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Messages - Incel

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Psychology / Rejection #26
« on: May 22, 2023, 12:04:05 AM »
Rejection #26

This is the next one of many ghosted type rejections (but I'm going to share about them all because they're part of the 500 rejections).

So, it's about a "低端小气下档次" (故作的坚强、虚伪的力量。). For a long time she didn't send any message. I sent her some:

8:03:58 PM
3:45:51 PM
2:41:56 PM
Happy Valentine's Day! (情人节快乐!)
8:29:37 AM
(A happy birthday virtual greeting.)
4:25:26 PM

Years of fruitless "communication".  Well, really it's what I call 100% ghosted and I had to delete this QQ contact too.

Other topics / Re: Letters & Numbers; Numbers & Letters
« on: May 22, 2023, 12:01:24 AM »

Psychology / Rejection #25
« on: May 21, 2023, 08:02:57 PM »
Rejection #25

A very simple (to describe) one. There was that Stacylite girl that I meet often when I go to do some running. And I said to her "Hello" many times, tried to say something more polite like "Good evening!" and even to make some small conversation but she just passes and even didn't say something like "Hi!" or "No." Acting like a mute person (but I am sure she's not a mute one because I heard her talking several times, to others). Sad.

-------FREE ADS------- / Re: What ad can you see now?
« on: May 20, 2023, 12:35:29 AM »
I see this ad:

Other topics / Many hands make light work
« on: May 20, 2023, 12:11:02 AM »

Many hands make light work

Many hands make light work. It means that a task is soon accomplished if several people help.

Other topics / Re: Chat Online With Girls
« on: May 20, 2023, 12:09:48 AM »
I do. I do chat with some girls online.

Other topics / Re: Do you have a plan for the future?
« on: May 20, 2023, 12:04:27 AM »
Well, yes. Right now I'm not quite sure about the plan's details but the general plan is ready. A SEAmaxx plan.

其它信息 / 别问我是谁
« on: May 19, 2023, 10:53:30 PM »


别问我是谁我只是你人生中的一个过客。。。。。。  ;D


Are you a truecel (a real incel)?


There are fake incels, a.k.a. fakecels. They pretend to be true incels (a.k.a. truecels) but they're not really incels. They're at worst incelish people (a.k.a. nearcels). Here is a test, a very simple test. If you're a truecel even the money can't help you to ascend (or even to have a sort of date). And I am not talking about escortcels or escortceling! (And does escortceling count as ascension? I can't make up my mind 100% "yes" or 100% no now. It's not the point tho.)
So, you just type something like this example here:

"I'm feeling so lonely... Is there someone who'd like to spend some time with me: we can rent a room, have some drinks, play something, and so on. I even can pay you some money like 200."

And then, if there is some (who isn't an escort) to agree with it, well you're not a truecel. But if there is nobody for you, you're a truecel and you should do ton of maxx to improve your chance for a normal ascension (no escorts).

And this is giving me an idea. (I mean that part that said "I suggest to pay some money but still, 'cause I'm an incel.") Let me try it.

-------FREE ADS------- / Re: What ad can you see now?
« on: May 19, 2023, 06:42:09 PM »
Discover Crank Storyboard
Use Crank Storyboard to accelerate tomorrows GUI experiences
This was the one that I saw.

-------FREE ADS------- / Re: What ad can you see now?
« on: May 19, 2023, 04:18:51 AM »
A Korean ad: "어널로이드(UNALLOYED)
브랜드 어널로이드 공식 사이트
카카오 채널 추가시 10% 할인 쿠폰 즉시 발급" 8)

Other topics / Re: Game "Guess the language"
« on: May 19, 2023, 04:18:16 AM »
Ahahahahaha, it's funny because she said it takes like forever for us to answer but when you're asking her she's not answering.

I'll answer instead. It's Korean. It means "In another country."

Other topics / Re: Letters & Numbers; Numbers & Letters
« on: May 19, 2023, 04:15:38 AM »

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