Psychology / Rejection #55
« on: June 13, 2023, 05:43:57 AM »Rejection #55
This one was a typical "hitting the wall" 5/10 female. She has a small clothes shop. At the beginning showed some interest but later, when she found out that I'm not money haver she just ghosted me for a long time. I tried to connect with her but the ghosting was solid. And one day I decided to tell her that I am already rich. (Won the lottery or something, I don't remember. Just a social experiment to see if she is going to un-ghost me. And she did!) Later (just a short time after the un-ghosing) she said to invite her and her close female friends to have some fun in an expensive KTV (karaoke bar) in the center of the city. I decided not to and the re-ghosting came soon. And then I had some last tries but she never answered. Probably because she decided that I am not stupid enough orand not generous enough for her.
She was nicknamed "阳光百合" ("上善若水,厚德载物!!!")
7:20:00 PM
7:20:13 PM
(phone call attempt)
7:20:16 PM
2:34:37 PM
(a pic)
8:34:26 AM
(Happy b-day e-card.)
11:26:05 PM
美女,外国哥哥想你了。 "
Ghosted, un-ghosted and then re-ghosted again. She just wanted some generous and stupid enough (to follow all what she say) according to what she showed me.