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-------FREE ADS------- / Re: MBT Tataga Womens Shoes Brown Online Sale
« Last post by xaraw64270 on Yesterday at 12:27:48 AM »
Want to have a good time in Australia? Rocket Play makes gambling as enjoyable as possible with a variety of bonuses and promotions. New players can count on welcome offers that will help them quickly get used to the world of gambling. Regular players will also find many profitable offers and loyalty programs. Try your hand at roulette, slots, cards and experience all the delights of the bonus game.
We are all very glad that at last you met her after years of struggling to figure and her at least online.

I'm proud of her that she didn't forget you too.  8) :-*

"I am a big, big man in a big, big state. It's not a big, big thing if you leave me. But I do, do feel that I do, do will miss you much... Miss you much! Oh, yeah..."

(Just letting you know that it's a cover version with my lyrics. 8) :) For the best ever girl in the entire world 🌍 🌎.  8) :)🩷[ThumbsUp]!
Other languages / Re: Поезия от ГЕСЕР КУРУЛТАЕВ
« Last post by MSL on September 01, 2024, 06:21:54 AM »

Не мога и не искам да забравя

                   от Гесер Курултаев

Не мога и не искам да забравя аз твойте хубави очи.
Усмивката ти лъчезарна
е все във моите мечти.

Аз никога не ще престана да търся твойта добрина,
която ти ми даде повече от всички други на света.

Освен тъй приказно красива си също нежна и добра.
Приличаш ми на самодива,
но с много ангелска душа.

Изгубих те и търсих те с години
И много път аз извървях.
Оглеждах се където мина,
но никога не те видях.

Сега когато ме намери почувствах се по-силен във света.
И, честно казано, в сълзите си,
аз пак намирам радостта.

Да, знай, понякога ще плача от радост или от тъга,
Защото няма да си моя (или поне не си сега).

Но нищо, всичко е вълшебно,
Когато просто ти си с мен.
Не ми е нищичко потребно,
освен че искам те до мен.

Обичах те и те обичам
Аз повече от всеки по света.
И винаги съм те наричал
"Единствената в любовта".

(Посветено на Smoothie (君虹).)

 I follow this advice: 频繁记录幸福 因为没一帧都回不去。(Record happiness frequently because every frame can't be returned.)

The best romantic things for or from my One-it-is

  I mentioned her many, many times through all these years. I didn't meet her for more than 4 years and... a little miracle happened. She found me online! Unbelievable! It was one of my biggest dreams ever! Long Jun-Hong to find me and to be my friend, to do all what I can for her! I feel really happy and I would say -- the happiest ever! :) ☺️ 👍

 And now, let's begin with the good stuff.
 A melody (and a song) that I composed for her years ago. Enjoy:
The lyrics:
🎶 🎹🎹🎹🎹🎹🎶
You're a little angel-girl.
So polite and lovely.
Clever, pretty (like a pearl)
And acting kindly.

You're shining like a star.
As cute as a smiley.
You're bringing joy so far.
The best, oh, darling!

You're the best I've ever met.
You're the best, the Best I said.

Clever, pretty, lovely, gentle, nice, polite, amazing, tender.
Good and joyful, awesome angel. Yes, an angel; yes an angel.


:) :) :)

 And the melody:


 The singing is coming soon.☺️
-------FREE ADS------- / Re: hello!
« Last post by JuliaRoberts2814 on August 30, 2024, 06:25:11 AM »
No casinos and other gambling ads here!
Edit: admin.
Comment about the shill's words that you are over-hating Xi Jinping or something. I don't have the time to search his exact low IQism but it was clear that he was also pretending to be anti-Xi and after that he started to prize him and to accuse you of being too much anti-Xi. What a disgrace!
Other topics / paulrobinson03 -- banned
« Last post by Dimitroff on August 25, 2024, 04:38:19 AM »

paulrobinson03 -- the account is banned

paulrobinson03 -- banned (for second time spamming in the Health board). No spam! No links to drugs/medicines, etc!
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