License

 Ще има продължение, след известен застой, породен от неочакваните проблеми в личния и световен план.

I learned aesthetics in university. It is a philosophy's part. Our professor cited a clever man who said: the pretty or beautiful is: white, smooth, small, light (not heavy), right? Well then, the ideal is an egg! 🥚
 What constitutes an expert when it comes to the faces? You can be an expert who states that Mona Lisa is the best but when most of the modern men do not like her, this aesthetic criterion is becoming useless. There is not expertise when it comes to tastes. If you think a girl is ugly but the experts rate her "ptetty" it's not making her really pretty to you. The aesthetics world is generally freedom of choice. The key is to know what tastes dominate right now and to try to become something like that (for example if you live amongst tribal people who like fat belly, you can afford a beer belly.)

 He wants to donate it to his lover so I can't inherit it.
 About China, once there is an incapable, crazy and shortsighted neomonarch, the predictions can't be optimistic.
 About the religions, usually people only spend time and money for them (the monks, the owners, pastors, etc) and waste the opportunity to spend this time and money for something better like sports, doing business, learning real knowledge (science, not myths). As a science oriented philosopher I do not follow any religious cults, myths, sects, etc.

 Ами това е положението! Аз търпях, търпях, опитвах да съм човечен, разбран, съчувстващ, подкрепящ, но... насреща само лъжи, грубости, неприятни изненади (някои очаквани "изненади", все пак). Нека поне цяла Бяла и всички да знаят какво точно се случва и поне един човек да ме съжали, а и поне един човек да се навие да ми стане наследник (като реципрочна мярка срещу неговото адски неприемливо поведение)! Много мотиви мога да изброя, но тези са главните и водещите ме.

 Oh, thank you very much for the answer, but let me first clarify some points. :)

 1. About the "guilty" for getting fever it was a little quarrel at home with a Chinese female person who sometimes lacks of empathy. It was a short time fever, probably I caught a cold virus (some rhinovirus) from a tourist who was from some northern country. In SEA the things like flu, fever, cold, etc. aren't a big problem.
 2. The situation with my father's decision really sucks because even I'm not the poorest now, it was in fair I to inherit my father's property not a person who is even not our relative; my father lied to me that I will get it, I even started to make some plans to start some book business or scientific one but... all I can do now is to think of boring food businesses...
 3. Most of the people in SEA, including the Cambodians, are okay, even very friendly and polite (generally) but my bad luck... I just met an irresponsible, having problems with the alcohol, one (I didn't know it at the beginning) who was in charge of my new little business and I decided to lend him $100+ but... now still searching a normal way to deal with his debt. He is avoiding me recently but I keep searching him and trying to get back my money or at least some product that he can give me for this sum (like ads, for instance)... I hate to give money for nothing. Who likes it?
 4. Yes, here I have some problems (like difficulties with finding a good house to rent, especially in the town where we're now or too much dust on the streets) but here is way better than in Xi's China (what I call "Xina"):
 a) Free internet (you can access without restrictions Wikipedia, YouTube, Facebook, Reddit, etc.)
 b) Easy to find legal job (work visas). Easy to start own business.
 c) Cheaper (most of the prices are low or affordable).
 d) Here you can see/meet so many nationalists and brainwashed people; no incompetent leader like the neo-emperor (dictator/autocrat) Xi in the neo-feudal China.
 e) No cold winters. Even in January it's between 20-30 degrees C. No typhoons (or tornadoes), no volcanoes, no earthquakes. Pretty nature.
 f) Easier to find a girlfriend and/or wife (if you're not very, very poor).
 g) More stable economy, politics and better relationships with the neighbors (almost no chances for wars, peaceful government.)
 Yes, I was one of those who predicted that you'll minn yourself in the West and even in Shanghai you'll have more chances to attract a girl... but, at least, don't forget that being in the neo-feudal China now isn't safe (and isn't a pleasure too) -- you may be arrested just because you criticize the neo-emperor (autocrat), you can be mobilized to fight against your brothers and sisters in Taiwan or against some similar, related Asian people (like these in the Philippines), you are just a Nobody there. Respect your freedom and dignity. Chinese don't deserve to be voiceless and rightless (deprived of rights) but that stupid and abnormal criminal made them exactly like that!


На Ивановден до Иван Георгиев Русев от Бяла Русенско

  1. Преди години се оплакваше, че не съм честитил празници (за мен рождени и имени дни никога не са били поводи за радост, особено през последните години в Китай, където изстрадах повече от опитно животно!), но понеже ти се чувстваш така уважен, аз почнах да честитя. Сега честитя (заедно с други хора) рожден ден - никаква реакция. Честитят ти имен ден, пак никаква реакция.

 Още - 2. преди години недоволстваше, че те карам да обърнеш внимание на килограмите, да спортуваш, да избягваш алкохола и да страниш от тютюневия дим. Убихте се да ме критикувате, че ти се "меся", че не било моя работа. Сега, след като получи сърдечни проблеми и видя, че се оказах прав, че е имало за какво да се притеснявам какво стана?
 3. Взе да говориш, че били много скъпи операциите, лекарствата (а навремето като ти виках да работим заедно в интернет, а не да пълниш безплатно Фейсбука, ти каза "Аз не искам да ставам милионер!") Пак се оказах прав, че ще опре до пари и има за какво да се притеснявам и какво стана?

 Накрая ето какво стана - 4. казваше, че няма да ме подведеш или излъжеш за апартамента си (който го купи на твое име с пари, които беше изкарала и покойната ми майка Надежда Русева в Либия), пишеше да съм спокоен, а сега искаш да го завещаваш на онази жена (че те гледала, А НЕ ИСКАШ ДА ДОЙДЕШ АЗ ДА ТЕ ГЛЕДАМ) и... разбира се, пак аз съм виновен, че не съм щастлив от това (даже излизам "неблагодарник" и какво ли не), нали?
 Сериозно предлагам: понеже не знам колко ще живея и дали няма да умра преди баща си (с всичкия този стрес, притеснения, обидно отношение и неспазване на обещания), искам да завещая ВСИЧКО, което имам на някой човек, който има желание. Който и да е, от Бяла или не. Просто не искам щом баща ми ме лишава от наследство, в случай че си умра преди него, той да вземе всичко и да отиде съответно то при онази жена! Една стотинка не искам да получават от мен! Всеки, който иска да ми стане наследник, да се свърже с мен, да напиша завещание!

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