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Messages - Incel

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It started!

Are you an incel?
What is your country of residence?
United Kingdom
United States
I understand the sensitive and potentially distressing nature of the questions in the questionnaire.

Good so far. It leads to the second PM's link (webpage) which is https://swanseachhs.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cHkwbiTtgaA3m6i

It shows this message (text):
Thank you for your interest in the study. Before we send you the link, we want to make sure that you meet the study criteria and are aware of its content.

This screening survey is not connected to the main survey. Any answers you give here cannot be connected to the main questionnaire.

The study contains some sensitive questions which might make you feel distressed. In addition to personality measures, we will ask you about your sexual history, thoughts about rape myths, attitudes towards women, political beliefs, and thoughts on incel-related violence.

It is important that you feel comfortable answering questions like this before agreeing to participate in the study. If you still wish to participate, then please answer the following questions.
What is your date of birth? (mm/dd/yyyy)

I'll answer it honestly, 100%. I want to cooperate with the science!

Starting with the first PM's link...
Yep, there is a " Participate
Get paid to participate in our research into involuntary celibacy - click here. " at the bottom. Clicking it...


Paid Survey for Incels?

A paid survey for incels? Interesting. I am reading some (PMs) about it now. I'll quote them for you and I'll give it a try and inform you here step by step.

PM 1

The 1-st PM is:

Incel Paid Study ($20)
Hey Poorbaldshortcel,

If you're interested in participating in a paid study about incels you can do so here: https://psy.swansea.ac.uk/SISNET/

You will need to scroll down to the bottom of the page to click on a link for the survey.

The Swansea University Research on the Incel Community (SURIC) is a piece of research aimed at conducting empirical research to better understand the dynamics of the incel (involuntary celibate) community, and individuals who identify as incel.

Their Mission Statement:

We are aware that members of the incel community are often skeptical about academic research and the agenda/motive of the research team. In an effort to be open about our position, we have the following "mission statement". As a research team we commit to:

Base psychological findings around direct engagement with the incel community and individuals rather than linguistic analyses of internet posts

Investigate incel beliefs and behaviour without sensationalising or demonising them.

Not judge the entire community, or all incels, by the actions, behaviors, or views of the most extreme minority of incels

Base our findings on the biggest sample of incel participants of any study

Base our findings on a broader representation of the incel community including multiple definitions of incel identity (e.g., forum users and non-forum users, or people who only identify with the life circumstance).

Use a data driven approach to investiate potential avenues for understanding incel beliefs and behaviour and to help address the problems associated with such beliefs and behaviour.

PM 2

The 2-nd PM  is:
Paid Survey Update (Payment Optional) ($20)
Hey Poorbaldshortcel,

I promoted a survey about a week or 2 ago and many of you expressed privacy concerns when it came to payment.

Participants can still choose to get paid anonymously to participate (but will need to provide details to a 3rd party payment website) or choose to have the $20 donated to Movember without giving details.

The Swansea University Research on the Incel Community (SURIC) is a piece of research aimed at conducting empirical research to better understand the dynamics of the incel (involuntary celibate) community, and individuals who identify as incel.

Their Mission Statement:

We are aware that members of the incel community are often skeptical about academic research and the agenda/motive of the research team. In an effort to be open about our position, we have the following "mission statement". As a research team we commit to:

Base psychological findings around direct engagement with the incel community and individuals rather than linguistic analyses of internet posts

Investigate incel beliefs and behaviour without sensationalising or demonising them.

Not judge the entire community, or all incels, by the actions, behaviors, or views of the most extreme minority of incels

Base our findings on the biggest sample of incel participants of any study

Base our findings on a broader representation of the incel community including multiple definitions of incel identity (e.g., forum users and non-forum users, or people who only identify with the life circumstance).

Use a data driven approach to investiate potential avenues for understanding incel beliefs and behaviour and to help address the problems associated with such beliefs and behaviour.

Survey link: https://swanseachhs.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cHkwbiTtgaA3m6i

-------FREE ADS------- / Re: What ad can you see now?
« on: May 11, 2023, 04:58:28 PM »
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Other topics / Re: NO WAY!
« on: May 11, 2023, 04:22:03 AM »
Internet Gay likes ladyboys.
And one day I shared that I am a gay (I like ladyboys most) and he felt sick and left us.
from this post. ;)

-------FREE ADS------- / Re: What ad can you see now?
« on: May 11, 2023, 03:06:16 AM »
Seven Bedroom Residence
Ideal for Families, Wedding parties, Sports teams, Special occasions

Another, good, new example. I saw a Chad man in an expat group. I wodered what's his ratio genetics : personal efforts and I was thinking "The man probably plays some sports!" and he confirmed it:
 I used to play a lot back in the days, even as a pro for few seasons. Those days are gone, but I still love the game and can hit the ball a bit.
The name of the game? Volleyball.

So, for all those blackpilled, fatalistic, lazy, etc. incels: yes, we're not talking about that he's a Chad because of the volleyball! The only point here is that the man is what he is partly because of the volleyball. For example, if you play volleyball you'll get 5% better and if he didn't he'll be 1% worse... something around this degree.

I just mean that usually after the divorce they're searching for another one or just keeping it divorced but with orbiters, lovers, etc. Usually not a problem for them.

She said she will search for another husband... life on a tutorial mode. Life on tutorial mode is a meme concerning how easy it's for women to find a partner in the dating scene. ;D


 ;D ;D

-------FREE ADS------- / Re: What ad can you see now?
« on: May 03, 2023, 05:38:23 AM »
I don't understand it but it's with a pretty grapes photo: "Menanam Anggur di dalam

Other topics / Re: GUESS WHAT
« on: May 03, 2023, 04:11:53 AM »
Condolences... So, now value more the live ones around you because if you're lucky enough (not to die young) they'll die before you and you'll face the death of your grandpas, grandmas, mom and dad, uncles, aunts... this is the life. Oh, don't forget the pets. They usually die even earlier than most of us.

I had two divorced-with-a-kid girlfriends before. One from Europe and one from China. The common in the two cases was that at the beginning they didn't say they're divorced and with kids... and later they said it... They just use this trick: at the beginning they're telling you they're single and then, when you're falling more or less in love they will admit that they're not single + they're divorced + they have a child. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

-------FREE ADS------- / Hollywood ad for the first time in my life
« on: April 29, 2023, 03:23:15 AM »
A Hollywood ad for the first time in my life
Hollywood Inn
Suites Hotel
  :o I am just "Wow!"

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