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Messages - MSL

 Разбира се. Иначе щяхме ли да губим толкова време с хора като психичноболния престъпник от Китай (Джанг Дзие от Шанхай), че да ги редактираме, трием, банваме и пр.?

 These days I will answer him as usual because now no time for his debilism, lies, insults, hallucinatory products, criminal speech and the rest of the insanity of the little ridiculous mentally destructed criminalcel Zhang Jie from Shanghai.

Social network | SEO - Social network / 💯👍
« on: Today at 12:27:02 AM »
Doing great! 💯 👍

Social network | SEO - Social network / 9197
« on: Yesterday at 10:54:09 PM »


Most Online Today: 9197. Most Online Ever: 9197 (Today at 10:34:06 PM)

9197!!!  8) :)👍🍀

Other topics / About a cloaked URL
« on: Yesterday at 09:33:12 PM »

Cloaked URL

Cloaked URL... I had to explain that a CNN news URL is not a cloaked one. Not a cloaked URL because it leads directly to the news.
 More: link cloaking, also known as "URL masking," is the practice of hiding a destination website's URL by redirecting it to another webpage.

 And the newest record is here!!!

Most Online Today: 9107. Most Online Ever: 9107 (Today at 08:10:55 PM)
9107!!! 8)

 Even more already :)!!!

Most Online Today: 9064. Most Online Ever: 9064 (Today at 07:00:03 PM)

9064. 8)

Other languages / Re: Трейдърски блог
« on: Yesterday at 06:46:00 PM »
 Окъснях защото трябваше да свърша няколко други неща, та и днес остана безтрейдингово положението. Но, здраве да е!

Other languages / Re: Трейдърски блог
« on: Yesterday at 05:06:49 PM »
 Ами обичам да трейдвам. :D Днес ще опитам вероятно пак.

 Да. Оптимизирахме каквото можахме. Отговорихме с "Thank you for the answer! Alright, all we can do is to put only 10 ads on a page and enlarge the space between. The rest, we keep strictly the rules and ban the abusers so hopefully will be alright."

 Трябва си строгост и стриктно спазване на правилата, че иначе виждате какво става.

Other languages / Картон основно се трейдна
« on: July 25, 2024, 05:50:51 PM »
 И отново, основно, трейднах с картон (кашон, кашончета, кутии от индонезийски млека, рекламни материали). Изкарах колкото за хляб и половина.  :) Лесни и честни приходи. :) 8)

 И копие от този чат с любезната Мари, която ни насочи правилно:

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to me
1 hour agoDetails
Thanks for contacting support.
You can find a copy of the conversation you requested below.

Chat transcript for case: 4-9904000037145
Jul 25, 1:06 AM (Pacific Time)

1:06:41 AM Mari: Mari joined the conversation
1:06:41 AM M G: M G joined the conversation
1:06:44 AM Mari: Hi my name is Mari, how are you doing today?
1:07:45 AM Mari: Hi, are you still there?
1:07:52 AM M G: Hello! Our AdSense code is not working these days. Stopped to show income + almost no tracking the visitors, countries, etc.
1:09:09 AM Mari: Hi! I hope you are doing well.
1:09:10 AM M G: Screenshot_2024-07-25-15-08-21-78_40deb401b9ffe8e1df2f1cc5ba480b12.jpg
1:09:27 AM M G: Thank you. Here is it.
1:10:37 AM Mari: No worries, and thanks for the screenshot!
1:10:56 AM M G: 😊👍
1:11:10 AM Mari: I'm happy to check this one, it's just that I'm not able to read through the text. If you don't mind, are you have to provide a translated one?
1:11:36 AM M G: I will try.
1:12:07 AM Mari: Thank you so much!
1:13:54 AM M G: Ready.
1:14:11 AM M G: Screenshot_2024-07-25-15-13-33-37_40deb401b9ffe8e1df2f1cc5ba480b12.jpg
1:14:55 AM Mari: Thank you!
1:16:07 AM M G: These days show almost nothing. Usually it was 0.04 euros, thousands of impressions, etc. The traffic these days is even more but the code isn't tracking... We changed it with a new one and still this result.
1:16:35 AM Mari: It can be concerning when the page on your AdSense account isn't showing the data or details that it is supposed to be displaying. Let me check this for you.
1:17:11 AM M G: Yes. Alright.🙂😇
1:18:33 AM Mari: It appears that you are concerned with the AdSense account for websites.
1:18:57 AM M G: Yes.
1:19:32 AM Mari: I would like to help you further, it's just that our scope is within YouTube related concerns.
1:19:55 AM Mari: You may try reaching out directly to Google AdSense team for them to check this further.
1:20:11 AM Mari: Here's the link where you can contact them: https://support.google.com/adsense/gethelp?sjid=17709574060827705171-AP
1:20:13 AM M G: The YouTube's is working well as usual.
1:20:35 AM M G: Okay, thank you! 🙏😊
1:21:01 AM Mari: I'm glad that it's working for your channel! Since it's website related, I hope they can troubleshoot this for you! 🙂
1:21:05 AM Mari: For the meantime, is there anything else that I can assist you with?
1:21:37 AM M G: That's all. Thank you for the right link!
1:21:44 AM Mari: No worries!
1:21:50 AM Mari: Thank you for contacting us. Have a great day, and stay safe!
1:22:07 AM Mari: Mari left the conversation
1:22:07 AM Mari: Thanks for contacting YouTube. Have a great day.
1:22:07 AM Mari: Mari ended the conversation"

 И това, за справка, ако се наложи: The form has been submitted to AdSense Support. For your reference, your support ticket ID is 7-7386000036965.

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