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About the love and the respect

"Right. But being loveless affects your respect, self-respect and your whole love."

In respond to Lola's: "
If you want to be respected, you must first respect yourself. If you want to be appreciated, you must first appreciate yourself.If you want to be accepted, you must first accept yourself. Everything starts from you, and you begin from within.
Being Loved vs. Being RespectedBeing loved is subjective affection, arising from personal feelings and preferences. Respect, on the other hand, is rooted in inherent value and qualities, reflecting who you are on an objective level. For instance, bravery is a quality that is universally respected. 
In essence, respect gives you a profound sense of fulfillment, while love often brings temporary, or even shallow satisfaction. Respect is about admiring a spirit, whereas love is about feeling an emotion. While love can deepen with respect and admiration, love without respect is fragile and transient. Admittedly, the proper mixture of both is the highest state, however, in reality, when it comes to choosing in between, respect is what you must strive for. 
My adorable people, Let’s take these 3 steps to encounter Self-Respect.
1, Self-Observing You are not your thoughts, your emotions, your feelings, your impulses, your appetites, your desires, or your sensations. Instead, you are the observer of yourself., watching from above, as though you are a CCTV camera. 
Observe what you think, what you say, and what you do, without judgement. You can either practice formal medication or simply begin to observe yourself in the present moment. For me, I’ve never meditated, but I have formed a habit of literally paying attention to my way of thinking and acting from moment to moment. Becoming the observer of myself has been life-changing. It has completely shifted the way view myself and the world to a more objective and authentic perspective. 

I am within and without,

participating and spectating,

involved and detached,

engaged and distanced,

close and away,

a continuous, dynamic, ultimate dance in the duality of existence.

2, Self-Understanding

You can start reading, asking questions, journaling, practicing, and repeating. When you read others’ stories, you begin to understand yourself, because we are interconnected in a mysterious level. The more you understand yourself, the more you will understand others. By extension, you will naturally foster compassion towards others. You, the people around you, nature, and the universe are all in a perfect alignment.

Additionally, understanding yourself is deeply tied to moral virtue. When you know how to treat yourself right, you will naturally know how to treat others right. You don’t just want to be morally good, yet, you endeavor to constantly bring goodness to yourself and everyone you can reach.

“He who knows others is wise. He who knows himself is enlightened.” The truth is, these two are united as one, understanding others starts from knowing yourself and understanding yourself.

3, Self- Accepting and Self-Challenging

Don’t you want to become better at something and evolve as an individual? Anything you aspire to improve, please ask yourself why, specifically, ask:

Is this thing good for me?

Is it good for others?

Is it good for now?

Is it good for future?

These four measurements provide clarity and purpose. For example, considering going to the gym. Exercising is beneficial for your health, inspiring for others, empowering in the moment, and contributing to long term wellbeing.

Accepting who you are goes hand in hand with challenging who you can become. Personally, if I am not pushing myself enough, I can’t accept myself. One of the most beautiful aspects of being human is our ability to intentionally and consciously improve. We are potential works of art, waiting to be created and crafted. Life is a continuous journey of learning, exploring, experiencing, and creating.

“Being and Becoming” refers to living as the most authentic self while striving to become your most fulfilling self. To “Be yourself” is to embrace your true essence and evolving into the best version of you.

In summary, you build values, principles, and standards by observing, understanding, accepting, and challenging yourself. When you establish un unshakable inner self, the whole world will consequently acknowledge, appreciate, and respect you.

Always remember: everything starts from you and goes back to you. So take a moment today, whether walking in nature or sitting in stillness, to connect with your inner self. In doing so, you will find that the respect you seek from the the radiates from within.

Thank you for reading my thoughts:) "


Всички пълнолетни китайски мъже трябва да се регистрират в китайската армия от 2025 г.

   Новините днес: „Внимание! От 1 януари 2025 г. всички пълнолетни мъже трябва да се регистрират“ (注意!2025年1月1日正式开始,所有适龄男子都要登记).  Източник:  Baidu.

  Изглежда, че неоимператорът Си наистина планира някаква война (войни) срещу Тайван и/или Филипините и т.н. Няма да се изненадам, ако дори започне война срещу Русия (в случай че Путин започне да губи власт) или Индия.  Човекът не е нормален и не е умен. Обичам Китай и китайския народ, но този неофеодал наистина е опасен за китайския народ и за света.


All Chinese adult males should register in the Chinese army from 2025

  The news today: "Attention! Starting from January 1, 2025, all men of legal age must register" (注意!2025年1月1日正式开始,所有适龄男子都要登记). Source: Baidu.

 Looks like that the neo-emperor Xi is really planning some war (wars) against Taiwan and/or the Philippines, etc. I am not going to be surprised if he even starts a war against Russia (in case Putin starts to lose power) or India. The person is not normal and not clever as well. I do love China and the Chinese people but this person is really a thread for the Chinese people and for the world.



  Honestymaxx may be also honestyminn. Be careful! Here is the context of all this:

 In response to a friend from Kunming who said "The world is full of lonely people who dare not make the first move.":

"Yes, but it's a bit one-sided. Sometimes if you make this move it may ruin your friendship. Most of the people you like or love do NOT like or love you too. So, it's often risky."

 Honesty-maxx is okay only if you're already enough attractive (personality, body, capital, art, etc. wise). Otherwise you risk not just to be rejected but also to lose what you already had (like friendship, for example).

 Следва една моя политическа песен, тип "Ален мак", за феновете на... "Възраждане". Може пък да стане хит, кой знае?...



