Social network | SEO - Social network / fatpeoplehate voat
« on: August 03, 2015, 04:30:02 PM »Related to fatpeoplehat voat
About the subverse 'fatpeoplehate' (v/fatpeoplehate)
Some of the things I deleted there, because they've got downvoted by some of the haters from fatpeoplehate in Voat (/v/fatpeoplehate), but I will paste it here, because we have to know the truth:- As a free person I think I like to participate in many social networks. For me it's not here OR Reddit. It's here AND Reddit AND Pinterest AND Seo-forum-seo-luntan AND so on.

- The idea is Voat.co to become a place without hate speech and without rude behavior. Because these things disgust the normal users and these things will be a big problem in the future for receiving ads and money for the support of this website. (Do you think a normal man or woman is going to like being cursed, insulted and to read lies about him or her? And this is what are they doing in v/fatpeoplehate.)
- I dedicated my energy for the rest of the people here saying: "PEOPLE, avoid that v/fatpeoplehate, because it may cost you your CCP and your time!" (about the bans -- yes, I got it. No bans for insults, curses and 'your mother ... pigs'... it's all 'VERY LEGAL', according to the most of here...)
- I want people to know that /v/fatpeoplehate is a place where you may get insults and then, when you report the insulter, you will get more insults from the mods + ban. This is useful information, isn't it.
- They even have a rule for peace, but... who cares?!
- This is what received a person from a moderator (the main one) in /v/fatpeoplehate. The case reported to Atko and in Reddit (the link to Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Voat/comments/3fdtrl/the_terrible_and_unacceptable_insults_from_a/). I hoped it's for BAN, but... no.
- That Harry_Areola (I mean this voater, this user in Voat: https://voat.co/user/harry_areola/) plays dirty tricks like fake reports. The insults and curses -- no comment. Low quality man. (I saw that Harry_Areola is playing dirty game -- fake reports, cursing... it's just not the right thing.)
- Thanks for the answers here!