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Aww, so cute!  :-* :-*
Social network | SEO - Social network / 9777
« Last post by Alexa on Today at 07:42:27 AM »
Most Online Today: 9777. Most Online Ever: 9777 (Today at 07:36:42 AM)

9777!!! :o 8) :-*

We would be in top 200 000 if the ranking of Alexa Internet was still there.
 Разбира се. Иначе щяхме ли да губим толкова време с хора като психичноболния престъпник от Китай (Джанг Дзие от Шанхай), че да ги редактираме, трием, банваме и пр.?
 These days I will answer him as usual because now no time for his debilism, lies, insults, hallucinatory products, criminal speech and the rest of the insanity of the little ridiculous mentally destructed criminalcel Zhang Jie from Shanghai.
Even Zhang Jie from Shanghai (the crimecel and mentalcel who is producing hallucinations and lies with homosexual content, poisons and guns content about murders and other insanity that I deleted, edited and screenshoted for hours stared right away after saw them!) posted again because of our liberalism (we left him old account untouched to give him a very last chance to come here as a normal man but he finally and ultimately showed that he is a real psychocel+criminal incel.)

Now, he can register a new account and post at once as much as he wants? Yes, "for sure" and "of course", really "why not"?
Most Online Today: 9713. Most Online Ever: 9713 (Today at 05:47:22 AM)

9713!!! One of the best popular forums in the international internet history. 8) :-*
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« Last post by Alexa on Today at 05:49:11 AM »
Oppo's. To quote: "OPPO AI is coming".

Deleted some lies (hallucinations) of the psychocel and crimecel Zhang about MSL.

He is projecting his homosexual and pedophile ("young boys" to quote exactly; screenshot is available) hallucinations (and acts maybe? Who knows.) on MSL who is straight and who is not having interest in young people like Zhang who already showed with what ages he is communicating online and how homosexual/bisexual is he himself.

Don't forget he is a total liar, hallucinator, criminal who dreams and calls for death with poisons, guns, etc and his place is in the prisons and/or psychiatric hospitals.
As an abnormal, hallucinating and memory retarded person you surely forgot Desi's grandfather tragic story. At least she was good enough and honest to share it with you, right? And also, at the very least her grandfather was a hero. What about yours? Cowards who collaborated with the Japanese imperialism?

And if you think that the Nazis were terrible why do you support now the nazi regimes in Russia and in China? You are not only insane and criminal but also a shill.
It was another terrible nightmare hallucination of the insane crimecel Zhang Jie from Shanghai. Deleted but a screenshot taken.

The person is obviously psychotic, seeing things and situations that never existed and prone to violence related to poisons, guns and so on.
Do your best to avoid him and to report him.
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