The best romantic things for or from my One-it-is

  I mentioned her many, many times through all these years. I didn't meet her for more than 4 years and... a little miracle happened. She found me online! Unbelievable! It was one of my biggest dreams ever! Long Jun-Hong to find me and to be my friend, to do all what I can for her! I feel really happy and I would say -- the happiest ever! :) ☺️ 👍

 And now, let's begin with the good stuff.
 A melody (and a song) that I composed for her years ago. Enjoy:
The lyrics:
🎶 🎹🎹🎹🎹🎹🎶
You're a little angel-girl.
So polite and lovely.
Clever, pretty (like a pearl)
And acting kindly.

You're shining like a star.
As cute as a smiley.
You're bringing joy so far.
The best, oh, darling!

You're the best I've ever met.
You're the best, the Best I said.

Clever, pretty, lovely, gentle, nice, polite, amazing, tender.
Good and joyful, awesome angel. Yes, an angel; yes an angel.


:) :) :)

 And the melody:


 The singing is coming soon.☺️

学习英语 / Perfection
« on: August 18, 2024, 01:54:42 AM »
刚才的:Word similar to deadbeat?
Learn why
What's the definition of deadbeat?
an idle, feckless, or disreputable person.
How is loafer similar?
The word loafer means a person who idles time away.
How is lager different?
The word lager means a kind of beer, effervescent and light in color and body.
Which image fits the word designer?
Learn why
What's the definition of designer?
a person who plans the form, look, or workings of something before its being made or built, typically by drawing it in detail.
For example: "he's one of the world's leading car designers"
Word similar to explore?
Learn why
What's the definition of explore?
travel in or through (an unfamiliar country or area) in order to learn about or familiarize oneself with it.
For example: "the best way to explore Iceland's northwest"
How is tour similar?
The word tour means make a tour of (an area).
For example: "he decided to tour France"
How is pour different?
The word pour means (especially of a liquid) flow rapidly in a steady stream.
For example: "water poured off the roof"
Word similar to file?
Learn why
What's the definition of file?
a line of people or things one behind another.
For example: "Plains Cree warriors riding in file down the slopes"
How is column similar?
The word column means one or more lines of people or vehicles moving in the same direction.
For example: "a column of tanks moved northwest"
How is colleague different?
The word colleague means a person with whom one works, especially in a profession or business.
Word similar to fear?
Learn why
What's the definition of fear?
be afraid of (someone or something) as likely to be dangerous, painful, or threatening.
For example: "he said he didn't care about life so why should he fear death?"
How is dread similar?
The word dread means anticipate with great apprehension or fear.
For example: "Jane was dreading the party"
How is spread different?
The word spread means open out (something) so as to extend its surface area, width, or length.
For example: "I spread a towel on the sand and sat down"
我的结果是:5/5. Perfection的。 8)

Philosophy / The mental health of Jesus
« on: August 12, 2024, 05:07:20 AM »

The mental health of Jesus

 Good article, indeed. I was thinking about it years ago too. It has to be debated and observed.
 A link to it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mental_health_of_Jesus

Social network | SEO - Social network / Trigger law
« on: August 05, 2024, 03:31:08 AM »

Trigger law

 About the Trigger law:



Oligophrenopedagogy (teaching and education of intellectually disabled)

To help the low IQcels

Oligophrenopedagogy[/b -- teaching and education of intellectually disabled.
Don't ignore the low-IQ (a.k.a. "slow") people! Do your best to help and educate them.
 In this case, it will be useful for the low IQcels (a.k.a. slowcels).
 Thanks for the good idea to one of the incels who is a bit slow (low IQ and EQ, debil level) who appreciated my "How to choose a good watemelon video" ( https://youtu.be/c0Wg3LvEyVE?si=Ck9mfJcQ195RuvMB ) and suggested videos about how to use a spoon, how to urinate in the toilet and how to seek for a job without any boss.
 And here we go: the spoon video is ready for him and for the people around his level.

Animals / A cat like a gepard or a leopard
« on: July 31, 2024, 06:35:08 AM »

Like a little gepard (or leopard)

Notice the pose of the gorgeous cat at the end of the video: like a little gepard (leopard or another big cat on some branch):


 Enjoy  :)!

 The stalker changed his attitude in YouTube too. There he stated to post his psychotic hateful and criminal posts. They were worthless to paste here, so I just reported him to the YouTube authorities for harassment, violence, etc. and later I may update for you what's going on.
 His YouTube profile is with a pro-Russian (Ruscist) military avatar. Another proof that he is a shill and in fact he admires the neo-emperors like Xi and Putin.
 Later you may see some screenshots too.

Philosophy / About the statement "Philosophers ruined the world"
« on: July 22, 2024, 04:12:14 PM »

Philosophers ruined the world?!

  There are people who dislike or hate the philosophy but moreover there are people who even think (or believe it without thinking) that "philosophers ruined the world"!
 This is what a person said in YouTube recently. I answered him: " @xavierhouston4650, only bad and pseudo-philosophers like the bloody neo-emperors as Xi and Putin. The good philosophers are usually powerless to be able to influence the world at that level."
 Another philosopher also disagreed with the statement.

Philosophy / About the "N word"
« on: July 18, 2024, 04:41:32 PM »

N word

  A short opinion of mine, posted already in another website:

 Some countries even use it in their names like Niger and Nigeria. In some foreign languages a similar word is used to call the Black race in this way BUT without any bad meaning (it's perceived as a neutral or even positive and exotic, up to beautiful meaning). More than that, people in those places sometimes think that calling you just "black", "yellow", "white" is disrespectful.
Just making it clear that the word isn't so terrible abroad. Best wishes to all good African and Afro-american people. 🖤🍀

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