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Messages - Incel

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Sorry to hear that. But as far as it may be just a man who pretends to be a female, does it matter? Just don't show your face and you're okay when you're dealing with these online activities to cope with the tragic inceldom.

Someone without nose or with three ears and so on. A truecel isn't something that you can see every day. That's why many people (including incels themselves) would call a "fakecel" everyone who is having decent face as you.

The winter/cold periods are really heavy...

Ontopic: if this is your ugliest photo than you're one of the handsome boys in China. If you're not very short you don't have a big looks issue (like me, for example. I am almost 50% bald, I got some little wrinkles and I have some white beard. Almost nobody is going to like me compared to you but I do gymmaxx and healthmaxx (edumaxx as usual) so I hope there will be more luck for me later.)

Many of us are more and more poor in China and we can't afford to pay VPNs (that will cost us at least 5 to 6 dinners) and also sometimes the police may check if you use this and you'll be in trouble. So for the time being in China, better not to play this game because it doesn't worth it. Once you're capable to be abroad you'll be able (in most of the countries) to visit most of the websites without VPNs.

But still, there is a way, legal, without VPN to see websites that are limited in China. For example, this photo link you can see from different geolocations: https://geopeeker.com/fetch/?url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/972439464699916328/986398878041534525/unknown.png

The greed, the laziness, the selfishness... there is a lot in common.

Social network | SEO - Social network / Re: Racism in history
« on: December 20, 2022, 07:35:07 PM »
There are a lot of racists nowadays too. In some online forums is full of racism.

Hypergamy -- when females want and do marry to higher status males. Good topic for more info: the hypergamy.

And, to add this, "based" probably related with the "biased" -- often many of the incels (especially the blackpillers and the low IQcel) are called "biased" (unfairly prejudiced for or against someone or something) and as a reaction to this, many incels started to use (overuse) "based". ;D

It's not that complicated to understand but there are people who can't get it or at least think of it in a wrong way. For example that brocel who said "hypergamy always wins, nonchads lose"... Bro, hypergamy is not only about the looks. Many females are just leaving the poor man for a rich man. This is the main hypergamy - from a lower social status to an upper social status.

She isn't an incel, she just likes to learn and participates in many topics here. :) Also she writes good homeworks like that physics related about the time. 8)

But she said she's not dating now so she can be considered as a volcel (voluntary celibate) which is okay because when people are young they can afford to focus on their study and other development more (exactly as she does, for example with the calligraphy currently).

So, in this case we're talking about a pure and healthy (for her) volceldom. 8) (She is smart and pretty enough and she can find a boy-friend instantly but why to be in hurry? The females usually have no problem to have a boyfriend in any age; it's never late for them, so she did it right -- first study and develop and when she is ready, she can have almost every male she likes. I bet her parents think the same if they're responsible people.)

As a conclusion, I saw many low IQcels and psychocels like this one but this Mazzuro is (so far) the worst one. I hope there will be more people to know him and (no matter males or females) not to interact with him and just let him to rot and rest in peace. It's just a useless creation (which may be harmful if spreading his stupidity, blackpillism and other discouraging ideas which prevent the normal incels to ascend).

Awesome, but who asked? I don't give a fuck what you do in this circlejerk of yours. Seems like you have a weird need of appearing as better than me, I wonder why.

Because you know, happy people don't need to do shit like that.

1. You're reading here (you can't deny, especially after you comment in your PMs things that were posted only here ;D), so stop pretending that you're not reading. Just don't be such a little coward and man up a bit, register and come here to show your low IQ. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
2. I don't need to be a better than some psychocel like you --- you're a nobody compared to me: no degree (I am with a university major), no sport skills (I am doing lots of sports and I am stronger and faster than you, wish I could prove it face-to-face soon!), no logic (obviously not able to discuss a normal thing and proof in a decent manner), no right attitude (just a blackpilled cult follower, lacking ability to see the other pills and the meta!)... Everyone is better than you, because you're just a bottom level incel!
3. If I am not happy than you're a terrible mess leveled. Losercel.

Low IQcel (pl. Low IQcels) are incels who're not well educated, lazy to learn and understand and so on. A fresh example is this hatecel.

Yes, yes. ;D Now he's crying in PMs there like
Why would I even try?
He is completely lost... even lost his words already... only some single words, hardly connected to a sentence. A cry baby... forget about him.

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