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Messages - Incel

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Brocel and all of the rest dear brocels, allow me to add something precious from my inceldom which I could include above but I was afraid it's going to be a long post.

Years ago I met a gay who was honest to speak up the truth and said my frame is too small, he even went to details about shoulders, neck, etc. Thanks to him, for the first time, I started to notice how my "just martial arts + push ups"  isn't enough. And then I started to become a pro-athlete step by step. Recently I went sport-crazy and included heavy training (heavy weights), running, more MMA, pull ups, sit ups, expanders, handgrips,  step aerobics, simple yoga and others. It's an endless list of gymmaxxing, you got it.

My frame is still the same (I mean the bone structure is something you can't change with softmaxx, without syurgeries) but I added mass and I am leaner, more muscular, better looking and with great speed, moves, etc. I was sure I don't need to think about geomaxx. ;D Haha, what a naive mistake! I was pretty sure I am going anywhere and I am fit enough. I was fit enough when I was around southerners but I got the bad luck to move to an area where most of the people are from Henan! Oh, noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Even 80% of the females were with larger bones than me, 40% were taller than me. The Henan males without one elder dude and another one, were taller or around my height. Almost 99% were with better frames! Yes, I have no beer belly and I still look like a model next to all these dadbod males, but the females think of me as a midget. They will chose a tall, fat Henan Norman over me.
And brocel, keep in mind that:

A/ I am taller than you with at least one head above.

B/ I am with more masculine face, at least 20%+.

C/ I am gymmaxed, at least 50%+, I am not sure, you never showed up your body pics.

D/ I am more exotic because I'm nearly white (mayocel).

So, if I feel mogged and nobody sees me as a man around Henan people, how you think you'll be perceived around Westerners...?

Oh, man... oh... I remember how depressed was Libgen about his school problems. They were something like "The boys hated me and report me to the teacher." and "The girls gossip about it." (Sorry for the oversimplification.) That time we were like "OMG!  ::) This boy surely wouldn't survive if he was in a Western school!" because there you have to deal with gang fights, sometimes -- drugs, guns (or at least knives, brass knuckles, chains, bats...)

Really, instead of speaking over the dead body of an ex-party (which was destroyed as such by a new powerful boss) try to think how you'll survive when you go to edumaxx abroad. Let's say you're in Canada or the U.S. What's going on in these situations, brocel?

A/ You're reading after classes about the "standard deviation of the mean" or something else related to the psychometrics in some bar or park, wherever. And next to you are coming 2 duded and starting calling you a "nerd", a "Chink" and so on. They do it for fun. They want you to cry or in some cases they want to hurt you. In the worst cases they want to rape you, rob you. So, at that moment, would you think it's useful to tell them how anti-Chinese communist you are? Or you will think "F*ck! Why I didn't hit the gym and learn more fighting techniques while I was in Shanghai?"

B/ Let's say you survived that situation because you started to cry, to beg them to stop or some noble guy kicked their asses; or you just was magic fast to call the police and some policeman was nearby... whatever... you survived at least because the gang like dudes were in mood "Okay, leave this Asian loser alone because today I feel high and I love Jesus!"
Then you're meeting the GIRL OF YOUR DREAMS -- the most attractive, nice, pretty, serious and funny at the same time, which you only saw in some of the best mangas or in your dreams! And WHAT IF she is still single? You'll tell her: "Hello! I am anti-Chinese communist but I want to protect China!" (I want to ensure you, that it's 362817368173817381753871538 times better if your pickup line is about the "standard deviation of the mean".) The chance she want's to know something about the IQ (EQ, Love Q), is larger than the chance she to admire you about what a "great social justice anti-communist from China" you are.

Don't get me wrong! I am not saying everything is okay in China. That's why I am not going to live here. I am selling out all of my properties soon and as soon as possible I am going to geomaxx to the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia or East Timor. I don't want to protect the present rule that ruined the lives of so many Chinese and foreigners in China, brocel!!! I am so tired, so disappointed and so sad and I am leaving with sorrow!!!
But you're so wrong to keep thinking about the political situation instead to hit the best maxxings for you, brocel!

Tell me what she is going to like about you?

1. Politically educated?  Not related.
2. Learniing psychometrics. Well, okay, but who cares.
3. From China. Okay, but only if she is some Asia fan, K-pop fan or something similar. And still, most of the Western people can't think of China as something "Wow!". I am an outlier, I do love China.
4. Not tall. Oh, bad score!
5. Autist. Ups, another bad score.
6. Complaining about the politics in his country. Awwww... so boring!
7. Speaking good English. That's good, thanks God we can at least understand each other!

 And here comes the problem: how you'll compete with her others crushes, orbiters and so on. Even an average Melvin (3/10 - 4/10 western male) will be at least around your height and maybe with a better frame. What about the Chad-lites? And if there is a Chad? Huh? The things may get even more complicated if there is a Chang (another Asian or even exactly a Chinese guy) who did his "ascend homework"  :D better than you: he's not just tall, he's playing rugby, he's a bodybuilder and he's an owner of self-made vegan restaurant and a sushi bar. And he likes her too.

