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Other languages / Re: Трейдърски блог
« on: December 26, 2023, 06:14:57 AM »
Е, ами то че си имаше имаше си. Даже и сега продължаваме но в друга държава и в случая е малко по-ограничено, в малко по-големи интервали от време. Ставаше основно няколко пъти, а конкретно ще съобщя в някои последващи дни, живот и здраве.

My will...
All you all know me from before as a very happy person, positive supporting and funny person as well who is always ready to help you, every time ready to play with you, to study with you, to teach you and to do some sports with you. And there were people who will always understand me but now I have to feel guilty even because I got a little fever. There is no one who is going to understand me, to hug me, to say some sweet words or, at least to say, "I'm sorry", "Thank you" and so on. Only coldness, lack of support, feeling like a frozen heart, no empathy, no anything like "I know how you feel",... nothing like this. No matter how I suffer there isn't this one who will give me a little warmth, a little sympathy. And that's why often, I want to lay down, to fall asleep and never wake up again. I hope this little dream of mine can come true because I can't enjoy this life at all. Please, if you want to receive my will let me know I will give everything to anybody, but not my father.

 In a neo-feudal and neo-empire (with a neo-emperor) state, it's "normal" the social medias to be highly influenced by the "ideas" of the neo-emperor (Xi). Nothing to be surprised of. It's even a miracle that there are some social medias in there because soon it may become (and it is already becoming) to be like in North Korea (the 100% neo-monarchy or just a monarchy with their Kim dynasty).
 The Western medias aren't a paradise but you're (sort of) freer there. They have got different echo chambers (or as some people call them "information balloons"), in Chinese -- "回声室效应" and this isn't good too (a fresh example are all those Black pill communities, where nothing else is accepted and everything is "It's over!" and "Incel once = incel forever", "100% genetics", etc.)
 And now, when in China (due to the poor management and the abnormal thinking of the absolutist Xi) more and more people are getting poorer, jobless, less informed and so on, how long do you think there will be these high standards and expectations like the mentioned in your first post "Harvard", " $ 10000000", etc.? You may think about it. :)

Other languages / "Редактирам" вместо "едитвам"
« on: December 24, 2023, 09:27:50 PM »

Не "едитвам", а "редактирам"

 Както вече писах в поста за едитването, на български (литературен, книжовен, правилен) език се казва "редактирам".
 Ето и традиционните думи, с които може да се заменят чуждиците идващи от английското edit (което се произнася като /ˈedɪt/):
 Едитвам - редактирам. (Да) едитна - (да) редактирам. Едитваш - редактираш. Едитва - редактира. Едитваме - редактираме. Едитвате - редактирате. Едитват - редактират. Едитнах - редактирах. Едитна - редактира. Едитнахме - редактирахме. Едитнахте - редактирахте. Едитнаха - редактираха.
 Други форми: Едитнато - редактирано. Едитнати - редактирани. Неедитнато - нередактирано. Неедитнати - нередактирани. Едит (едитване) - редакция; редактиране. Без едит - без редакция; без редактиране. Едитвания - редактирания; редакции. Едитванки - редакцийки.
 Толкова по темата. :)

Other languages / "Едитнатно" (редактирано)
« on: December 24, 2023, 08:39:02 PM »
 Реших да го "едитна", както се казва от някои повлияни от английския език или, на по-правилен български език, да го редактирам. Имам предвид населеното място. Всякакви такива оплаквания не се знае дали са истински или са били написани с лош умисъл (да навредят на някой), а и дори да са истински, не са доказуеми лесно (особено пък от хора, като нас, които са далече). Затова нека си ги има, за историята, но без конкретните имена.