Aren't you going to feel very pity that while you were in Shanghai you at least didn't spend more time to upgrade your body and to save more time for learning business (instead learning political uselessness?)

Not going to lie you, your one-it-is girl will pick up an orbiter (Melvin-tier or Norman-tier) over you.

We, brocel, will never had this incel talk here if you were saying that you're moving to Vietnam, Taiwan or even Japan or Brazil... but you're heading to states like the US, Canada, Australia... if you don't gym-maxx and money-maxx, you're over there. And the pessimistic news is that even you ascend with some girl online who'll come to you (supposingly from Burma, Bhutan, South Africa, maybe?) what you'll do when she starts to notice all those Chads, Tyrones, Cnangs, Chadpreets around? Brocel, even the Normans around you will mog you (height mog, frame mog, capital mog probably)?...

Friendly reminder: leave all the political crap at once, save your life, 润 (run away) as soon as you can, but be ready: improve the body, improve the fighting skills, learn the locals habits, law system, subculture.

Very good decision! It's much better (even you're not a romantic person) to be honest. Not like that case, you know, "I am a Korean... I am no a Korean... what if I am half-Korean...", misleading things. Honesty is the best policy. See, there are often practical as well as moral reasons for being honest.

Other topics / Re: Ugh
« on: March 22, 2023, 03:39:03 AM »
The Russian grammar isn't easy even for the people who are native Slavic languages speakers.

Oh, thanks for noticing this. I realized we haven't anything about the Chads in the glossary, so I wrote some. Take a look: Chads. 8)



Chad -- the standard Chad. This word is universal and means all Chads but usually refers to a white male. If you want to specify the race of the Chad then there are these Chads:

1. Chdadpreet -- Indian Chad (also may be another from South Asia like from countries like: Nepal, Pakistan, etc.)
2. Chang -- East Asian Chad (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Mongolian, etc.)
3. Tyron or Tyrone -- African (or a handsome Black man all around the world) Chad.

Other topics / Re: Ugh
« on: March 18, 2023, 04:50:26 PM »
I suppose that it's more like "Alyona", so it will be "Алена" and if you want it to look 100% Russian you better use the "ё" letter, so I bet her name is "Алёна".

Of course but usually they are having sporty bodies and good reflexes so you're out of danger. 8) :)

The Chads, usually, do not beat girls. :)

Some popular Chads' memes:

1. Chad with Stacies (orbiters) and their orbiters (Melvins)

2. Chad and incel

Well, yes. I had the chance to befriend with 2 Chads before and here is what happened.

The first one was a GigaChad-tier: one of the tallest, strongest, very knowledge oriented at that time and martial arts expert. The friendship with this Chad made me more knowledgeable and more fit, better in some of his martial arts. So, from a 2.5/10 I became a 4.5/10 one. Later he got many girlfriends. During that period I got only one. But those other 2/10s, 3/10s and even the 5/10s around us didn't get any girlfriends, I mean they became real incels during that period. One of them is still an incel I think, another one is divorced, third one somehow got married (probably betabuxx marriage case; i guess)...

The second one was just a Chad-tier: comparatively tall, one of the strongest, comparatively knowledgeable, doing one single martial art and playing music. The friendship with him made me also more knowledgeable than before, more skillful than before, more art-maxxed and kept fit. At that period he couldn't get a girlfriend (because he had a bad minn- problem which was a light mental disorder), only once he had a kiss with one from another town. Me, even being shorter, weaker, less handsome, got 2 serious girlfriends during this period and a short relationship.

So, believe it or not, the maxxing works well and you, even an incel or a nearcel, may get some chadness and be at least a bit chadish if you do all those useful actions and having the good habits.

Other topics / Re: Ugh
« on: March 15, 2023, 09:09:40 PM »
There were days when we had eight per day. Five is just like chilling out. :)

And that's why you're an incel.
Too picky.

Oh, no! :-X Another That's why you're an incel. You really think the life and the love are so simple? I sent a wrong photo -- that's why I am an incel (even when I don't send any photos?!) Someone is just saying that he/she doesn't like you 10/10 much and then "Oh~ that's why you're an incel.' (even if he's okay with a 3/10 girl?!) Come on. Life and love are really more than "just it".

And to show you that I'm not mean to you but really want to give you a piece of mind (honest criticism which may help you to learn about the life&love thing.)

  • Usually there are ">1" (more than 1; greater than 1) reasons for being an incel.
  • We're incels not because of a wrong photo or too picky, we're incels because we're ugly, poor and, probably, in the wrong place.
  • Even we may disagree with you, you're welcome because you're helping us somehow to have a sort of reality check.

And before some incels to say: "If you're a Chad it doesn't matter because they'll say that Chad being needy is attractive or being cocky is attractive too." I'd like to remind them that most of the people aren't Chads and here we're talking about the majority of the cases. :)

I guess the best is to keep it "not too needy" but to avoid being dishonest.

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