 Depends on the people but surely most of the people will say "face > body" and still, the body isn't something that we can ignore. Improving it, brings at least ~30% more success (or so). :)
 An analogy may be this: you have a shop and you are selling drinks. The drinks are giving you 70% of the income but you also may add some sandwiches, sushi or something else that isn't a drink but also may give you more income (for example, other 15%+). So, adding something useful (sports) is beneficial for your looks (overall). 8)

 Yes, lianxi (练习) and duanlian(锻炼) are different. Thanks for reminding/mentioning this. After I left China (because of the neoimperialism and neofeudalism of Xi) I do keep learning Chinese and I do keep to like the good Chinese people, so I was glad to see something Chinese (中文) again.
 About the jaw exercises and the neck exercises, I think it depends on what kind are they. I think that the good ones, combined with a healthy diet and real sports (running, swimming, fitness, bodybuilding,... you name it) may bring good results. As you know, the face is full of muscles and every muscle can be improved; the skin can be improved too. About the bones, well, this is sort of limited, but also depends (for example, the age of the person).
 Taken alone the mewing (in Chinese: 缪氏矫正法). It's useful for many people. Some fast results: https://www.google.com/search?q=mewing&client=opera&hs=xx4&sca_esv=592848921&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjirfKY8KCDAxW6-DgGHfuAAz0Q_AUoAXoECAIQAw&biw=1400&bih=759&dpr=1. More in the Chinese Wikipedia: https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-cn/繆氏矯正法.

 Of course. Even one of the most intelligent here, as we saw these days, doesn't believe that the sports makes a face better (lean, slim, better muscles, healthier skin, i. e. good looking one)... How all those less intelligent will realize that the sports are useful? It's easier to believe that the surgeries are "the only solution" and even the surgery is successful, later (because they're lazy to do sports) they will face more health problems like obesity (getting fat, which minns the effect of the surgery; most of the people dislike fatness), heart problems, weaker bones, bad looking body, etc.
 It's ridiculous, think about it:
Those incels' logic:

 1. I will do nose/mouth/eye job (surgery).
  2. I will never do sports.
   3. What can get wrong?

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

 Hey, even your face is a 10/10 (via surgeries), if you just eat, sleep, drink and walk somewhere, you'll (year by year) become an uglier (fatter and more ill and/or more old looking) person! The lack of sports is minning (-) you, the maxxing (+) of the surgery is not an "endless help". Even the surgery makes you a Chad-tier, when this "Chad" becomes more old and ill looking, more fat and more weak, where his attractiveness goes? He will be minned from 9/10 to a Norman (or worse) level (4/10, 3/10)... It's hard, sometimes, to make people understand even a simple thing like that.

believe that certain exercise can change their faces lol.

 It was very surprising (to me). Why not? Didn't you read my (I am that philosopher-anthropologist and incelologist) short articles about it? 
 1. Here: http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/social-network-seo-social-network/incel-incels-rincels-(incel-reddit-incels-reddit)-good-and-bad/msg40856/#msg40856,
 2. and here: http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/a-forum-for-incels-who-are-normal-people-no-terrorists-no-rapists-no-racists-no-pedophiles-no-haters-and-so-on/there-is-no-gym-for-your-face!-is-not-completely-true/msg45397/#msg45397 ("There is no gym for your face!" is not completely true").
 Why do you think that exercises can't improve your face? The lack of fat makes it better looking (slimmer face), the better skin makes it better looking (healthier look)... You may hate them (yes, many to most of them, are sort of retards or just still growing up and learning the life's truths and laws) but they're right (generally) about this one thing.
 (And yes, it's easier just to think "Why to hit the gym?! Why to make some efforts to improve my body, when I can pay thousands of dollars for nose job, face job?..." but why to lose your money, to risk your health?! It's wiser to rely on sports, which will save you more and health risks, and also, will improve your health, looks (body wise + a bit face wise)... )

 The majority are semicels. The may ascend if do the right maxxings and if they have some good luck to meet the right person in the right time.

Other languages / Re: Адска контрапродуктивност
« on: December 12, 2023, 04:56:19 PM »
 Важно уточнение, авторът вече не живее в Китай, защото е пострадал достатъчно от неофеодалния режим на автократа (неоимператор а) Си Дзинпин, който съсипва много животи на китайци и чужденци (некитайци) в Китай и по света.

 I think your nose looks good. And I am betting that many females do think the same. Don't ruin your naturally good looking nose. It's not a problem. Your height is a kind of problem (if you don't SEAmaxx or do another successful geomaxx.) and it is something you can compensate with gymmaxx, fashionmaxx, moneymaxx, edumaxx, skillsmaxx, artmaxx and, of course, the best ever (mentioned already) locationmaxx (aka geomaxx). :)

 There are many like him. But the points are more or less correct. The standards are too high in those megapolises.

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